Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 227 The God of Killing Comes to the World!

Chapter 227 The God of Killing Comes to the World!
hold head high!
The sound of the dragon's chant resounded and echoed in the sky.

Qin Yu's body was surrounded by green dragons and dragons, holding a long spear, which turned into a ray of light, and flew out.

Now that his identity has been discovered by the Hall of Ten Thousand Ghosts, Qin Yu naturally doesn't need to hide his supernatural powers anymore.

"Half-step Martial Ancestor? What kind of secret technique is that?"

"In the Palace of Beasts, there is such a powerful secret technique!?"

"Such background is far beyond the middle power!"

Countless onlookers in the distance were shocked.

Improving directly from the Martial God Realm to the half-step Martial Ancestor, such an increase in combat power is beyond common sense.

If such a secret technique spreads, the natural moat between the Martial God Realm and the Martial Ancestor Realm will be overturned.

"It's you?! Die!"

Like a ferocious beast out of a cage, Qin Yu rushed into the Jiugong Xuantian formation with a ferocious aura.

He did not hide his whereabouts, and was immediately discovered by the two Martial Ancestors of Xuehou Mansion.

The laws of heaven and earth in those two people's bodies rioted, sweeping the sky-shattering killing intent, and went towards Qin Yu's town to kill.

"Nine Nether Purgatory!"

A jet of black light covered a thousand feet in radius.

In the black light, Qin Yu's whole body was covered with pitch-black dragon scales, densely packed, covering his whole body.

On each dragon scale, there are many mysterious dragon patterns, emitting a dark light.

As the cultivation base advances to the Martial God Realm, the supernatural powers of Nine Nether Purgatory can also fully display their true power.

Those two shrouded Martial Ancestor Realm, even if the laws of heaven and earth exploded, they could no longer detect Qin Yu's whereabouts.

Qin Yu appeared like a ghost.

The Nine Nether Dragon Spear, with dragon patterns permeating it, seems to reappear the Nine Nether Hell Dragon.

A shot pierced through the void, stabbing towards the two Martial Ancestor Realms with great power.

The two Martial Ancestor Realm were aware of it instantly, and immediately defended with the power of law.

The sacred weapon in his hand also exploded with shocking power, and suddenly slashed at Qin Yu who was attacking him.

"Time and Space Ancient Killing Formation!"

Suddenly, a monstrous killing intent swept across.

The space immediately became slightly distorted and turbulent, and the two Martial Ancestor Realm seemed to be trapped in a mud swamp.

"Space is affected? The law of space?"

"No, he's only at the Martial God Realm, how could he comprehend the power of laws?!"

The two Martial Ancestor Realms were all shocked, and a strong sense of uneasiness emerged in their hearts.


A thunderous bombardment appeared, and the void exploded directly.

The power of the entire time-space ancient killing formation is condensed at the tip of the spear.

The whole body of those two Martial Ancestors, where the law of heaven and earth was weak, was pierced by a single shot.

The killing intent to destroy the heavens and destroy the earth, then blasted into their bodies like a torrent of floods, destroying them wantonly.

In an instant, the two Martial Ancestor Realms disappeared into blood mist.

The two Martial Ancestor Realms fell immediately.

Qin Yu restrained the Nine Nether Purgatory, and charged out at top speed.

For him now, it doesn't take much effort to kill the first and second levels of Martial Ancestor Realm.

"What's going on? Those two Martial Ancestors disappeared?"

"Could it be... killed?"

"How is this possible? Those are two real Martial Ancestors!"

After Jiuyou Purgatory disappeared, those onlookers in the distance were dumbfounded when they saw the two disappeared Martial Ancestors.

Even if Qin Yu raised his cultivation level to half a step to the Martial Ancestor Realm, he still couldn't kill two Martial Ancestor Realm masters, right?

But if they hadn't been beheaded, how could those two Martial Ancestor Realms disappear?

When those onlookers were shocked, Qin Yu had found three Martial Ancestor Realms again.

These three Martial Ancestor Realm are from the Hall of Ten Thousand Ghosts. When they came, they already knew that Qin Yu's fighting power was extraordinary.

Therefore, they did not carelessly, and attacked with all their strength in a joint effort.

But even so, under Qin Yu's endless stream of secret techniques and Dragon Soul's magical powers of time and space.

The Martial Ancestor Realm of the three Myriad Ghost Halls also lost their lives one after another.

