Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 17 Announced to the public!

Chapter 17 Announced to the public!

Martial arteries, from low to high, are divided into ranks one to nine, and the standard for entering the Royal Academy is at least rank six.

As for the Ninth Grade Martial Meridian, even looking at the entire Zhenwu Dynasty, it is already an extremely rare qualification.

It is precisely because of this that after the Xue family passed Xue Yutong's qualifications to the Royal Holy Academy through the Xue Clan, the elders of the Royal Holy Academy immediately accepted Xue Yutong as a disciple.

Of course, on top of the ninth-grade martial veins, there are also innate spiritual veins such as spiritual veins and heavenly veins.

If it is said that rank nine martial veins are extremely rare in the Zhenwu Dynasty, then those who have innate spiritual veins such as spiritual veins and sky veins are rare.

Even in the entire Eastern Territory, there are very few of them, and each of them is a monster that is hard to come by in a hundred years.

Soon, the qualifications of those younger generations who came forward to take the test were tested one after another, and all of them failed.

Their martial aptitudes are basically at the fifth rank. Although one of them is barely at the sixth rank, the elders of the Royal Holy Academy don't look down on them.

Although the sixth grade is a start, it does not mean that you can pass the test if you reach the sixth grade.

In the Royal Holy Academy, it is not an exaggeration to say that there are students with sixth-grade martial arteries everywhere. They naturally look down on them, especially at the age of seventeen.


Seeing this, Xue Yutong stepped out. After she sneered at Qin Yu, she walked to the stone tablet.

At this moment, the eyes of the entire Longling City were focused on Xue Yutong, who was dressed in a white dress and had an undeniable temperament.

Although the Xue family said that Xue Yutong had also awakened the ninth-grade martial arteries, and Xue Yutong's cultivation speed was indeed astonishingly fast, but after all, he had never shown it in front of others.

So they all want to see with their own eyes whether Xue Yutong really has a ninth-grade martial art!

Xue Yutong who stepped forward first bowed to the beautiful woman, but when her eyes swept over the handsome young man who was at the peak of martial arts that day, she was shy.

"Yutong, don't be nervous!"

The beautiful woman smiled lightly, her voice soft.

The handsome young man looked at Xue Yutong with great interest.


After Xue Yutong nodded lightly, he lightly touched the stele with both hands, following the light of the mysterious runes, beams of light lit up on the crystal stele, as many as nine lines.

"Sure enough, it is a ninth-rank qualification!"

"This power is no worse than when Qin Yu first tested his martial arts!"

"He really is the pride of heaven!"

There was an uproar in the sky, and the warriors in the entire Dragon Spirit City were shocked.

"Not only is it a ninth-grade martial art, but it is also of extremely high quality!"

Seeing the nine rays of light, the handsome young man had a dazzling light in his eyes.

As long as he double cultivates with Xue Yutong and absorbs the essence of his martial arteries, then his martial arteries will definitely transform into innate spiritual arteries.

It seems that it is not a loss to marry Xue Yutong, a fallen branch, into the master's house!

This result made Xue family warriors look happy.

But the members of the direct line of the Qin family are not very good-looking.

Especially Qin Tianhu, he knew that Xue Yutong's martial arts belonged to Qin Yu who robbed him.

If Qin Yu hadn't told him not to tell him about this matter, he would have ruined the Xue family long ago.

"Qin Yu, why don't you come and test it?"

Xue Yutong turned around and looked at Qin Yu with a sneer.

"Then I'll test it."

Qin Yu chuckled, stepped forward lightly, and placed his right hand casually on the stone tablet.

Immediately, accompanied by the faint sound of dragon chant, the crystal stele shook, and dazzling beams of light shot straight into the sky, with a huge momentum, as if nine divine dragons were born!

The warriors of Longling City who were still discussing Xue Yutong's martial art were all stunned when they saw the nine pillars of light that Qin Yu tested.

The huge square was instantly silent, and a needle could be heard falling.

Even the old man and beautiful woman in the Royal Holy Academy, as well as the handsome young man from the Xue family, all stared straight.

The light of the test is as big as a beam of light. Is this still a ninth-rank martial art?

Even though they are very knowledgeable, they have never seen such a scene.

"Could it be... the innate spirit vein?"

A strange look flashed in the eyes of the handsome young man from the Xue clan.

"No, if it is an innate spirit vein, then it should be golden light soaring to the sky."

The beautiful woman also thought of the innate spirit vein, but immediately shook her head and denied it.

"Even if it's not the innate spirit vein, this quality is not far from the innate spirit vein."

The old tester's eyes flashed brightly, looking at Qin Yu as if looking at a peerless treasure.

"What the hell!?"

Xue Luoyu from the Xue family, Ma Junlong from the Ma family, and the eldest elder from the Qin family all stayed where they were, looking at Qin Yu as if they were stupid.

The situation in front of them was really beyond their expectations.

On the contrary, it was Qin Tianhu who didn't react that much.

Although he was also surprised at the high quality of Qin Yu's virtual martial arteries, but he also knew that the virtual martial arteries could not replace martial arts training, so his reaction was not very strong.

"Impossible! How can you still have a ninth-grade martial art?!"

Of course, the most unbelievable one is naturally Xue Yutong.

At the beginning, it was Qin Yu's martial art that she took away with her own hands.

She couldn't believe that Qin Yu still had a ninth-grade martial art in his body, even if he was a dual martial artisan, his aptitude was against the sky!
"How could I still have a ninth-rank martial art? Xue Yutong, do you think that since you took away my ninth-rank martial art, I would no longer have a ninth-rank martial art?"

After sweeping his eyes over the beautiful woman and the handsome young man, Qin Yu looked at Xue Yutong and chuckled.


"Xue Yutong's martial arteries were taken from Qin Yu?"

"Then, could it be that Qin Yu is..."

"Twin martial artisans?!"

"God, what kind of monster is this!"

Although Qin Yu's voice was not loud, it contained true energy, and it was heard clearly by everyone in the square in an instant.

"Xue Yutong's martial art was taken from him?"

The old man and the beautiful woman all looked at Xue Yutong.

"So that's what I said. I said that a branch of the blood of the Xue family that has almost disappeared has a genius of a ninth-rank martial art. So that's what happened!"

Only the handsome young man figured out the connection after being slightly taken aback.

The secret method of seizing the martial arteries is considered taboo among the Xue clan, but there are still many members of the branch veins who have it.

It is not difficult for Xue Yutong and the others to obtain that kind of secret technique.

"No wonder he was suddenly poisoned, and it was rumored that his martial arteries disappeared!"

The city lord Shang Lingfeng pondered slightly.

After Qin Yu helped Princess Bai Qingyue detoxify the poison of the Wandu Mojiao, he specially investigated Qin Yu's situation, and he knew far more about what happened back then than anyone else.

"Qin don't spout blood!"

Xue Yutong never expected that Qin Yu would say this at this time, and couldn't help trembling with anger.

If Qin Yu just showed his ordinary talent, then even if he said this in public, not many people would take it seriously, and they would be considered as jealous of her martial arts talent.

But now, when Qin Yu's martial aptitude is even higher than hers, everything has changed.

This is also something that Xue Yutong did not expect.

If he had known that Qin Yu's martial aptitude was so outstanding, no matter what he said, he would not have allowed Qin Yu to live to this day.

(End of this chapter)

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