Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 1082 True God Inheritance

Chapter 1082 True God Inheritance
Chapter 81 True God Inheritance

He wanted to put all the purple gold coins in front of him into his pocket.

Of course he can't just say something useless.

This middle-aged man can be regarded as some special channels and sources of news.

It didn't take long before he babbled out a lot of secrets.

Of course, in Qin Yu's view, all these secrets were worthless.

They are ready to leave directly.

If it's the so-called big news, it's just that these useless parents have short stories.

And those personal battles.

Then there's no need for him to waste time here.

But the middle-aged man thought that he was dissatisfied with the things he said.

Then he could only try his best to tell more secrets, but Qin Yu didn't have the patience to listen.

To keep listening would just waste more of his time.

"Do you want to know how treasures are born and passed on?"

"I also have a lot of these news, you remember how powerful the true god is."

"The inheritance I want to talk about is related to the legendary true god."

"Just that little price isn't enough if you want to know."

The middle-aged man could also tell this time that Qin Yu did not lack such a small amount of money at all.

So he couldn't help but want more things.

For example, more precious treasures, or more and more purple gold coins.

But Qin Yu doesn't lack these at all, and he is quite interested in the inheritance of the so-called true god.

Just grab a burlap sack for some rough stuff.

He directly packed a sack full of purple gold coins, and threw it to him casually.

The reason why such a sack was put on was because there were too many purple gold coins.

Suddenly, there is no way to gather them all together.

It's not easy to take either.

So I just found a worn pocket and put it in it.

If it hadn't been carefully inspected, it was indeed full of purple gold coins.

The middle-aged people thought they had been cheated.

Who puts good things in such shabby pockets.

But looking at Qin Yu, he couldn't say those words.

After all, this is also Qin Yu's own idea, he is not qualified to judge there.

At least for now.

Make sure that the money is enough for him to spend a long, long time at ease.

It's even worth enough to buy a lot of goodies.

The middle-aged man finally said everything he knew.

It is said that it is related to the true god, but in fact there is no inheritance at all.

It's been there for a long time.

Almost every hundred years, a group of people will rush in and make a living.

And tomorrow is the opening day of this year.

The inheritance is still there shining brightly.

Everyone knows that the inheritance inside is true.

But no one has the ability to rush in and really get any good inheritance.

Every now and then someone would benefit greatly from a word or two from God.

And most people can't even get such a sentence or two of guidance.

But as long as you go in, you basically won't come back empty-handed.

It is precisely because of this that there are still many people who are willing to go in and make a living.

The middle-aged man didn't know what kind of strength Qin Yu had.

But there are not many strength restrictions in that place.

Anyone below the true god can enter.

It's just that it has reached a very high level, and almost no one can get the inheritance of the true god.

Every year, there are fewer and fewer strong players who are willing to go in.

Either those who go in are of medium strength.

I want to fight in the past.

Get some good resources to use yourself.

Or it is the inheritance of those who are begging for it.

Want to go one step further from the existing strength.

Enter the true god and become a super strong person.

These people often try many times without giving up but never succeed.

But for the vast majority of people.

Having such an opportunity is much, many times more beneficial than not having this opportunity.

At least that's the expectation there.

"Let's see if you are satisfied with this news. If not, I can only find other news."

Qin Yu was not in the mood to listen to him continue talking nonsense here.

But the latter one is also considered a little bit of value.

A real god's inheritance, maybe he can take the time to go and have a look.

After all, it has existed here and other places, I don't know how many years.

There has not been any communication.

I don't know if there has ever been a true god here, and if so, what kind of strength it is.

Qin Yu has not fought against Xuantian Xianzun so far.

I don't know how far there is between myself and the real realm of true gods.

Is it still able to take on the challenge more or less.

He never knew.

No matter how confident a person is, it is impossible to say how strong they are.

According to his idea, of course it is better to go there.

When the inheritance started this year, there were still many people at the door.

Occasionally there will be a strange face or two, but definitely not many.

Most of the unfamiliar faces were casual people who came to join in the fun.

For these people, those powerful people neither welcome nor reject them.

Of course, this was not the case at the very beginning, and there was competition at the beginning.

But when it ends one after another, almost no one can get the inheritance.

Not to mention the true inheritance of the true god.

It's just that many people have received one or two pointers.

But there is no final inheritance at all.

After a long time, many people's minds gradually faded away.

Since you can't get the ultimate inheritance, why bother holding it in your own hands all the time.

It's best if everyone sticks to it. .

After the passage of time, no one has been passed on.

As a result, some thick-skinned and not weak scattered people can come to try their luck.

It's just that today is so different.

Because there is a person who is not like a poor and down-to-earth scattered person, and his strength is extremely powerful.

And it's clear to all.

A person who can bring such terrifying pressure is definitely not weak.

It may even exceed their imagination.

"I'm just here to join in the fun, you continue."

A strong man suddenly arrived, although he didn't seem to be much of a threat.

It also alerted those old guys who kept trying.

Estimated the strength of both sides.

I found that I didn't know who would win and who would lose.

Because Qin Yu's strength is unfathomable.

No one wants to offend others easily because they have not fought each other before.

In addition, there are indeed examples of scattered people coming in.

Then continue to open the inheritance again, and then slowly wait for the entrance to become bigger and bigger.

All the people go in one by one.

Qin Yu finally went in after watching everyone go in.

Just a slight sense of dizziness, the world in front of me is very different.

It is slightly similar to the feeling he feels every time he crosses the void.

(End of this chapter)

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