Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 1111 The Finale

Chapter 1111 The Finale
The first thousand and 110 chapters finale
One thing, the spirit of the world has never seen the infinite Supreme Realm.

I just know that there must be such a concept, but I have never felt it.

Qin Yu has now reached a very high level, and there is a feeling in the dark.

Perhaps the legendary Supreme Realm still does not exist today.

His realm is even higher than the spirit of heaven and earth.

Now the level he is in has been able to touch the legendary Supreme Realm.

But now there is still no induction, all he can sense is nothingness.

"Does the Supreme Realm really exist?"

"That's unlikely."

Qin Yu has always believed in everything he perceives.

Maybe he doesn't believe his eyes, but he always has [-]% trust in his own perception.

If after he went out to investigate around, he found that there was no legendary Supreme Realm.

He will be convinced, instead of thinking whether he has not found the right entrance.

There may be many coincidences in this world, but once he doesn't find an opportunity.

No matter how hard I tried to find it, I couldn't find anything.

That perhaps the least likely guess would be true.

If the Supreme Realm really existed, where did the previous fairy kings go?
The spirit of heaven and earth can't make any answer to this point, because he doesn't know it either.

"Have you never thought about why such a creative power appears in my hands?"

"Perhaps there used to be a Supreme Realm, but now I don't feel that this world is nothingness."

"There is no Supreme Sword outside the Nine Layers of God Realm, but I feel a lot of small worlds."

Qin Yu waved his hand casually, and scenes appeared above the sky.

Layer after layer of worlds are superimposed together to form a huge space.

They are related to each other but not related to each other, and they are so dense that they cannot be counted carefully.

There are often worlds that go into haze and destruction, and there are also new worlds that are just born, which have unlimited potential.

This is the world of ten directions that he ascended to.

To be able to see such a picture casually, his strength must be at the peak, and there is absolutely no surprise in this.

But now that he has achieved the power of the Immortal King, he has even condensed the original divine power of creation.

Why can't I still perceive the possible existence of the Supreme Realm?
Qin Yu suddenly withdrew from this side of time and space, and the spirit of heaven and earth was unable to say anything.

He didn't think about what would happen if the Supreme Realm didn't exist.

Because I never thought it would be possible.

Now that I think about it carefully, there really is such a possibility.

What if?

Qin Yu's strength and realm, if it is true, he will not feel it.

Maybe the legendary Supreme Realm no longer exists.

And there is another point that is very suspicious.

Why would a new spirit of heaven and earth be born in the Nine Layers of God Realm? The Nine Layers of God Realm has been standing for an unknown number of years.

It has also experienced the vicissitudes and evolutions of life and death.

And the spirit of heaven and earth in the Nine Layers of God Realm was conceived only recently. Is this really possible?

"Is there a possibility that the spirits of heaven and earth in the Nine Layers of God Realm were annihilated due to some kind of turmoil."

"And you are nothing but the reborn will after countless years of changes."

Qin Yu knew that he had faintly touched a certain threshold.

The door to the truth is right in front of him.

As long as he can find an opportunity, find the key to open the door.

can successfully enter.

But the world is so big, where can he find the key?
"Based on my current strength, I have already met the requirements. Could it be that the key is on me without any entity?"

Qin Yu's speculation is not groundless, but has been seriously considered.

If the key is really in him, it may be in a unique form, such as the creative power in his body.

This power came from inexplicable.

Although he can guess that the power of creation is forcibly condensed by the nine great dragons with their original power.

It can be said that the power of creation in him has condensed all the essence in this world and succeeded.

Does it mean that the power of creation can not only evolve all things, but also create the world out of thin air.

With the power he tried just now, if he uses this power of creation to forcibly open up the space.

And can it create a world that is more powerful than the Jiuzhong God Realm?

"Forcibly create..."

Although his strength is very sufficient, but forcibly creating it may still be insufficient.

If it is replaced by other people, it will naturally be troublesome.

But what Qin Yu never lacked most was resources.

The resources in his hands are not the only ones he has saved.

There are also the private treasuries of the Nine Great Dragons, and even the private treasuries of the major forces in the Nine Layers of God Realm.

for a while.

The wood realm, the wind realm, the fire realm, the fairy realm, the dark realm, the thunder realm, the gold realm, the water realm, and the earth realm.

The largest forces in the nine worlds all began to collect various resources and send them to the same place.

Xuantian Shenzun also took out all the accumulation of countless years.

Qin Yu who has gathered most of the world's resources.

Based on countless resources, coupled with the power of creation, it is the most important main structure.

Open up a huge space directly out of thin air.

These resources were used to create the rules of the sun and the moon, as well as countless mountains and even various spiritual things.

In addition, the power of creation is ever-changing, embellishing the deficiencies, giving absolute vitality.

After draining the last trace of strength from his body, the infinite Supreme Realm finally took shape.

The spirit of heaven and earth couldn't believe himself at all, what did he see?
The legendary Supreme Realm has long since ceased to exist.

No, no, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Qin Yu did it by himself.

Plus the resources you have collected.

Forcibly created the Supreme Realm standing above the Nine Layers of God Realm!

"how can that be possible!"


"Everything in front of you is false, don't listen to it and believe it, I don't know where you got the news from the Supreme Realm, but since you haven't seen it with your own eyes, why should you believe it?"

Qin Yu finally showed a smile as he looked at the brand new world he had created with his own hands.

He found the path he was going to take in the future, and also found his goal after becoming the Immortal King.

The Supreme Sword has only just been developed. Although it has unlimited potential, its foundation is relatively weak after all.

There is not much life in it, and there are many loopholes in the rules.

But all this is nothing, because the foundation has been laid.

As long as he has the power of creation, he can perfect this rule step by step.

He will become the real god of creation.

The power that a Supreme Realm can feed back to him is equivalent to infinite.

Xuelan, Lanfeng, Xuantian God Venerable.

The Situ family, the Shenmu sect, the Jin family, etc...

All of these people moved into it.

From then on, the legendary history of Supreme World began.


This book has finally come to an end!
As I write this, I feel relieved!
From August 200 to the present, it took two or three years to write more than [-] million words, and there were countless interruptions in the middle. I sincerely apologize to everyone here, and thank you who have been chasing updates until now. Seven or eight book friends!

But anyway, this book is finally over!
From a hobby to writing a book full-time, I have experienced too many ups and downs in the past two years, and I also deeply feel that the coding industry is not easy. After finishing this book, I probably won’t write it again!
Goodbye everyone!
Thank you Wanchuan into the sea!

(End of this chapter)

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