Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 11 Undercurrents are surging!

Chapter 11 Undercurrents are surging!

Chapter 11 Undercurrent surges!
Qin Yu let go of his hand, and Qin Ba limply fell to the ground.

He didn't kill Qin Meng before, because Qin Meng and him were just dueling.

But Qin Ba made a sneak attack, and obviously wanted to kill him.

So Qin Yu naturally would not show mercy to Qin Ba, and killed him directly.

A maddened mournful roar appeared, but it was the Great Elder who had witnessed Qin Ba's death with his own eyes, rushing up to the martial stage with a face full of grief and anger.

However, someone reacted faster than him, and Qin Tianhu had already rushed to Qin Yu's side.

"Qin Yu, if you dare to kill my son, I will not kill you in this life, I swear not to be human!"

The Great Elder hugged Qin Ba's body and stared at Qin Yu with great resentment.

Qin Yu's gaze turned cold, and the killing intent of the Tianzhu Formation was ready to move in his body.

"A bunch of people looking for death!"

The huge body of the dragon soul surged in the ancient seal, overflowing with murderous aura.

"Hmph, Great Elder, this is your son who made a surprise attack first, so no one can blame him for his death."

Qin Tianhu stood in front of Qin Yu with cold eyes.

If Qin Yu had fallen into Qin Ba's hands just now, the fate would not be much better.

Therefore, even if Qin Yu didn't kill him, Qin Tianhu would not let him go.

"Okay, very good, Qin Tianhu, don't regret it!"

The Great Elder gave Qin Tianhu a gloomy look, and left with the corpses of Qin Meng and Qin Ba.

Qin Tianhu was not afraid at all.

At this point, Qin Yu's coming-of-age ceremony was over, and no one dared to covet his position as Young Patriarch.

However, the Qin family's direct line and branches, because of this, have reached the point where they have completely turned their faces.

The eyes and ears of those forces who came to watch the battle left quickly one by one.

What happened to the Qin family today was far beyond their expectations.

It was rumored that Qin Yu, who had been completely destroyed, not only showed his cultivation at the eighth level of the True Martial Realm, but also severely injured Qin Meng at the eighth level of the Xuanwu Realm, and later beheaded Qin Ba, who was at the peak of the Xuanwu Realm.

Such a terrifying combat power is definitely comparable to an ordinary Earth Martial Realm!
Could it be that the disappearance of the Qin family's martial arteries and the disappearance of their cultivation bases were false news spread by the Qin family?
Of course, apart from Qin Yu, the split between the direct line and the branch line of the Qin family also triggered many thoughts of many forces in Longling City.

If the Qin family is really separated because of this, their strength will be greatly reduced.

At that time, their chance will come.


The Qin family, study room.

"Xiao Yu, why do you have the eighth level of True Martial Realm? Didn't your martial veins be taken away?"

Qin Tianhu didn't talk nonsense, and asked straight to the point.

"It's like this. A few days ago, I met a senior. He taught me a secret method that can condense the virtual meridian instead of martial meridian cultivation. Then he also used the secret method to raise my cultivation base to the eighth level of true martial arts."

Qin Yu said nonsense casually.

"Void pulse? Can it really replace martial pulse?"

Qin Tianhu was both surprised and delighted.

In the past two years, for Qin Yu's martial arts, he has been running around a lot, trying to find a cure, but he found nothing.

If what Qin Yu said is true, then these secret techniques are too terrifying.

"Of course it's true!"

Qin Yu simply asked Qin Tianhu to test the virtual dragon veins in his body.

"Second Uncle, that senior said that his existence cannot be disclosed to the outside world, otherwise not only me, but even our entire Qin family will be in big trouble."

But immediately, Qin Yu seriously nonsense again.

"Don't worry, Second Uncle will never spread this matter to the outside world. As for the outside world, just say that your martial art has recovered."

Qin Tianhu's face became serious.

To be able to help Qin Yu condense his Xuwu veins, and to restore his cultivation to such a level in just a few days, that senior is definitely not an ordinary person.

"By the way, can your virtual veins always replace your martial veins?"

Qin Tianhu asked again with some concern.

"Of course it won't work, so I have to take my martial art back from Xue Yutong's hands."