"Three Martial Ancestor realms fell at once?"

At this time, the ancient Sirius who was fighting Xu Xiaoyue in the void.

Seemingly sensing the fall of the three Martial Ancestors, a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

Falling into the Three Martial Ancestor Realm once, even if it was an Earth-rank Martial Ancestor Realm, shocked him extremely.

Could it be that the Palace of Hundred Beasts still hides some strong figures at the seventh or eighth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm?
"Nine Star God Seal!"

Surrounded by stars, Xu Xiaoyue seized the opportunity to condense nine star marks like lightning.

The nine seals merged into one, turning into an ancient god seal the size of a fist.

Stars twinkled on the divine seal, and three rounds of bright moons emerged, exuding unparalleled power.

Gu Sirius felt a chill in his heart, and was about to take action.

He was hit hard, coughing up blood in his mouth, silver light flashed on his body, and the law collapsed directly.

Xu Xiaoyue didn't give Gu Sirius a chance to react, and culled him again.

Each of the hands condensed a nine-star god seal, which was severely suppressed.

Gu Tianlang let out a roar, the silver wolf fur on his body was growing crazily, and his body was also rapidly expanding at this moment.

In the end, it became as big as ten feet, and fought fiercely with Xu Xiaoyue again.

The momentary distraction just now made him realize clearly.

If he was careless, he might really die in the hands of Xu Xiaoyue.

However, the development of the situation often backfires.

During the fierce fight between the two, Gu Tianlang constantly sensed that the Martial Ancestor Realm of the Hall of Ten Thousand Ghosts had fallen.

The speed was so fast that even the ancient Sirius doubted whether this feeling was an illusion caused by the influence of the formation.

After all, those who have advanced to the Martial Ancestor Realm are those who have not experienced many battles.

Even if he loses, he shouldn't be killed so easily.

But Qin Yu couldn't treat it with common sense.

Although he did not comprehend the laws of heaven and earth, he was once a powerful emperor with unparalleled combat power.

Even the strongest Gu Sirius and Xu Xiaoyue's understanding of the power of law is less than one ten thousandth of him.

So for Qin Yu, as long as he understands the weakness of the power of law, the ordinary Martial Ancestor Realm is no match for him at all.

At this time, in the Jiugong Xuantian Formation, Qin Yu was traveling through the Jiugong area, frantically hunting and killing the Martial Ancestor Realm.

Wearing a green dragon, he is unrivaled, as if a god of death had come to the world.

But all the Martial Ancestor Realm that Qin Yu was eyeing would perish.

Three sects, more than 140 Martial Ancestor realms.

In just a few quarters of an hour, more than 20 Martial Ancestor realms fell.

Of course, these fallen Martial Ancestor Realm are basically below the third level of Martial Ancestor Realm.

The existence of the fourth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm was held back by Qin Yu's guarding the beast soul.

This was not because Qin Yu couldn't deal with the Martial Ancestor Realm level four or five.

It's just that there are too many low-level martial ancestors in the three sects, and the power is too scattered for the Jiugong Xuantian Formation.

That's why Qin Yu kept beheading the low-level Martial Ancestor Realm.

In this way, the power of the Jiugong Xuantian Formation can be concentrated.

Relying on the power of the Jiugong Xuantian Formation and the Ancient Beast God Formation.

If there was only Gu Tianlang alone, Qin Yu even had the confidence to kill him alone.

An ancient killing formation, and a magic formation of divine rank.

Even if they can't exert their true power, the power is enough to kill the Martial Ancestor Realm.

The onlookers in the distance and the monsters in the Palace of Hundred Beasts saw a Martial Ancestor Realm disappearing into Qin Yu's burst of black light.

The original shock and hot discussion had long since disappeared and become extremely silent.

At this time, even if they don't want to believe it, they can still see it.

Those Martial Ancestor Realm were indeed beheaded by Qin Yu!
Such a heaven-defying combat power is simply unheard of and unseen!

I'm afraid that if you look at the Baiwu world, it will be difficult to find such a monster like Qin Yu, who leapfrogs and kills enemies like drinking water!


  Thanks to [Youth is too ignorant] [Tommy Tommy] [...] [135&&&&&6937] [The sense of direction I once had] [Mwmxunmws] [Devil] [Dragon Emperor, Ao Di] [Lazy houseman] for playing reward.

  In the past two days, my coding speed is slow, and the update speed can't be improved, please forgive me!
(End of this chapter)

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