Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 1 The Emperor's Wheel Chapter!

Chapter 1 The Emperor's Reincarnation!

Chapter 1 The Emperor's Reincarnation!
Tianlong Continent, Zhenwu Dynasty, Dragon Spirit City!
To the east of Longling City, the Qin family!

On the bed, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy with handsome facial features was lying motionless on the bed.

"Young Patriarch has been in a coma for two years, and I don't know when he will wake up."

"I heard from the third elder that the young Patriarch may not be able to wake up in the future."

"Shh, keep your voice down, if these words fall into the ears of the Patriarch, be careful to be punished by the clan rules!"

After cleaning the house, the maidservants looked at the young man who had been in a coma for two years, discussed softly and left.

hold head high!
After half a quarter of an hour, a vast and long dragon chant suddenly resounded in the house.

Immediately afterwards, a golden dragon shadow appeared from the void without warning, and melted into the boy's eyebrows like lightning.

The next moment, the boy who had been sleeping in a coma suddenly opened his eyes.

In his pupils, a golden dragon shadow danced and leaped, lingering for a long time.

"I didn't expect that the elixir of reincarnation would actually reincarnate me."

As if waking up from a big dream, Qin Yu half sat up and looked at the immature face in the bronze mirror in front of him.

Qin Yu was originally the great emperor of the Tianyu generation, named Dragon God Emperor Zun, who shocked the world and avoided taboos from gods and demons.

But in the restricted area of ​​Tianyu, while exploring the burial ground of immortals and gods, Qin Yu was assassinated by his best brother, Kuanglong Emperor Zun Xingluo and the Twelve Ancient Emperors.

Under the siege of the thirteen emperors and ancient emperors, even though Qin Yu's fighting power was overwhelming, he still died with hatred.

But neither the Kuanglong Emperor nor the Twelve Ancient Emperors knew that Qin Yu had obtained an elixir of reincarnation in the past.

Because of this, although Qin Yu's body was destroyed, his soul was reborn after thousands of years of reincarnation!

"Xing Luo, Twelve Ancient Emperors, you have to live well for me!"

Qin Yu clenched his fists, and there was a murderous intent in his eyes.

When he was plotted against and besieged back then, sooner or later he would return to Tianyu and demand it back with his own hands!

But soon, Qin Yu suppressed the killing intent in his eyes.

Wanting to return to Tianyu and return to the position of Emperor Venerable is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

"Now, you have to restore your cultivation first, and take back your martial arteries."

In Qin Yu's life, he was originally a genius.

He entered martial arts at the age of eight, awakened the ninth-grade martial arteries at the age of nine, absorbed spirits and quenched his body at the age of ten, advanced to the real martial arts at the age of 11, entered the Xuanwu realm at the age of 12, and reached the half-step martial arts at the age of 13.

At that time, Qin Yu was hailed as a rare genius in hundreds of years, famous in several Wu counties!
But unfortunately, at the age of 14.

When Qin Yu was helping his childhood sweetheart, Xue Yutong, to awaken his martial arts, he was plotted against by Xue Yutong, resulting in the seizure of his martial arts, and his cultivation was exhausted.

Although Qin Yu was lucky enough to escape with his life, he was poisoned by Mie Hun San and fell into a coma for two years.

If it wasn't for the gradual awakening of his soul from the previous life during this period, he would have died long ago.


At this time, the door was pushed open, and a middle-aged man in a black robe walked in.

"Xiao Yu?! You..."

Seeing the awakened Qin Yu, the middle-aged man paused and froze in a daze.

"Second uncle!"

This middle-aged man is Qin Yu's second uncle in this life, and also the head of the Qin family, Qin Tianhu!

"Xiao Yu, you're really awake!? That's great!!"

Hearing Qin Yu's voice, Qin Tianhu came back to his senses, so excited that he almost wept with joy.

"Second uncle, don't worry, I'm fine."

Qin Yu has never met his parents since he was a child. It is said that he was carried back to the Qin family by his father when he was a baby.

Since then, his father has left the Qin family, and his mother has never even met the Qin family.

In Qin Yu's memory, it was his second uncle Qin Tianhu who was closest to him.

"Just wake up, by the way, Xiao Yu, what happened back then? How did you lose your soul, and even your martial arteries disappeared? Did the Xue family do it?"

