Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 1016 Tianyuan beast, die!

Chapter 1016 Tianyuan beast, die!
Chapter [-] Tianyuan beast, die!

Such a strong barrier was so easily cracked by someone's palm.

If it wasn't for making sure that everyone was extremely sober, they would even want to slap themselves.

To make sure that he has not woken up yet.

That's why I saw such a mysterious scene.

Simply incredible.

How could there be such a powerful person in this world.

He can easily slap such a powerful barrier with a few cracks.

But what happened next shocked them most.

As if feeling that something was not enough, Qin Yu raised his hand again.

With that flimsy palm that seems to have almost no power.

It's just a tiny touch away.

At this moment, a roar suddenly came out, wanting Qin Yu to stop.

However, since Qin Yu's actions had already been made, it was impossible to take them back.

When the sound fell, the barrier had already shattered.

After all, the Tianyuan Beast is also a beast.

Although he was shocked by the powerful strength, he was also clear about it.

Escaping is the best option now.

And there are so many fresh flesh and blood around, all of which are great supplements for him.

If he devours all of these people, his strength will definitely be improved to a higher level.

And it can also be a good revenge.

A generation of immortal beasts raised by him dignifiedly had fallen to such a state.

If it wasn't for this incident, it would be a little sudden.

A powerful person suddenly appeared and helped him break the barrier.

He didn't know how long he would be besieged before he could completely break free.

All the people went from being nasty at the beginning to panicking now.

Although they like to see others duel, they definitely don't like to be a part of it.

Only a small number of people have participated in the arena and won, and most people have absolutely no self-confidence.

To face such a powerful Tianyuan beast.

If they really faced such a powerful Tianyuan beast, all of them would surely die.

Under the choice of life and death, those with a little strength panicked and wanted to escape.

Seeing that the crowd is about to disperse in the shape of birds and beasts.

However, Tian Yuan Beast focused on Qin Yu who was the closest to him and also the one who loved him the most.

Once the shackles are untied, self-confidence expands more and more.

So much so that until now, he has even set his mind on Qin Yu, completely forgetting how timid he was just now.

Because of this swell of confidence, he didn't attack the people around him immediately.

Those people together are no match for Qin Yu in his eyes.

Why bother to do those thankless things.

The strong man who yelled will also be pale.

The Tianyuanshou Beast was captured alive by him and countless strong men together.

Breaking free now, he alone is absolutely unable to control it.

Originally, it was enough to have him alone under the restraints.

But now this bondage has been broken.

What's the use of just relying on the chain on the Tianyuan Beast.

Almost nothing!
However, from the beginning to the end, even if he was targeted by such a powerful existence, Qin Yu did not change at all.

It's just that the foot that was about to step out was slowly retracted.

Under the gaze of Tian Yuan Beast, not only did he not run away.

Moreover, he stood in front of the Tianyuan Beast again.

"The last guy whose strength is almost the same as yours has become the soul of my subordinates. Do you want to try it?"

"If you want to try, I will never stop it."

It was inevitable that everyone felt some sense of absurdity in their hearts.

How could someone say such words to Tian Yuan Beast with such a calm attitude.

He didn't even worry that he would be swallowed by such a behemoth in one bite.

But not long before coming here, he still had the life of a nine-headed python in his hand.

This beast looks like a leopard but not a leopard, like a tiger but not a tiger.

In his eyes, it was a slightly stronger existence.

It is not an absolute threat to him.

If he wanted to get rid of it, it would be a very easy task.

Far from being as difficult as it might seem.

The Tianyuan Beast inevitably felt a little frightened.

But after all, I want to improve my strength, and I also have a desire for flesh and blood.

Totally above and beyond.

There was a trace of red in the eyes, and there was no reason at all.

Roaring and sprinting directly.

The reason why Tian Yuan Beast is so powerful is because it is difficult to find any weaknesses in him.

Although Qin Yu found and seized that weakness just now.

But after all, it has heavy protection.

If it is really difficult to be caught during the battle.

But although the speed of Tianyuan Beast is as fast as lightning, Qin Yu can only go faster and stay dumbfounded for a while.

Everyone saw only an afterimage, and Qin Yu appeared beside Tian Yuan Beast.

However, no matter how hard the Tianyuan Beast struggled, it could only shrink back sickly.

The weakness was once again held by Qin Yu.

This time things settled down so quickly.

Even the extremely powerful and powerful man who originally wanted to make a move has not had time to do so.

Even if he made a move, he knew very well that he was not sure of victory.

So this time, seeing Qin Yu's easy victory and return, his heart was naturally complicated.

On the one hand, looking at such a powerful back made me feel emotional.

But on the other hand, there is unspeakable sadness.

With such a powerful person, what capital does he have.

Even if I go out, I feel that the taste in my heart is not so good.

Isn't he usually complimented once he goes out?

But in terms of strength and qualifications, it seems that there is no way to compare with this young man who suddenly appeared.

The only thing that made him feel good was that he had never heard of this young man's name.

If it is not someone who has no backing at all, it is from other places.

But that also means that he is not familiar with the place of life, and there is no backer here.

There is no one to rely on.

Qin Yu suddenly took such a swift action to solve all the troubles.

Surprised everyone.

But what surprised them even more was that the Tianyuan Beast had no ability to fight back at all.

The successive changes have left them without any extra emotions.

In an instant, the chaos where everyone was running away came to an abrupt end as if someone had pressed the pause button.

Since the source of this matter has been extinguished.

All crises are completely dissipated without saying a word.

Then they had nothing to say about this matter, and each of them became quiet again.

Recalling the way I ran around in such a mess just now, I can't help but feel a little embarrassed.

This time it's a big shame.

Only Qin Yu has always maintained that calm attitude since his appearance.

Even after doing such an earth-shattering thing, nothing has changed.

Standing by the side and watching the heavy gold, it touched my heart the most.

He couldn't help but put himself in the position of Tianyuan Beast.

(End of this chapter)

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