Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 223 Breakthrough, Martial God Realm!

Chapter 223 Breakthrough, Martial God Realm! (Happy Chinese New Year to everyone)
Mo Lihuang thought for a while, got up and left the palace, and came to an ancient building with a ghostly atmosphere.

In that ancient building, there is a big black tripod.

The ghost energy in the cauldron was churning, and there was the faint roar of a ghost.

Amidst the surging ghostly air, there was a figure sitting cross-legged.

It was a skinny man who looked like a skeleton.

But the aura exuded by the skeleton man was extremely astonishing, reaching the seventh level of Martial Ancestor Realm impressively.

In the Hundred Martial World, a character at the seventh level of the Martial Ancestor Realm is definitely considered a rare top powerhouse.

"Senior Brother Nine!"

Mo Lihuang came to the ancient building and looked at the skeleton man with a rather apprehensive expression.

In the Hall of Thousand Ghosts, he was not the only one who was born in the lineage of the Heaven Suppressing Ghost Emperor, but three people.

However, among the three, his cultivation base is the weakest, only at the second level of the Martial Ancestor Realm.

Therefore, the errands such as going to sit in Luogui City fell on him.

This skeleton man is none other than Mo Lihuang's fellow apprentice, Gu Sirius!
"Junior Brother Seventeen, why don't you practice hard in Luogui City, why come back?"

Ancient Sirius' eyes were closed, his lips moved slightly, but a hoarse voice came out, which was extremely ear-piercing.

"I found out the whereabouts of the former Great Son and the Seventh Son."

Mo Lihuang said.

As soon as Mo Lihuang's words fell, a terrifying ghostly law of heaven and earth erupted like a huge wave.

Ancient Sirius opened his eyes suddenly, the pupils of the eyes were a terrifying bloodthirsty color, as if he wanted blood to coagulate.

"Is this true?"

Gu Tianlang stared straight at Mo Lihuang.

He has always been devoted to penance and never heard anything outside the window.

Therefore, he has never been aware of Mo Lihuang's actions in the past few months.

If he had known about this earlier, he might have been unable to sit still.


Mo Lihuang moved his right hand, cut several bones, and flew down in front of the ancient sky wolf.

"Sure enough, it's the natal ghost pattern of the Great Holy Son and the Seventh Holy Son!?"

Just looking at it, Gu Tianlang stood up excitedly, the blood in his pupils flickering continuously.

"The natal ghost patterns of the Great Son and the Seventh Son were integrated into his puppet puppet by this person."

In Mo Lihuang's hand, a blue spar appeared.

The scene that appeared in the eyes of the blue-eyed man before now reappeared in this spar.

"Huh? This is... the Nine Nether Purgatory Divine Ability of the Nine Nether Purgatory Dragon of the Great Saint Son?"

After Gu Tianlang watched the battle, his blood pupils stared at Qin Yu's body, the black dragon scales covering his whole body.

"Nine Nether Purgatory Dragon?"

Mo Lihuang was startled, and also looked at the dragon scales on Qin Yu's body.

In the lineage of Zhentian Ghost Emperor, the strong are always respected, and their status and strength are in contrast.

Therefore, the ancient Sirius could recognize the supernatural power of the Nine Nether Purgatory Dragon, but Mo Lihuang didn't know it at all.

"Could it be that this son is the successor of the Great Sage Son?"

A pensive look flashed across the blood-colored pupils of Gu Sirius.

He was fortunate enough to see the space of purgatory when the great saint son performed it.

Now that this supernatural power of the dragon clan appeared in Qin Yu's body, he had to make some guesses.

"No, his skeleton ghost soldiers are indeed inherited from our lineage of ghost skills, but what he cultivates is not the way of ghost cultivation."

Regarding this point, Mo Lihuang was extremely sure.

Although Qin Yu possessed many secret techniques and supernatural powers, what he followed was definitely not the way of ghost cultivation.

"So, he should have only obtained the bones of the Great Son and the Seventh Son?"

Gu Tianlang turned his gaze and looked at Jin Lingxiao and the others: "Monster Race? Palace of Beasts?"

"That's right, I found out, this son has the level of a high-ranking holy formation master, and is an elder of the Palace of Beasts!"

Mo Lihuang nodded slightly.

Upon hearing the words, Gu Sirius looked at Mo Lihuang with a half-smile.

Qin Yu has the power to kill the second level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, and behind him is the Palace of Hundred Beasts.

No wonder Mo Lihuang came to look for him.

If Mo Lihuang was strong enough, he might have taken all the credit for it.

