Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 1019 Begging For Mercy?late!

Chapter 1019 Begging For Mercy?late!
Chapter [-] Begging for mercy?late!

The surrounding air froze for a moment.

But the brawny man didn't seem to notice the smell of the storm coming.

Still focus on Xuelan.

Although what he said was relatively polite, there are still many people who are willing to watch the show.

Before he waited, he didn't repeat it again, and suddenly flew upside down.

The powerful force forced him into the wall abruptly.

Even if all the walls around here are constructed with the best materials.

But this person was still driven deeply into the wall, leaving an extremely deep mark.

Everyone didn't react, the change was too sudden.

But look at the strong man who was driven into the wall.

No one dared to say anything.

Only a small number of people still couldn't help but do it.

They were friends of the strong man.

Because I didn't see clearly how things happened, I naturally didn't have much timidity in my heart.

Others are happy to play it safe.

But they couldn't do anything about it.

One by one, they rolled up their sleeves and stood beside Qin Yu with extremely tall stature.

Qin Yu was not extremely tall, but he was still outstanding.

But compared with this kind of meat dumpling, it still looks a little shorter.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that, in terms of momentum, Qin Yu is the one who wins after all.

Even if the strong man looks like a humanoid beast.

But Qin Yu's gaze was extremely calm, like a bottomless pool.

No one knows what kind of peerless beast is buried under this calm lake.

The faint danger made the strong man feel a little embarrassed.

It would be okay if he backed down, the one who was sent flying just now was the most powerful little brother around him.

He is also the person he has valued more recently.

Just like that, he was directly beaten out in public.

How can I make him look down and don't care about it at all.

Regardless of the life or death of the younger brother who was driven into the wall, he ran over aggressively.

Prepare to get back a face for yourself.

At the same time, he also coveted Xue Lan.

Now in the golden world, meat pies are prevalent.

Very tall like him.

But he looked down on that kind of woman who was even two points stronger than him.

It's a pity that I can't find anywhere that matches his aesthetics.

Otherwise, those who are thin and weak are too poor-looking.

If you haven't seen what it means to be independent from the world before, you will be alone in the world.

Maybe he could feel wronged himself a little bit.

But now that he saw Xuelan, he couldn't take his eyes away.


"If you kneel down and apologize to me, I can still consider whether to forgive you."

Qin Yu spit out these two sentences coldly.

Except for those who came out later who had seen his strength.

The others didn't take this sentence too seriously.

Perhaps Qin Yu's strength is indeed very powerful, but they are not vegetarians either.

Each of them has outstanding strength, otherwise, how could it be possible to directly make a move in public.

They are not completely without any self-confidence.

Since there is still some face, it is impossible to act rashly without knowing the other party's details.

The reason why he shot was because he was very confident in his own strength.

That's why it seems so unscrupulous.

The boss smiled.

"Did you hear what he said clearly?"

"He even said that he wanted me to kneel down and apologize to him, and then think about whether to forgive me."

"I, Zhang Hu, are also very prestigious in this area. If anyone sees me, don't call me Brother Hu?"

"I actually want to kneel down and apologize to him in front of so many people! You say..."

The smile on his face stopped abruptly, and even the string of laughter suddenly stopped.

The original smile on his face suddenly became uglier than crying.

The huge pain hit, so that the smile on his face has not been withdrawn.

Just blending with that painful and tangled expression, it looks really distorted.

One can't help but wonder how he put on such a face.

It looked really scary and surprising.

Zhang Hu had already lost an arm.

And if he didn't dodge in time just now, what he broke this time wasn't an arm.

And this time, he was also scratched with a huge wound.

It even narrowly brushed past the heart.

If it weren't for him, he still has some background and some strength.

Early on, it was over with this blow.

Looking at the eyes that have not fluctuated from the beginning to the end.

He finally understood what was wrong.

Qin Yu never showed the slightest fear from the beginning to the end.

The way he looked at him was like those top big shots looking at him.

That's the way a real strong man looks at ants.

If he hadn't been fascinated by ghosts for a while, how could he not see it.

He can only blame himself.

The famous Zhang Hu just said arrogantly that anyone who sees him should call him Brother Hu.

At this moment, his knees softened and he knelt down directly.

He didn't cry, but simply begged for mercy.

For him, there is no better choice than begging for mercy.

If you accidentally plant yourself in it, there is no place to cry.

"It's too late to beg for mercy now."

"It's already too late when you raise your mind."

"There will only be one less person in this world who can see the sun tomorrow."

"It should be harmless, without any hindrance."

The Batian Saber has drawn the blood of so many people, and it has always been glowing with a ferocious red light.

It seemed as if he was about to break free from Qin Yu's control.

But only Qin Yu knew clearly

Some treasures of heaven and earth were invested, plus special forging techniques.

The Batian Knife already belongs to him completely.

No matter how fierce it looks, it will only be controlled by him
There will never be a day out of his control.

At this moment, it seemed that no matter how much he wanted to get out of his control.

It was also safely held in his palm, and he absolutely couldn't break free.

Zhang Hu can be regarded as a little famous around here.

It's just that compared with the real strong, it's still a little bit worse.

However, because he has hooked up with a strong man, he is still able to be arrogant in the Qianyuan arena.

It is conceivable that he also has a little background.

It's just that these backgrounds still failed to save his life at the last moment.

It was fate that provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked, and ended up like this.

No one paid much attention to the dead man.

More people put their eyes on Qin Yu and were very interested in him.

At the same time, I was surprised by this unfamiliar person.

Could it be a rising star!

It can be seen that his strength is so powerful, he is not like those unknown people.

And it doesn't look like it has sprung up recently.

Only those with some knowledge can make a rough judgment.

It is estimated that this person is not from this world.

(End of this chapter)

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