Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 1106 The distance between life and death

Chapter 1106 The distance between life and death
Chapter [-] The distance between life and death
Void Demons are still invading all over the world.

The power of rules has been gradually repairing these space-time damages.

There was some faint vibration between the heaven and the earth, but no one could perceive it.

Unless one reaches the Realm of God, one will not be aware of such mysterious fluctuations.

Not even heard of.

If it doesn't mean destruction, the so-called Dao of Nirvana should be to suppress everything.

It's not about killing everything, it's not about destroying, it's about another way.

A real avenue without any constraints.

It is born to perceive the world, but the world is a kind of constraint.

What can you feel if you jump out of the world and no longer touch the nine origins?
There was a void and chaos, and I still couldn't feel anything.

The Great God Venerable faintly sensed Qin Yu's thoughts, and was immediately horrified.

Even with their strength, they dare not think about this aspect.

Because once you think about it, it will have a great impact on them.

But Qin Yu didn't give up his thoughts because of the shock of the two.

He did think about what he would feel if he jumped out of this world.

But the final answer is all negative.

No one has tried it, so no one can give him an accurate answer.

Qin Yu simply let go and let his consciousness wander around. Although this method is very dangerous, there are two true gods to protect him.

It's something to try.

Anyway, his body will not be damaged, and few people can touch his consciousness.

It’s okay to just go outside for a walk and wander around.

"It's extremely dangerous outside, you'd better not take such risks."

"Do you know how dangerous it is for you to leave your body and go wandering outside while still alive?"

"If you're not in a hurry, you can consider trying it with your real body."

The meaning of both people is the same, that is to discourage.

If this kind of thing is not done well.

Maybe it will be greatly damaged.

If you are not really very, very anxious, it is best not to use this slightly extreme method.

Maybe Zhu has already made up his mind, he wants to use his soul body to feel the outside world.

Without the shackles of the body born of heaven and earth, where can he go.

It's all a mystery, because no one has ever been so daring.

Everyone knows that the body is a kind of protection, and the soul is the most vulnerable.

If you don't even have consciousness, even if you have a body, it's just an empty shell.

It is no different from all the plants and trees in this world, it is just a dead thing.

So no one has ever thought of using this method to pursue the greatest secret in the world.

God Lei Xiao had to admit that even he, even the countless seniors in his era.

None of them had the courage to try such an extreme and dangerous method.

Because no one can afford the final consequences.

If they don't want to lose their souls, they can only be a shrinking turtle.

"This method..."

He still wanted to say something, but Xuantian God Venerable interrupted him.

Qin Yu's apprentice never made Xuantian Shenzun have any worries.

I can do things very well by myself every time.

And in the end it always turns out that his choices are often right.

Individuals have their own fate, so after seeing that Qin Yu was indeed deliberate, and that he had fully considered it.

He had no intention of stopping it.

It's not good for him to continue blocking him like this, so why would he do this.

Could it be that he had trouble with his apprentice and wanted to cut off the last trace of family affection?
"Just do what you want, that is, I hope you can think about everything clearly."

This is his final advice.

Whether Qin Yu listened or not, as a master, he had no right to stop him.

Qin Yu nodded, he had naturally thought it through.

However, he still needs to trouble God Xuantian and God Lei Xiao to help him protect his body.

With the malice towards him from the spirit of heaven and earth, as long as he has not completely dissipated, he will definitely attack him again.

Maybe it will target his body.

After he left, he would trouble these two seniors to help him for the time being.

Then the two let Qin Yuli watch at the same time, after all, the younger generation has its own way.

It's not good if they try to stop it.

What's more, they have not been able to sell this hurdle themselves, so what qualifications do they have to stop it.

Because their experience may be completely wrong, since they can't help.

I can only do my best to put out a little effort and wait for the final result here.

The outside world was indeed extremely chaotic, although Qin Yu, as a brand new living body, had a very clear consciousness.

But few people around could find him.

And with his current strength, it is very easy for people not to find him.

Most of the people who walk around these days are a little bit injured.

Looking at the current situation.

There are more or less loopholes in the other eight artifacts.

So much so that in the entire God Realm, most places have been invaded by the Void Demon.

These are all done by heaven and earth, but not by heaven and earth.

There is a miserable scene of hell everywhere in the world, but compared with before, there is more vigor and vitality.

The people who passed by walked through the most miserable purgatory on earth, and then came to the entrance of the faint cave.

If you cross the past, you will fall into the void, and no one knows what is inside.

But there once appeared a big hand here, which was extremely terrifying.

It's easy to catch all of them.

All those caught by that big hand, no matter how strong or weak they are, no matter how many life-saving cards they have.

None of them could escape.

After screaming, he completely disappeared from this world.

In the void, time and space seem to have frozen.

This is the first time he has been without any protection.

Came to this world in a chaotic body.

In an almost empty world.

There are a lot of mess left here, without the protection of the mountains, Qin Yu is extremely vulnerable.

If you are a little unlucky, you may be involved in a space-time storm.

Completely shredded to pieces.

No one will come to the rescue and no one will know.

Because here is the void.

There is chaos, only the demon of the void can gain a foothold here.

"How much is the difference between life and death? How far is the distance between destruction and rebirth?"

Qin Yu stood at the entrance.

In front of him is a chaotic void, and behind him is a purgatory on earth.

The edge of spacetime appears to be paper thin.

But it can't be touched.

Just lightly trying to touch it with your fingers, a wound was cut open.

(End of this chapter)

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