Qin Yu said.

"What are you going to do?"

Qin Tianhu looked at Qin Yu solemnly.

He knew that since Qin Yu had said so, he would definitely take action.

And once Qin Yu regained the martial arteries from Xue Yutong, the Xue family would definitely not let it go.

At that time, there will definitely be a war between the two families.

But even so, Qin Tianhu will fully support Qin Yu.

"I will handle Xue Yutong's matter by myself."

After Qin Yu shook his head slightly, he took out a kung fu method and gave it to Qin Tianhu.

"Second Uncle, this Hunyuan Kung Fu was also given to me by that senior. It is a Ninth-Rank Heavenly Rank Kung Fu. Hurry up and switch to this Kung Fu!"

Today Qin Yu killed Qin Ba, Zhimai and others will not stop there.

Once the two pairs have a decisive battle, the entire Qin family will be in danger.

However, if Qin Yu's cultivation had reached the Heavenly Martial Realm, then everything would be solved easily.

"Ninth Grade Heaven Rank Cultivation Technique!"

Qin Tianhu's eyes were fiery, and the Qin family's highest-ranked kung fu only reached the eighth-rank ground.

This is also an important reason why Qin Tianhu's cultivation has remained at the eighth level of the Earth Martial Realm, and it is difficult to break through.

Because the limit of a martial artist's cultivation depends to a large extent on his own skills.

This is also the reason why many forces will send their family members to various major sects to practice.

Now that he has such a skill, Qin Tianhu is confident that he can advance to the Tianwu realm within a year.

After all, he has been in the eighth level of the Earth Martial Realm, and has been settled for many years.


South of the city, the Xue family!
"What did you say? Not only did Qin Yu have the eighth level of the True Martial Realm, but he also beheaded Qin Ba?"

Hearing the news from the Qin family, Xue Luoyuzheng stayed where he was.

Xue Yutong beside him also had a dull expression on his face.

"Qin Yu clearly has no martial arteries, so how could he still have cultivation at the eighth level of the True Martial Realm?"

Xue Luoyu couldn't believe it and asked.

"I don't know this, but Qin Yu's cultivation is indeed true, and it has spread throughout Longling City."

The steward of the Xue family replied.

"Could it be that he awakened his martial arteries for the second time?"

Thinking of this, Xue Yutong couldn't help but gasp.

If he can awaken his martial arteries for the second time, it means that Qin Yu is a peerless genius with dual martial arteries!
"Impossible? A peerless genius with dual martial arteries is extremely rare even in the history of our Xue Clan!"

Xue Luoyu looked a little uneasy.

If Qin Yu is really a genius with dual martial arteries, then the threat to them in the future will be too great.

After all, the two sides have already forged a blood feud over the loss of their martial arteries.

"Father, it seems that our plan has to be advanced."

A cold killing intent flashed in Xue Yutong's eyes.

"I'm going to get ready!"

Xue Luoyu's face also showed a cold killing intent. Now it seems that Qin Yu must die.


West of the city, the Ma family!
"Isn't it rumored that Qin Yu's martial arts disappeared? What's going on?"

In the hall, Ma Junlong, the head of the Ma family, frowned upon hearing the news about the Qin family.

Ma Junlong is in his early forties, and his cultivation has reached the eighth level of the Earth Martial Realm, and his cultivation is tyrannical.

But his right arm disappeared, only a hollow sleeve.

"Father, if Qin Yu's talent has not disappeared, then our Ma family will be in danger."

Beside Ma Junlong, Ma Yifei, the young head of the Ma family, spoke in a cold voice.

Ma Yifei, eighteen today, has reached the eighth level of the Xuanwu Realm, and his talent is quite astonishing.

"Indeed, once the Xue family hears about this, they are likely to marry the Qin family again, and then..."

Ma Junlong frowned even tighter.

"Patriarch, the Xue family sent someone to send a secret letter!"

A Ma family warrior entered the hall.

"The Xue family sent a secret letter?"

Ma Junlong and Ma Yifei looked at each other, both a little weird.

"This is……"

After opening the secret letter, Ma Junlong's expression was shocked...

(End of this chapter)

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