Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 1021 Qianyuan Qinghai

Chapter 1021 Qianyuan Qinghai
Chapter One Thousand and Twenty

How many proud sons of heaven would feel ashamed standing in front of Qin Yu.

"I am the person in charge of this arena, and I can barely be regarded as half of the family. I wonder if I can invite you to sit down?"

"I don't think there is any other meaning, I just want to communicate."

"If you don't believe me, my name is Qinghai. You can inquire about it at will. It's still a bit of a false name."

Of course he wanted to have a good chat.

Only after the exchange can we decide what kind of attitude to use to face this proud man who suddenly appeared.


Qin Yu's talent and strength can't be described by just using the four words "The Proud Son of Heaven".

At his current age, many people may even still be hovering in some low-level places.

Even most people at his age may not necessarily find a chance to get started.

Only he possessed such a powerful strength early on.

What this represents is naturally clear to middle-aged people.

If it's not that the talent is too outstanding, then there is some special method.

Can cultivate such a powerful child.

The former is fine, and it's not bad to have a good relationship.

If the latter, things will become a bit troublesome and tricky.

It is a hassle for them.

So he had to figure out Qin Yu's origin and the purpose of coming here.

"I probably have some guesses about what you want to say."

"But I have to say, you really think too much."

"Now that I'm old, there's no need to think about so many things and let my hair fall out for no reason."

"I don't even think about it, is it possible?"

If a person like him can be built in batches, wouldn't the time be messed up?

The reason why he was able to appear aboveboard was only because of his own strength.

The old man's innocence must have a limit.

His guess is too ridiculous.

Even he is like this, other people feel even more ridiculous.

Maybe it was out of caution that he stopped him, but who knows what the real intention is.

If it is really the idea shown on the surface.

Then he will definitely scoff.

Qing Hai's complexion is not very good-looking, and he also knows that the possibility of this is actually a little low.

But he didn't want to let it go.

More still thinking, if it is possible.

He also wants to get it.

If Qin Yu was just a talented person, he wouldn't be at a disadvantage when making friends.

Even made a lot of money in the middle!
It's just that this is not easy to say, if you really say it.

Wouldn't his thoughts be made public?
And if other people know his thoughts.

Not to mention what will happen to him, a stern ridicule is indispensable,

If there is such a thing, it may not be able to fall into his hands.

He basically couldn't ask anything.

It's just that the plan fell through before it even started.

How much made him feel angry.

"But anyway, you'd better come with me."

"I admit that your strength is very strong, but the Tianyuan beast has been seriously injured."

"You were able to win, maybe it's because he didn't show his full strength."

The reason why he walked up without fear is because of this consideration,

Back then, the Tianyuan Beast was so powerful that it almost ruled the world.

Including him, many people shot to barely control that guy,
But he was easily defeated by a young man who appeared suddenly,

If there is such a consideration, there are not many who can sit still.

Even if you can barely sit still, your mood will definitely not be any better.

How could it be any better?
The beast that I took so much effort to catch.

As a result, he was easily defeated by a young man.

It's not just a joke for people to see what it is.

"I'll say it one last time, get the hell out."

At this moment, Qinghai lost all face.

He had to be thankful that there weren't many people here now.

Otherwise, he really couldn't keep his face.

Today, I made a big fool out of myself and added this incident.

Needless to mention the anger in my heart,
Coupled with Qin Yu's words and his completely disdainful attitude,

There is nowhere to vent the anger.

His family tradition of kicking is particularly strong, and many people are frightened by it.

It's been a while since I've used it well.

But now this time, he couldn't control his temper at all.

I just wish I could use all my strength.

So that Qin Yu can see his strength.

He is not something that can be easily underestimated.

Not long after the family-inherited kick technique was introduced, it did make Qin Yu pay more attention to him.

But this kind of attention only made him make another move.

"It's not over."

It's just that this time the situation is a bit special.

It's not like going out to the wood world, people are chasing him everywhere.

So he could kill all those who came to chase him before, but not now.

This person didn't have much grievances with him, and he didn't come to chase him deliberately.

Although there was some indignation in the words, it was not aimed at him specifically.

It just wounded people, not completely abolished them.

This is one of his very few gifts, and he doesn't want to cause too much trouble here.

After all, trouble is called trouble because it is too complicated.

Xuelan chuckled unrecognizably, but soon the smile disappeared.

It wasn't often that she showed emotion like this.

But watched the same thing happen almost three times.

So much so that Qin Yu became somewhat impatient.

No matter how cold-hearted she was, this matter was Guan Qinyu's after all, so she couldn't stand on the sidelines.

The long-suffering smile in my heart couldn't help but surfaced on my face.

Qinghai was hit hard, but unfortunately no one cares.

There was an old man on the side who cared very much.

But I dare not rush up directly

His strength can be called good.

But if it is compared with Qin Yu, it is nothing.

Seeing Qin Yu being stopped by people one after another, I am afraid that he has already become impatient.

If he dared to stand up at this time, his fate would not be any better than that of Qinghai.

In order to be able to rescue people properly, he did not act rashly by the side.

But after waiting for the person to leave, he quickly pulled Qing Hai up with a calm expression on his face.

He flipped through all the high-grade wound medicines on his body again, and poured them all involuntarily.

Seeing Qinghai's life worry-free, he was slightly relieved.

But his eyes still couldn't help looking for Qin Yuxuelan's figure.

It's a pity that this time, no one can be found anywhere, and the two of them disappeared happily.

No trace was left.

Even if he wanted to find it, he would never find out where the person went.

This time, Qin Yu did not walk away in one breath.

The surrounding area is quite prosperous.

The biggest reason is the Qianyuan Arena.

There are many sellers of medicine and weapons in the surrounding area.

There are also several commercial banks and banks, and their business is booming.

(End of this chapter)

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