After all, the person who retrieved the ancient immortal order could be accepted as a personal disciple by the Heaven-Suppressing Ghost Emperor.

"Issuing the order of ten thousand ghosts, summoning all the Martial Ancestors!"

Gu Tianlang stepped forward with one step, and with a wave of his right hand, he put the pitch-black hall into his sleeve.

"Summon the Martial Ancestor Realm? Ninth senior brother, you don't need to make such a big fuss to deal with this kid, do you?"

Mo Lihuang was quite puzzled.

"If it's just to capture this son, it will be a piece of cake, but if the Hundred Beasts Palace makes a move, maybe he will escape."

The ancient Sirius strode away from the ancient building.

"A middle-level force, with their guts, wouldn't dare to confront us."

Mo Lihuang hurriedly followed.

"I have fought against the master of the Palace of Beasts before, and my strength is not weaker than mine. Just in case, I must have the power to suppress the entire Palace of Beasts."

As Gu Sirius said, he licked his lips, and a strange color flashed in his blood pupils.

"Then if the third senior brother knows?"

Mo Lihuang hesitated.

"The third senior brother has been in seclusion for 60 years. It is impossible to get out of the seclusion by such a coincidence. When the matter is over, we will return to Tianyu immediately."

Ancient Sirius paused slightly, then said.

"it is good!"

When Mo Lihuang heard the words, his expression became quite excited.


Two days later, Tianyuan Domain, Palace of Hundred Beasts.

"What you said is true?"

Jin Lingxiao's eyes opened suddenly, and the pupils of his eyes were burning with golden flames, which was astonishingly powerful.

"It's absolutely true, Elder Qin did inquire about Luo Guicheng's information, and when Luo Guicheng was destroyed, Elder Qin happened to disappear from Burial God Ridge!"

In front of Jin Lingxiao was the Nine-Tailed Fox King who had advanced to the Martial Ancestor Realm some time ago.

"For this reason, I also deliberately inquired about Luo Guicheng, and found out that Wan, the information of the people who are being inquired by the Ghost Palace in many ways is very similar to the supernatural powers and secrets performed by Elder Qin Yu..."

Although it was because of Qin Yu's Nine-Turn Blood Spirit Pill that he entered the Martial Ancestor Realm,

But this matter is related to the life and death of all the monster races in the Palace of Beasts.

After the Nine-Tailed Fox King got the news, he naturally didn't dare to hide anything.

"I'm going to see the Palace Master."

Jin Lingxiao stood up suddenly, got up and left immediately.

This matter is no small matter, and it is not up to him, the deputy palace lord, to decide.

Soon, Jin Lingxiao came to the Palace of Beasts, an ancient cave shimmering with colorful lights.

In that seven-colored ancient cave, there is a group of light blue light groups ten feet in size.

A vast coercion emanated from the light blue light group.

"Palace Master!"

Jin Lingxiao knelt on one knee and saluted respectfully.

"Is something wrong?"

A cold voice appeared from the light blue light group.

"Is such that……"

Jin Lingxiao quickly explained Qin Yu's matter in detail.

"Hall of ghosts?"

A murmuring sound appeared, and the light blue light gradually converged, and then turned into a slim figure.

It was a woman in a blue shirt with a beautiful face.

On the woman's fair face, there were vaguely light blue animal patterns emerging, which added a bit of charm.

In the Hundred Martial World, very few people know that the mysterious Palace Master of the Hundred Beasts Palace is actually a woman.

"He's not in the palace?"

A circle of blue light radiated from the woman in the blue shirt, covering the entire Palace of Beasts.

After a while, she twitched her brows slightly and asked.

"Elder Qin should still be retreating now."

Jin Lingxiao was taken aback, and said.

The blue-shirted woman's eyes flickered slightly, and with a single step, she disappeared with Jin Lingxiao.

At this time, in the ancient seal of the Dragon God.


Qin Yu, who had been in seclusion for ten days, slowly opened his eyes, and the dragon energy in his pupils was circling.

"Finally advanced to the Martial God Realm."

A dragon soul whose cultivation has reached the peak of the Martial Saint Realm.

Sensing the five profound meanings of heaven and earth in Qin Yu's body, joy flickered in his pupils.

Qin Yu's cultivation base has advanced to the Martial God Realm, and the increase in strength is not at 01:30.

Now when encountering the ordinary Martial Ancestor Realm, Qin Yu can kill even without the Immortal Sacrifice Technique.


  Thanks to [134****6116] [135****6937] two book friends for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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