Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 1024 Live Wine Jar

Chapter 1024 Live Wine Jar
Chapter 23 Live Wine Jar
Qin Yu's face remained unchanged after drinking two jars of spirits.

What should be or what should be.

Except that the breath is slightly uneven, other places are even more invisible.

Just now, he actually drank two jars of strong wine in one breath, which was unimaginable for others.

Although the price of this drink is not very high.

But it is also expensive.

If you don't lack in wealth, what you want is fine wine.

These two jars of spirits are probably enough to drink for half a year on someone else.

It is usually enough to take out a drink or two.

Any more and you'll get drunk.

But Qin Yu drank two jars of wine easily.

Among them is his high strength, but his drinking capacity should not be underestimated.

Jin Ziyao clicked his tongue again and again, is there anything Qin Yu can't do in this world?

It's okay if the strength is extremely high, but now it seems.

Even the amount of alcohol is so high.

And he is bold and honest enough.

Jin Ziyao's heart surged with enthusiasm, and he couldn't help opening two more jars.

When the moon was in the sky, there were more than [-] empty wine jars beside their table.

Lu Qing had already collapsed, and Jin Ziyao relied on his own strength to drink much more than ordinary people.

He insisted until now.

You can drink seven or eight jars of spirits in succession

I can't hold on anymore.

His consciousness was muddled, and he was holding it there with a single breath.

Just barely fainted.

But the speech is also vague, and it sounds like nonsense.

Evidently drunk and unconscious.

Qin Yu drank the wine for two by himself.

So when drinking, other people drink one jar of wine, and he drinks two jars of wine.

Most of the more than 20 wine jars on the ground were contributed by him.

Now that the moon is in the middle of the sky, although it is not as lively as in the daytime.

But there are not too few people who come out at night, and generally speaking, they come out to drink.

So not only did the business in the restaurant not get worse, but it got better.

It's just that they sat here for nearly half a day, so they inevitably attracted attention.

People who come and go will look at the pile of empty wine jars on the ground with surprised eyes.

Can't imagine who is so powerful.

To be able to drink so much wine in one go.

Especially Qin Yu from beginning to end.

Even now, dozens of jars of spirits are drunk.

It should be replaced by an unconscious person who has been drunk for a long time.

Even being drunk for ten days and ten nights is extremely normal.

But Qin Yu can only tell that he is a little drunk now.

The smell of alcohol on his body was very strong.

But that's just the surrounding environment and the taste of the wine.

It didn't look like someone who drank a dozen jars of spirits at all.

On the contrary, he had just had a light drink, as if he was slightly tainted with the smell of alcohol.

Jin Ziyao was so drunk that he was holding half of the jar in his arms.

Just swaying and wanting to continue drinking.

Continue to drink a mouthful, stuck in the throat.

Before he could say anything, he fell unconscious on the table.

This time, after all, he was drunk.

After being drunk, one does not know when one will wake up.

This mess needs to be cleaned up.

But this time drinking can be regarded as fun.

These two are the kind of people who can meet.

And this time when he was drunk, Qin Yu could be said to have gotten a lot of words out of their mouths.

About the local conditions and customs in the Nagaworld.

About their respective family powers
It is precisely because of this cliché that I know that Jin Ziyao is not only the undefeated God of War.

There is actually a hidden family force standing behind it.

The reason why he came out to fight for this title was just to hone his body.

Rather than really need these false names.

In this way, people can also understand why he can be so unscrupulous.

Come when you want, go when you want.

When Qin Yu stepped out with his front foot, he could follow with his back foot.

It's because I have a backer behind me, because of my name.

It is also because of the faction that he himself represents.

A really big man wouldn't give him a hard time about this little thing.

He also has a certain understanding of the existence behind him.

I won't bring myself into a big trouble for no reason.

"Everyone is drunk."

"You see, those who drank more than a dozen jars of wine are still not drunk yet."

"It's more than that, he doesn't even look like he's drunk more than a dozen jars of wine!"

"Could it be that this person is soaked in a wine jar? How can he drink so much!"

Those who run restaurants have been struggling in restaurants for a long time.

This high-quality liquor is one of our own, and it has been soaked in wine jars since childhood.

He will definitely not drink more than Jin Ziyao.

You must know that people who practice martial arts at least drink a lot of alcohol.

It is used to build courage and warm up the body. All in all, their drinking capacity has also been honed from childhood.

Coupled with its strength.

Even if it is the kind that starts drinking as soon as it is born.

It will not be more drinkable than Jin Ziyao.

They had never seen Qin Yu before.

I can't imagine what it would be like if someone had such a capacity for alcohol.

Naively thought that no one in the world could drink, there were more than a dozen jars of high-quality spirits.

Their spirits are not ordinary wines, which are more intoxicating than ordinary spirits.

Generally speaking, ten altars are already a kind of limit.

Even some super strong people are under the power of ten jars of wine.

And definitely not staying awake.

But now let them see an exception.

One exception that made them feel how ignorant they really were.

Turn a deaf ear to those arguments.

Qin Yu didn't have any thoughts of pity and pity.

Holding a person with one hand, he just dragged the person outside by pulling the collar.

Anyway, each of them has rough skin and thick flesh.

It also seems to be able to withstand grinding.

Not to mention just rubbing on the ground a little bit, it is hard to get punched a few times.

It won't be a big deal.

So much so that after drinking hangover soup and taking some hangover pills.

Both of them woke up feeling a little sore all over.

But he didn't think about it in other directions.

Maybe the soreness is just the result of a hangover.

Xuelan couldn't help laughing a little bit, but she didn't kindly remind them.

Seeing them walking down with sore backs, after thinking about Qin Yu again and again.

It can be regarded as preparing something for them to relieve the pain.

It's more considerate, especially Xuelan's words are not fake to everyone except Qin Yu.

It was rare to have such kindness, which made both of them a little flattered.

But she also knew very well in her heart that Xuelan was just looking at Qin Yu's face.

"I really troubled you yesterday."

"You actually have to rely on you to pull the two of us back from that tavern."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid the two of us will sleep on the street and be unconscious for three days and three nights."

You must know that the people in the tavern are not so kind.

If you are a hangover, you will be kicked out immediately after closing the door.

(End of this chapter)

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