Chapter 99 The Modern Version of 'Resident Evil'

As he slowly approached the coffin, Zhang Yang could feel the powerful oppressive aura coming from the coffin.

It was like an electric current, continuously rotating and operating around the coffin.

Zhang Yang instantly opened his ghost eyes.

At this time, it was discovered that those rotating current-like things turned out to be magnetic fields.

It is a very powerful magnetic field, which seems to be much stronger than the magnetic field in the magnetic mountain.

Because in a trance, he can still see the scene of sparks flying.

Is there a magnetic mountain here?
Or is it a magnet again?
Zhang Yang subconsciously looked at the surrounding stone walls, they were all cliffs, and he couldn't see anything.

At this time, Zhang Yang's heart was also at a loss, and he felt that something was going to happen here.

This is similar to Hu Bayi's feeling before.

It seems that weird things that should happen here will still happen.

Just when Zhang Yang raised his foot and was about to continue walking forward, he suddenly heard Wang Kaixuan's voice.

"Sa Dipeng, Chu Jian, what are you two doing?"

Zhang Yang turned his head to look, only to find that Sa Dipeng and Chu Jian were holding each other's head and wrestling together.

what's the situation?
Zhang Yang was slightly taken aback.

"Xiao Sa, Xiao Chu, what are you doing?"

Professor Chen was also taken aback, and stretched out his hand to separate the two.

But after all, the two of them are young and strong young men, how could Professor Chen, an old bone, be able to move the two of them.

He staggered and was pulled to the ground.

"Professor Chen."

Ye Yixin anxiously reached out to help Professor Chen who was on the ground.

Hao Aiguo, who was on the side, was out of breath for a moment, and stretched out his hand to slap Sa Dipeng and Chu Jian loudly.

"What are you crazy about?"

Unexpectedly, the two suddenly let go of their grips, turned around and looked at Hao Aiguo fiercely, with very strange smiles on their faces.

"not good."

Zhang Yang suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Those two suddenly pushed Hao Aiguo directly into the endless abyss behind him.


Apart from Hao Aiguo's tragic voice, nothing else could be seen.

Everyone present was stunned by this weird scene.

No one expected that the well-behaved and obedient Sa Dipeng and Chu Jian would push their teacher Hao Aiguo into the abyss with their own hands.

This is completely beyond everyone's expectations.

When everyone was still in shock, Zhang Yang suddenly looked at Wang Kaixuan who was dumbfounded and said:
"Fatty, quickly take the black donkey's hoof and bite them in their mouths."

Only then did everyone realize that something had happened.


Wang Kaixuan hurriedly took out the black donkey's hoof from his backpack, and was about to stuff it into Chu Jian's mouth.

But that Chu Jian seemed to have gone crazy, he reached out and knocked off the black donkey's hoof.

Then he attacked Wang Kaixuan fiercely.

After all, Wang Kaixuan reached out a little bit, kicked the opponent, and sent the opponent flying to the ground.

Seeing this, Sa Dipeng on the side also attacked Wang Kaixuan.

Wang Kaixuan picked up the military shovel on the side, and directly hit Nasa Dipeng heavily on the right side of his brain.

Immediately, the blood was direct, and the whole person fainted on the ground in an instant.

"Fatty, what are you doing?"

At this time, Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang had already rushed back.

Seeing Wang Kaixuan's brutal actions, Hu Bayi was also taken aback.

After Hu Bayi's actions, Wang Kaixuan gave a jolt, and he woke up instantly.

Finding that the military shovel in his hand was covered with red quickness, he was so frightened that he threw it on the ground, raised his hands and said:
"Not me, not me."

Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang stepped forward quickly, first inspected Sa Dipeng's condition, and then simply treated the wound on his brain to stop the bleeding.

Then he went to look at Chu Jian who lay on the ground for a long time without moving.

"What's the matter? Are you lying still?"

Hu Bayi was worried from the bottom of his heart, and went to pull Chu Jian's body behind him.

"Don't touch him."

Suddenly Zhang Yang's voice came, and Hu Ba was so frightened that he heard it for a moment, and subconsciously raised his hands.

Zhang Yang quickly walked down from above and returned here.

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter?"

Hu Bayi looked at Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang looked down at Chu Jian who was lying motionless on the ground, and stretched out his hand to signal the crowd:
"Everyone stand back."

When everyone heard this, they immediately realized that something might be wrong.

Wang Kaixuan stretched out his hand to support the injured Sa Dipeng, Hu Bayi and Ye Yixin helped Professor Chen, who was almost fainted, and quickly retreated several meters away.

Only Shirley Yang stood not far away.

It seemed that she really wanted to see what happened to Chu Jian.


For some reason, seeing Chu Jian like this, Shirley Yang felt the hairs all over her body stand up.

I saw Zhang Yang hopping and slowly approaching Chu Jian.

Pausing at a distance of one centimeter from the opponent, he reached out and hooked Chu Jian's arm on the ground.

Unexpectedly, the arm still responded, and the fingers trembled slightly a few times.

It seems that there is still breath, but I am afraid it is suspended.

Zhang Yang knew from the bottom of his heart that he had saved Hao Aiguo's life by using his prophetic ability.

Originally thought that he would not have to die, but he did not expect that he would die here in the end.

It seems that all this is God's will.

Chu Jian and Nasa Dipeng also died here.

I'm afraid it's God's will.

Suddenly, Zhang Yang exerted a strong force.

In an instant, Chu Jian was turned over.

I saw that Chu Jian's entire face was covered with black bloodshots, from the neck to the whole face.

The eyeballs rolled up, glowing white.

The thin lips were pitch black, as if poisoned.

"Oh my God."

Shirley Yang leaned a little closer, and naturally saw it, and was so frightened that she subconsciously held her thin lips behind her.

This was the first time she had seen such a terrifying picture.

"Mr. Zhang, he, he, what is he?"

Shirley Yang subconsciously looked at Zhang Yang, whose face remained unchanged.

Zhang Yang glanced at Chu Jian coldly, and then looked at the ghostly words beside him.

After a closer look, I found that there were thousands of tiny white bugs attached to the ghost hole text.

It's about the same size as a dust particle.

If it is an ordinary person, it will only be regarded as dust.

But it seems different to Zhang Yang who has ghostly eyes.

Those white bugs wriggled slowly, looking at it made one's scalp tingle.

"System, what the hell is this?"

Zhang Yang had never seen it, let alone heard of it, so he asked the system directly.

The sound of the system sounded slowly.

[Ding, attention to the host, this is the white dust bug of 2000, the murderer of Konjac Konjac.

Once it is absorbed into the body, and then smells the special fragrance emitted by the corpse-scented konjac, it will show symptoms of poisoning all over the body.

Afterwards, the entire nerve endings will be controlled by white dust worms, turning them into unconscious zombies.

He will kill all living creatures without leaving any room, and look for opportunities to kill those of us who disturb the queen's rest. 】

White dust bugs?
This is the first time Zhang Yang has heard of this thing.

This is the modern version of 'Resident Evil'.

It seems that this Queen Jingjue is not only powerful, but also a master at using poison.

(End of this chapter)

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