Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 19 Crisis broke out!

Chapter 19 Crisis broke out!

"Exploding Yuanzhu? Heh, playing such a boring trick."

Qin Yu, who was rushing towards Xue Yutong, smiled contemptuously when he saw the Explosive Yuanzhu, whose aura had become violent and unstable.

Qin Yu waved a wave of true energy casually, and directly swept the Explosive Yuan Orb that was about to explode, and then put it into the Sumeru bag.

"how is this possible?!"

Xue Tianwu, who was about to watch a good show, suddenly changed his expression, and his face was full of disbelief.

What did he see?
A Explosive Orb that was about to explode, was taken away just like that?

At this time, Xue Yutong didn't know what happened, so he yelled loudly, intending to detonate the true energy pouring into the Explosive Yuanzhu.

Almost at the same time, a muffled sound of percussion appeared.

Xue Yutong's face turned pale suddenly, and a mouthful of blood couldn't help but spurt out.

However, Qin Yu punched out the back cone, and a tyrannical zhenqi, like a raging beast, rushed into her dantian and raged.

Deng Deng!

The two landed at the same time, but Xue Yutong was pinched by Qin Yu's neck, unable to move at all, and could only be slaughtered by Qin Yu.

"No way? Xue Yutong, who is at the fifth level of the Earth Martial Realm, actually lost?"

"This Qin Yu really only has the sixth level of Xuanwu Realm?"

"How do I feel that he is much stronger and more terrifying than when he was at his peak two years ago."

Watching the battle of victory and defeat, the warriors watching around, after a moment of dead silence, suddenly erupted into shocking heated discussions.

It's not that they haven't seen a step-up challenge before, but they were shocked to win so easily after surpassing a big realm.

"Impossible! How could Yutong lose? It's impossible!"

Xue Luoyu, the Patriarch of the Xue family, looked at Xue Yutong who was pinched by Qin Yu's neck and was about to die at any time, and his emotions completely lost control.

"Father, our plan with the Xue family..."

Over at the Ma's house, Ma Yifei frowned, and couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"Look at it first."

Ma Junlong's eyes jumped over Qin Yu and Xue Yutong, and looked at Yi Xiangmei and Xue Tianwu.

In Longling City now, only the members of the Royal Academy have the absolute right to speak.

"This little bastard, if you can't get rid of it as soon as possible..."

After the Great Elder of the Qin family was shocked, the hatred in the depths of his eyes emerged uncontrollably.

The current Qin Yu can easily crush Xue Yutong who is at the fifth level of the Earth Martial Realm.

If it takes another two years, then he wants to avenge his son, but it is tantamount to nonsense.

"That kid, you won't really want to kill him, will you?"

The city lord, Shang Lingfeng, fixed his eyes on Qin Yu, secretly preparing.

Once Qin Yu ordered the killer, Xue Tianwu from the Xue Clan and Yi Xiangmei from the elder of the Royal Holy Presidency would definitely not sit idly by.

"Xue Yutong, you tried so hard to promote the life-and-death battle, but you didn't expect it to end like this?"

Listening to Qin Yu's soft words, Xue Yutong's pretty face was pale and bloodless, her eyes filled with horror begging for mercy.

But unfortunately, Qin Yu's fierce gaze did not fluctuate at all, causing Xue Yutong to be shrouded in unprecedented terror.

"Some things, you should return them."

Qin Yu pinched Xue Yutong's neck with his right hand, and his left hand was like a five-fingered dragon's claw. A strange breath lingered in the claw.

"Master... respect... save..."

Xue Yutong naturally knew what Qin Yu was talking about. If Qin Yu took back the martial arts, then she would return to the mediocre fourth-rank martial arts.

This made Xue Yutong struggle violently, Chao Yi Xiangmei and Xue Tianwu asked for help.


At this time, Xue Tianwu finally couldn't sit still, he moved his body and appeared on the high platform.

He stared at Qin Yu with gloomy eyes: "Now, let her go, kneel down and cut off her arms, I can spare your life, otherwise, I will let you and your family live like a dog!"

With the sound of the words, Xue Tianwu's terrifying aura at the peak of the Tianwu Realm, like a world-ending storm, swept through the wind and clouds, and the world changed color.

"This is... the peak of the Heaven Martial Realm!?"

"Looking at his appearance, he seems to be only sixteen or seventeen years old. God, what kind of monster is this!"

"Behind the Xue family, there is actually such a force backing it?"

Xue Tianwu's powerful cultivation shocked the warriors in the entire Dragon Spirit City and shocked everyone.

Qin Tianhu couldn't help turning pale, Xue Tianwu's powerful cultivation made him have no desire to resist at all.

Facing the cultivation base at the peak of the Tianwu Realm, even if all the members of the Qin family went up together, they would be slaughtered in an instant.

"Great Elder, we won't be implicated too, right?"

On the other side of the Great Elder, there was a branch elder whose body was trembling, whispering to the Great Elder.

"My son, from now on, our branch of the Qin family will completely leave the Qin family and return to the Xue family."

The Great Elder was shocked, came back to his senses, and shouted quickly.

If Xue Yutong really took Qin Yu's martial arteries, then there would already be an unending blood feud between them.

Even if Qin Yu doesn't kill Xue Yutong today, Xue Yutong will definitely get rid of Qin Yu in the future, and maybe even ruin the entire Qin family directly.

If they don't get away now, they are waiting to die.

"Elder, you..."

Seeing the great elder leading the branch elders, Qi Qi left Qin's house and walked towards Xue's house, Qin Tianhu's momentum rose and fell, and blood spurted out.

"Hmph, Qin Tianhu, I told you a long time ago that you will regret it."

The Great Elder turned around and stared at Qin Tianhu with extreme hatred.

After Qin Meng was beheaded by Qin Yu, their branches secretly contacted Luo Xingyu.

The reason why she has stayed in the Qin family is just to wait for the right opportunity.

Now that there is such a sudden change, they will naturally separate themselves from the Qin family immediately.

Qin Tianhu's eyes jumped over the First Elder, staring at Luo Xingyu with a sneer on his face, without saying a word.

"Patriarch Ma, do you still want to keep silent?"

Luo Xingyu gave Qin Yu a cold look, then turned his head to look in the direction of Ma's house.

Xue Tianwu's shot made him calm down immediately.

"Hehe, how could it be, haven't I been waiting for your action signal?"

Ma Junlong laughed and stood up.

At this point, warriors from the Ma family, Xue family, and branches of the Qin family quietly surrounded the Qin family and others.

"Qin Yu, you'd better let Yutong go immediately, otherwise, none of your in-laws will survive in the same line."

Seeing this, Luo Xingyu looked at Qin Yu on the high platform with cold eyes.

"You don't even want to leave alive today."

Looking at the members of the Qin family who were in danger, a frightening coldness flashed in Qin Yu's eyes.

"Xiao Yu, don't listen to them. Even if you let Xue Yutong go, they will definitely not stop. It's worth it if you can pull one on the road!"

At this time, Qin Tianhu suddenly shouted at Qin Yu.

Although he didn't say it clearly, Qin Yu heard that Qin Tianhu wanted him to hold Xue Yutong hostage and rush out.

"My patience is very limited. Right now, I'm counting to three, and I either let him go or die!"

Xue Tianwu didn't pay any attention to the changes in the Qin family, the Ma family, and the Xue family.

To him, the three major families in Longling City are just a group of ants, which can be wiped out easily.

If he hadn't wanted to use the power of Xue Yutong's martial arteries to attack the innate spiritual veins, he would have killed Qin Yu long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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