Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 1065 New News from the Wind Realm

Chapter 1065 New News from the Wind Realm

Chapter 64 New News from the Wind Realm

In vain, he got an extremely powerful Shenmu sect.

But Qin Yu never mentioned this matter from beginning to end.

Not that he really ignored the matter.

It is not necessary.

Now that he came back again, his goal had been achieved.

After that, these people and these things have little to do with him.

Even if Qingmu Shenlong took this opportunity to express his sincerity, it didn't matter to him.

The most chaotic place today should be the wind realm.

Because this is the place to cross the catastrophe.

When Xuantian God Venerable was passing through the tribulation here, no one dared to come and see.

After the past, that piece of land has become a holy place that everyone yearns for.

After being nourished by divine power, that piece of land has been quietly changing.

There are countless treasures of heaven and earth growing on it.

Countless mutated and powerful treasures grew on that piece of land one after another.

And because the soil quality of that piece has changed.

Even some difficult-to-grow plants can grow rapidly on it.

And get well nourished.

As a result, everyone is arguing about the ownership of that piece of land.

And this situation is also slightly recorded.

It seems that the divine power brought down by the catastrophe brought changes to this land.

This change is not permanent, so within a short period of time.

Who will be able to own the right to use this piece of land.

It became a matter of great controversy.

The second largest family wanted the land the most.

With this piece of land as the backing of his descendants.

It will enable the new generation to grow up rapidly.

Some of the talented disciples can also quickly rise to the top.

At that time, maybe they will be able to get rid of the reputation of being the second child of ten thousand years.

The Situ family, which ranked first, undoubtedly became the target of public criticism.

Situ Hua wanted to guard this piece of land by himself.

Obviously not very possible.

Their Situ family has been able to survive until now.

It is based on the accumulation of ancestors from generation to generation.

But something happened before.

The current Patriarch is just a brat.

The strength is not very high.

Doesn't such a person become a living target in the chaos?
What's more, with the background of the Situ family, no matter how defeated it is.

Its collection is also very impressive.

After all, it is the accumulation of generations.

But such a treasure was guarded by Situ Hua.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is no different from a three-year-old child guarding a huge treasure.

And they can grab some of them with a flick of their fingers.

If you are overbearing, you can even take it all for yourself.

This kind of silent speculation made many people feel anxious.

The second-ranked family is the most exciting.

But they still wanted some face, and didn't go directly to snatch it.

When Situ Hua was sober

He followed what Qin Yu said before and cultivated a group of new disciples.

These people's promotion speed was very fast, which also gave the entire Situ family some confidence.

Even if these people have not improved rapidly for the time being.

But as long as you continue to invest resources in it, even if it is counterproductive.

All of them can gain a lot of combat power.

There is such a force at such a critical time.

Enough for him to grow his prestige temporarily, at least in front of everyone.

It's the limelight, and it's just like the Situ family in the past.

Compared with ordinary people, Situ Hua knew more about who the person who crossed the catastrophe was.

Perhaps only he himself knows this secret very well.

He didn't tell anyone.

Situ Hua was overwhelmed, even if it was just to help him a little.

Then he can completely stabilize his position.

After all, that is the legendary deity.

Don't look at the moment when everyone is eager to tear their faces apart and fight for the right to use that piece of land.

But no one dared to really provoke a god.

If Xuantian God Venerable appeared again on the land where he once stood alone.

Absolutely no one dares to move a little bit of careful thinking.

At that time, it would be good if you don't please.

After all, that is a god, no matter how many immortals are added together, they can't beat such a one.

All the people can only offer good words.

No matter how many thoughts you have in your heart, you can't express them at all.

Situ Hua held it in his hand.

It was after Xuantian God Venerable broke through at that time.

Suddenly thought of him, so I left one for him.

The communicator who can contact him once.

Although he has not experienced enough crisis to destroy the family.

But Situ Hua is also an extremely decisive person.

Knowing that relying on the strength of this group of new students.

It is impossible for him to truly guard his family, nor can he truly guard everything about himself.

If there is no absolute powerhouse sitting in town.

At that time, everything in his hands will be snatched away.

No one knows how many people in Situ's family eat inside and out.

But after what happened before.

He absolutely dare not have any affection for these blood relatives.

Don't dare to have too much trust.

After all, people's hearts are changeable, and he has seen it with his own eyes before.

Suddenly, a void image appeared in front of Qin Yu's eyes.

Situ Hua couldn't see the person on the other side, but who it was was always saying what he meant.

He wants to strike a new deal.

As long as there are strong people to help him guard it.

At that time, he can pay a lot of price.

Even if he took the entire Situ family to seek refuge with Xuantian Shenzun, he would not hesitate to do so.

Of course, he also knew that although the Situ family was the largest family.

But for a deity, there is still some dispensable existence.

He also just relied on his own acquaintance and a few acquaintances.

There is still a little bit of friendship, so I dare to speak.

Whether it is successful or not, he has already said it anyway.

If there is such a small chance of success, he will definitely be able to secure this position.

At that time, the Situ family will be able to develop slowly under his hands.

"It seems that we still need to change the itinerary."

Of course he is not at a loss.

Not to mention how valuable the loyalty of the entire Situ family is.

In other words, there are many opponents there, just enough to meet his current conditions.

It was already a profitable business.

Although just now he wanted to go directly to the earth world to find a new dragon.

But it doesn't matter if you go to other places halfway.

Situ Hua is indeed a pretty good person.

Since Xuantian God Venerable left him a way to contact him.

That is to give him a chance to ask.

What's more, this request is regarded as equality, and it will be beneficial to him without any harm.

Situ Hua waited and waited for someone to come.

Once again, I waited and came looking for trouble.

Although these people are staring at the gifts in large and small bags.

But in fact, they came to examine the surviving ability of their Situ family.

Then see where to start.

(End of this chapter)

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