Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 1073 Dog bites dog

Chapter 1073 Dog bites dog

Chapter 72 Dog Bites Dog

The embarrassed Jiang Wenchang was sent back to Jiang's family.

Countless people gathered together to watch the joke.

Among them, the Qi family who has never shown up, sits on the mountain and watches the tigers fight.

This time, he was also secretly watching all this.

The elders of the Jiang family couldn't sit still and stood up one after another.

But now the situation is really bad.

The moment he saw Jiang Wenchang, he immediately denied everything he had done.

Even a discerning person can see it.

With Jiang Wenchang alone, how could it be possible to win over so many masters.

But these ancestors were killed one by one.

They have no idea.

It's all Jiang Wenchang's own initiative.

No one can really handle them.

Unless someone can come up with proof.

Jiang Wenchang looked at the countless people around him.

How could he not know his future fate at this moment.

Compared with the entire huge family.

Of course, it is his life and death alone, and no one is talking about it.

Even if he was the most favored young master, in the end he was taken out to pay for his crime.

"Why don't I accept it? Obviously, I didn't do this at all. You guys told me over and over again."

"What did you say that Situ's family has great fortunes and countless wealth, and if you can give me a little at that time, it will be piled up like a mountain."

"At the time, it was said to be within easy reach, but now everyone is scared, and you all stand up if you have the ability!"

If he really confessed to this huge crime, let alone wealth.

Not to mention getting any benefits.

From then on, he will definitely die in exasperation.

If that time really comes, who will care what a person like him is doing and thinking.

And died in a corner where no one cares.

Even if it was thrown in a mass grave and eaten directly by wild dogs that came out of nowhere.

No one cares what happens to him.

Qin Yu moved his fingers.

The white silk that had been wrapped around Jiang Wenchang's body was released immediately and returned to his hands.

Got such a release signal.

Jiang Wenchang thought he saw hope.

At this moment, he just said a few words and temporarily let go of his restraint.

If he had said more, he would have revealed a whole host of things that outsiders would never know.

Is it possible to atone for the crime?

He doesn't ask for much, as long as he can save his own life.

And allow him to take possessions that he has accumulated over the years.

When the time comes, no one will be able to find him if he travels far away.

Not to mention the revenge of the Jiang family, who can't protect themselves.

Several Jiang family elders were furious.

But under the watchful eyes of everyone, they can only threaten with words.

Even though he has endured to the extreme, he is still worried about the last bit of face.

He didn't attack directly in public, but his face was livid and extremely ugly.

I can't wait to kill this unfilial descendant directly.

It can be regarded as removing the last hidden danger.

There is no evidence at that time, who can say that they know how to pull out a few scapegoats at random.

The position of their family can continue to be preserved.

No one can tolerate a family that does everything.

Even if it seems to them that it is really suitable.

If Situ's family is really late.

It's better to give it to them in vain.

In order to avoid wasting a lot of resources for so many years by a group of waste.

What a pity that would be.

This scene of a dog biting a dog was a good show for everyone to watch.

Especially the Qi family, who ranked second, was even more vigilant.

At least for now, they can't easily provoke the Situ family.

Not for that mere brat Situ Hua.

Just because of Qin Yu.

This person's identity is unknown, but his strength is extremely powerful.

Those people Jiang Wenchang brought over were already extremely powerful.

Although the Qi family can come up with more manpower, come up with more powerful ones.

But there is no absolute certainty that you will be able to win.

Now the background of the Situ family is still there, and they still have a chance to snatch the position of the first family in the subsequent competition.

There is no need to use such indecent means to snatch it right now.

Some aboveboard means are plentiful.

Those who originally wanted to attack Situ's family were also discouraged.

I'm not going to play a hand in the middle.

Otherwise, the fate of the Jiang family will be their future fate.

These people dog eat dog.

A lot of secrets from many years ago were told in one breath.

At that time, the Jiang family had not climbed to the current position.

Just a modest little family.

And Jiang Wenchang had already been born back then, because his talent was not bad.

It can be considered as a key training, so I know a lot of things.

At this moment, whether it is true or not, it is all said in one breath.

All of a sudden, the Jiang family became the target of public criticism.

These things cannot be brought to light.

If it was really put on the bright side, those things that no one had doubted before.

It becomes full of loopholes.

If some people continue to investigate, they will know that everything they did was extremely simple.

It's a pity whether it's guesswork or not.

Watching them dog-eat-dog right now has also caused many unsolvable problems.

After this quarrel, many people found the answer.

Now the elders also found out.

The more they kept arguing like this, the more they exposed.

Simply do not continue to hide.

Anyway, there were so many people present.

It's not that they don't have a good relationship with their Jiang family.

Jiang Wenchang did know many things.

But he doesn't know everything.

With this in mind, he simply admitted most of the things in one breath.

But after that, he seeks alliances with those around him.

But some people who were still in the same boat as them were a little undecided at the moment.

In the dispute just now, it was revealed.

The partner who was tricked by the Jiang family.

That's a lot to count.

Even after being tricked, some of them completely lost their former glory.

Now the Jiang family can have their current status and glory.

It has nothing to do with those who were cheated by them.

In this way, it was annexed all the way, and it did have some luck.

It also has some status.

But the essence is still the kind of grassroots background, and even the concept has not changed much.

He still likes to use powerful means to seize power.

But now the Jiang family's strength should not be underestimated.

These people had nothing to do with anger, and joined forces to attack.

But he could only barely be beaten back.

This made them clear their minds a little.

Even if everything in the past was related to the Jiang family, it would not be easy to shake this big tree together with them.

So someone first set their sights on Qin Yu.

It's true that they can't shake this big tree, but that doesn't mean that others can't either.

Now the Jiang family committed suicide and provoked an existence that cannot be provoked.

Will they be able to watch all these scourges die with their own eyes?

(End of this chapter)

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