Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 1068 The Power of Shura

Chapter 1068 The Power of Shura
Chapter 67 The Power of Shura
After Jiang Wenchang went back, the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt.

After all, in his eyes, Qin Yu was just alone.

"Tell me why you took me and ran away."

"They're all at the same level, yet you're embarrassing me like this!"

Jiang Wenchang certainly wouldn't think of how embarrassed he was just now.

Instead, he blamed all this on the elder who went out with him.

From his point of view, if the elder could be tougher, he certainly wouldn't run away.

The elder was too lazy to tell a young master who didn't understand anything.

Can this kind of thing be done so easily?

Not to mention how much background the Situ family still has, they all don't know at all.

Suddenly such a powerful strong man appeared.

Who can guarantee that Situ Hua doesn't have more cards in his hand.

"If you are not reconciled, you can start preparing immediately."

Speaking of it, he couldn't swallow this breath at all.

After all, since he got such a powerful strength.

Then no one showed him any face.

Even if someone is stronger than him, he still has to give him three points of face.

Because who doesn't know that his combat power is so powerful that he even has the possibility of leapfrogging the challenge.

The Jiang family paid such a high price to invite him because they knew of his reputation outside.

Qin Yu didn't need to calculate the secrets to know that the Jiang family would definitely attack him in the future.

Just when he left.

Jiang Wenchang looked at him with extremely unfriendly eyes, and obviously he didn't want to let it go.

It is to be able to bring more strong people, so that he can practice.

But if the strength of the people around Jiang Wenchang is a bit too bad.

Of course, there is one more thing he needs to do before solving this small family.

Go to the place of calamity.

It's not that busy there.

But because of the very special reasons nowadays, many people are staring at that place.

The originally remote place also suffered from such a change.

And it became a place full of voices.

Situ Hua has a lot to say.

But when the words came to his lips, he couldn't utter a single word.

Facing Qin Yu whose strength had increased greatly.

He couldn't hold his head up at all, so he tried to be more respectful.

Even if you can still say a few words, your every move is restricted by the rules.

I have always been worried about whether I am not doing well enough.

Or where it is easy to be picked out by others.

There are many people stationed around the place of calamity.

But always have some thoughts.

Those who wanted to get a share of it all sent the elite disciples of the family to guard here.

The well water does not violate the river water, but they are on guard against each other.

The land that has undergone great changes is now a faint milky white.

It looks extremely pure.

The moment you set foot on this land.

Qin Yu was suddenly blessed to his heart.

Powerful thunder and lightning surged from his body.

The aura of destruction radiated in all directions.

The powerful thunder and lightning force spread densely to the surroundings.

Under the ground, there seemed to be something faintly resonating with the radiating God of Nirvana.

Countless mutated lands trembled constantly.

A majestic force broke through the ground.

At the same time, the soil nourished by divine power began to fade gradually.

He returned to his usual state as quickly as possible.

It was originally destroyed here.

If there wasn't a trace of remaining divine power, it would have been a piece of scorched earth.

This is now back on track.

Affected by the shock, some of the simple garrisons built collapsed one after another.

No matter which side the people sent out, they saw this sudden and shocking change.

They all quickly passed on the news to return to the family.

Some people are a little more courageous and want to take a closer look.

However, the moment he came into contact with the Nirvana Divine Thunder, he was split into a piece of coke in the shape of a human.

Such a miserable situation made many people dare not approach.

When everyone retreats.

Still standing in place, Qin Yu was also the source of the God of Nirvana.

It was no surprise that he became the target of public criticism.

"Immortal Venerable? Still another strong man who wants to break through the true god!"

"There has been no problem for such a long time, how did he do it!"

"Such a huge power, if I can share some of it, I can become the world's top powerhouse."

Everyone has different thoughts.

The voice of discussion has never stopped.

But if some people pay attention, they will find out.

None of these commentators came from Situ's family.

These people all remembered what kind of status Qin Yu possessed.

Besides, is such a strong person really something they can talk about at will?

I'm afraid that all of them can be killed by moving a finger.

Even if you don't do it yourself.

It is enough to let weak people like them die without a place to bury them.

These voices of discussion cannot affect Qin Yu in the slightest.

The power of crossing the catastrophe faintly resonated with the way of nirvana he had always wanted.

The remaining power is already extremely huge.

But this part of the power should have been gradually dissipated between heaven and earth within half a year.

Even if Xuantian Shenzun is present.

It is absolutely impossible to touch these incomparably heterogeneous and impure forces.

Even if these forces are indeed very large.

But there are no constraints, and uncontrolled power is too dangerous.

The stronger this force is, the more uncontrollable it is, the more it cannot be easily touched.

Qin Yu's eyes suddenly turned blood red.

An ordinary person's physique simply cannot withstand such a powerful force.

But he had snatched a Shura's inheritance before.

And the huge power accumulated by Shura for countless generations.

It is of course impossible for ordinary people to take this power for their own use.

But forcibly assimilated with the power of Shura.

It is also uncertain what the final result will be.

Once the energy enough to destroy the world is completely extracted, it is extremely violent.

If it wasn't for Qin Yu's war here, and the feeling of extreme danger.

This huge energy will never stay here so honestly.

It is a group of strength.

Being able to grow to such a degree also has simple judgment.

The bloody evil spirit all over the sky and the chaotic and noisy energy group gathered together.

The two are almost incompatible with each other.

But anyone can see the more rapid and majestic energy that the blood energy spreads.

No matter how inflated.

No matter how dangerous.

After a period of time, it has disappeared, the powerful force that ignored the rules of heaven and earth at the beginning.

Now after some weakening.

In addition, what Qin Yu used was the strange existence of heaven and earth, the power of blood Shura.

The power of blood Shura is also not bound by the rules of heaven and earth.

In comparison, the two groups of huge energies are almost on par.

But after all, that messy energy group is just a group of dead objects.

Under the confrontation, they were slowly defeated.

The light was so dim that it was almost like a firefly.

(End of this chapter)

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