Chapter 97

Zhang Yang used his ghostly eyes to see clearly the middle of the half-hole above his head, where there was a stone beam hanging in mid-air.

Looking from below, I can see that the stone beam is thin and long, protruding from the cliff, just extending to hang above the cave.

The most important thing is that at the end of the stone beam, there is a huge piece of wood.

And the diameter of this log is more than two meters, like the winter vacation of the trunk of a big tree.

It seems that this section was cut off directly, without any processing, the branches and forks on the trunk are still there, and there are even a lot of green leaves growing.

And there are more than a dozen large iron chains tied to the tree trunk, looking at it with a gloomy chill.

What's even more strange is that a huge green flower grows on this piece of wood.

The size of the flower is like a big bucket, with a small mouth and a thick belly, the petals are rolled together, the whole body is emerald green, and there are a large blood-red leaves on each side.

From here, I didn't look at it online, but it felt as if the whole flower completely wrapped the broken wood.

It seems that this is the coffin of the exquisite queen.

And that flower is the rumored corpse-fragrant konjac.

That broken piece of wood is the Kunlun Sacred Tree.

"Mr. Zhang, what are you looking at?"

At this time, Hu Bayi also raised his head very curiously, and held up the searchlight in his hand to shine in the direction of the top of his head.

"Sir, then, is that a piece of wood?"

Hu Bayi spoke in surprise.

"That's the Kunlun Sacred Tree."

Zhang Yang said calmly.

"Kunlun Sacred Tree? How is this possible?"

Hu Bayi had an unbelievable expression on his face.

"What Kunlun Sacred Tree?"

At this time, Wang Kaixuan also walked over and looked up.


"What is this thing? How did it grow on the mountainside?"

"Fatty, don't babble if you don't understand."

Hu Bayi glanced at Wang Kaixuan coldly.

"Mr. Zhang, what did you just say about the Kunlun Sacred Tree?"

Wang Kaixuan looked directly at Zhang Yang who was beside him attentively.

Then Zhang Yang slowly opened his mouth and said:

"The best material for this coffin, apart from the heart of the gloomy wood, is the top-quality wood recorded in this ancient book—Kunlun Shenmu."

"According to ancient books, it is said that even if there is only one section of Kunlun Shenmu, it will not dry up without soil, water and sunlight.

Although it no longer grows, it always maintains its original appearance, and it will not change for tens of thousands of years.

If the corpse is stored in the Kunlun Shenmu, the corpse can be preserved for thousands of years, and it will always maintain the state before death. "

Hearing what Zhang Yang said, Wang Kaixuan was surprised and said:

"Then, isn't this thing very valuable?"

As soon as money was mentioned, Wang Kaixuan's eyes lit up with golden light.

If you can get some back, you will make a fortune by then.

"Fat man."

Hu Bayi gave Wang Kaixuan a wink again.

"Ouch, Hu, it's all right."

Wang Kaixuan said with a smile:

"Mr. Zhang is all his own, it doesn't matter."

Said Wang Kaixuan winked at Hu Bayi.

Wang Kaixuan could tell that Zhang Yang was not interested in money at all.

It seems.

Regarding money as something outside of the body, Zhang Yang is definitely a model among the models.

"Mr. Zhang, tell me, is the body of the Queen Jingjue hidden in the Kunlun Sacred Tree?"

Hu Bayi couldn't help asking.


Zhang Yang nodded.

"That is the coffin of Queen Jingjue."

Hearing this, Wang Kaixuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"I go."

"I didn't expect that this exquisite queen is really powerful. She enjoyed the glory and wealth during her lifetime, and she will keep her body intact after death."

While speaking, Wang Kaixuan glanced fiercely at the one above his head.

"Mr. Zhang, what is that big taro tree used for?"

"Could it be possible to use the body of the exquisite queen as a flower fertilizer?"

Speaking of Wang Kaixuan, he couldn't help laughing in a low voice.

"That's corpse-flavored konjac."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth to explain again.

"What is corpse-flavored konjac? I've never heard of it."

Wang Kaixuan shook his head.

"The corpse-scented konjac usually grows in ancient tombs, and only in extremely shady places can such a strange flower grow.

It is said that this flower can keep the corpse from decomposing, and it can also make the corpse emit bursts of fragrance, which is extremely precious and rare. "

"What the hell?"

"It can also make the corpse emit a scent, are you sure it's not a corpse smell?"

Wang Kaixuan spoke again curiously.

Hu Bayi said in amazement:

"I didn't expect that in the mountainside of Mount Zagrama, there is no photosynthesis, and plants can grow, and such dazzling and strange flowers can be bloomed. This seems to be very consistent with the strange aura of this exquisite queen. .”

Zhang Yang was about to speak when suddenly footsteps came from behind him.

It was Shirley Yang who brought Professor Chen and others over.

"Mr. Zhang, did you find anything?"

Shirley Yang took two quick steps forward.

Zhang Yang pointed to the bottomless black hole under his feet and said:
"This should be the rumored 'ghost cave'."


Professor Chen quickly took two steps forward with an excited face.

"Ghost cave?"

"Is this really the rumored ghost cave?"

Perhaps because he was too excited, Professor Chen strode forward two steps, raised the lighting equipment in his hand, and looked towards the abyss below.

It's just that when the searchlight shines down, the depth is still bottomless, and it can only illuminate a small area.

Can't see anything, it's all black.

And at the bottom of the dark hole, there is a "huhu" gust of wind, which is chilly and makes people feel creepy.

Especially after staring at the black hole for a long time, I only felt a huge and dark oppression hit my heart.

Suddenly, Professor Chen's eyes were dull, and he was about to jump down into the abyss when he was talking.

"Professor Chen."

Everyone was frightened by Professor Chen's sudden behavior.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang on the side quickly grabbed the backpack behind Professor Chen, and pulled him back vigorously.

"Professor Chen, are you okay?"

Everyone stepped forward with concern, and supported Professor Chen.

"Everyone back away, don't get too close here."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth and gestured.

Everyone was also frightened, and quickly supported Professor Chen to retreat to a safe area.

"Me, what happened to me just now?"

At this time, Professor Chen slowly came back to his senses, but at this time his ankle was sprained, and it looked slightly red and swollen.

"Professor Chen, why did you jump into that ghost hole just now?"

Ye Yixin was quite frightened.

"Me, did I just now?"

At this time, Professor Chen didn't remember what happened just now, and looked at everyone in surprise.

"Professor Chen, you don't remember anything, do you?"

Chu Jian spoke cautiously.

"Should I remember something?"

Professor Chen was still in a dazed state.

"Mr. Zhang, Professor Chen?"

Shirley Yang looked at Zhang Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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