After careful inspection and confirming that Qin Yu was in good health, Qin Tianhu asked the question that had been in his mind for two years.

"I'll settle this matter myself."

Qin Yu did not tell Qin Tianhu the inside story.

"It seems that the Xue family really did it!"

"Xue Luoyu, that despicable and shameless white-eyed wolf, has he forgotten that they would have been wiped out by the Ma family when they came to Longling City long ago if the elder brother hadn't made the move?"

"Now you are actually ungrateful and took away your martial art!"

Qin Tianhu's voice was cold and murderous, Qin Yu's reaction undoubtedly told him the answer.

Two years ago, he suspected that Qin Yu's poisoning and the disappearance of his martial arteries had something to do with the Xue family.

After all, shortly after Qin Yu was poisoned, the Xue family announced that Xue Yutong had also awakened the ninth-rank martial arteries.

And with Xue Yutong's original talent, it is absolutely impossible to awaken the ninth-rank martial arteries.

Otherwise, there is no need for Qin Yu to help guide the awakening.

"Second uncle, what is Xue Yutong's cultivation level now?"

Xue Yutong took away his martial arteries and practiced for another two years, his cultivation should not be weak anymore.

"Half a year ago, Xue's family put on a big celebration wine. Xue Yutong's cultivation has already advanced to the Earth Martial Realm."

Qin Tianhu's face became more and more cold.

In the whole process of cultivation, the body is first tempered, followed by the real martial arts state, the Xuanwu state, the earth martial arts state, and the heavenly martial state. Each state is divided into nine ranks.

At the age of 15, Xue Yutong's reputation as a genius is just like Qin Yu's once.

"Earth Martial Realm, heh!"

Qin Yu smiled lightly, the Earth Martial Realm was placed in Longling City, and he was indeed considered a top expert.

But in his eyes, it is just one of the five basic realms, nothing to be afraid of.

"There is another news. One month later, the Royal Academy will come to the city to recruit students. It is said that this time, it is specially for Xue Yutong."

Qin Tianhu hesitated slightly before speaking.

He was afraid that Qin Yu would be stimulated because of this. After all, entering the Royal Holy Academy had always been Qin Yu's goal.

"Is it the royal sanctuary?"

Qin Yu's eyes flickered slightly.

The Royal Holy Academy was founded by the royal family of the Zhenwu Dynasty. It has a history of thousands of years, and there have been countless geniuses and strong men who are famous all over the world.

It can even be said that in the Zhenwu Dynasty, being able to enter the Royal Holy Academy to practice means reaching the sky in one step.

Qin Yu didn't care about the enrollment of the Royal Holy Academy.

It's just that if Xue Yutong is allowed to enter the Royal Holy Academy, then he will have to spend a lot of time to regain his martial arts.

"A month's time should be enough to cultivate to the point where you can deal with the Earth Martial Realm."

Qin Yu thought to himself.

If anyone knew what he was thinking, he would definitely think that his brain was broken.

One must know that even Qin Tianhu, who is the Patriarch of the Qin family, is only at the eighth rank Earth Martial Realm.

Qin Yu wants to reach the point where he can deal with the Earth Martial Realm within a month, not just talking about dreams.

After chatting for a while, Qin Tianhu told Qin Yu to cultivate well, got up and left.

But after Qin Tianhu left, Qin Yu immediately sat cross-legged, making seals with both hands, and stared deeply.


Qin Yu thought about it.

In the sea of ​​souls, a golden light flashed, and a golden dragon appeared, turning into a golden dragon head ancient seal.

This dragon head ancient seal is called Dragon God Ancient Seal!
This is Qin Yu's previous life, which was refined with the body of an ancient immortal dragon in an ancient immortal ruins.

The ancient seal of the dragon god contains the power of the ancient god dragon, which can suppress all dragon blood in the world.

When Qin Yu was besieged by Xing Luo and others, when he fell, he exiled the ancient seal of the Dragon God in the endless void in order to prevent the ancient seal of the Dragon God from falling behind Xing Luo and the others.

Previously, Qin Yu's soul was successfully reincarnated and awakened, and the ancient seal of the Dragon God was summoned into his body.

 PS: In this book, the strong man is reborn, the protagonist acts with only one purpose, to be tyrannical and invincible!Don't spray if you don't like it, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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