Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 237 Five Great Palaces!

Chapter 237 The Five Palaces! (Second more)
Half-step Martial Ancestor Realm, placed among the top forces in the Hundred Martial World, can be regarded as powerful elders.

After all, half a step into the Martial Ancestor Realm, without accident, it will not be very difficult to really advance to the Martial Ancestor Realm in the future.

But in the ancient emperor's martial arts world, such a person is actually only a guard in charge of re-election.

This shows the strength of the ancient imperial palace.

Qin Yu will participate in the re-election token, after confirming to the two half-step Martial Ancestors, he will come to the re-election site.

The square, which is extremely spacious enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people, is already crowded with people.

The ancient imperial palace recruits disciples once every ten years.

Even after the extremely strict primary election, there are still tens of thousands of geniuses who successfully broke into the secondary election.

Today's re-election is divided into two parts, one is the qualification test, and the other is the combat power test.

Although the primary election three days ago was extremely harsh, it can be said that there was a lot of luck involved.

Therefore, today's assessment of these two links.

When the people in the muddy water will be eliminated, only the real geniuses will be left behind!

Hundreds of meters away from the square, crowds of onlookers gathered.

They are from the Martial Ancestor Realm of various major forces in the ancient emperor's martial arts world, and they are the overlords of one side.

But at this moment, they can only huddle together with ordinary warriors and watch from a distance.

No matter how turbulent the ancient imperial palace is, no one dares to disobey the ancient imperial palace at this time.

Qin Yu stood on the edge of the square, ignoring the bright and excited Tianjiao around him.

He was thinking about how to enter the secret realm of the ancient imperial palace.

According to what his elder brother said, there is a major relationship between the ancient emperor's secret realm and succession to the ancient emperor's position.

It is even very possible that in the ancient emperor's secret realm, there are secrets related to the three ancient emperors in ancient times.

Therefore, not everyone can enter the Ancient Emperor's Secret Realm.

Even the elders of the Martial Ancestor Realm in the Ancient Emperor Palace, there are very few who can enter the Ancient Emperor Secret Realm.

Even if Qin Yu passed the re-election, he entered the Ancient Emperor Palace.

But it may not be so easy to enter the ancient emperor's secret realm.

Boom boom boom!
At noon, the sun was scorching across the sky.

Three long bells, mighty and mighty, resounded through the ancient city.

The re-elected geniuses and onlookers who had been making a lot of noise immediately fell silent, and needles could be heard.

Chi Chi!

Above the palace city, the core of the ancient imperial city, a dazzling light appeared in the void.

The light fell from above, and then evolved into an ancient light door.

A vast and unparalleled power emanated from the light gate.

Everyone's heart trembled, their expressions were in awe.

In front of that vast power, they feel as weak as ants.

"The ancient palace finally appeared!"

Through the ancient light door, one can see a huge ancient palace like an island, quietly suspended in the void.

The tens of thousands of geniuses in the square, as well as the countless warriors who were watching, were all curious about the ancient imperial palace.

Although the ancient imperial palace is located in the boundary of the ancient imperial city.

But it is in the realm of Sumeru, and it is extremely rare to see it on weekdays.

"It's actually a world within a world!"

A look of astonishment flashed in Qin Yu's eyes.

From the Xumi Realm in the ancient imperial palace, he also sensed a touch of the fluctuation of the Sumeru Realm.

There is a means to create another existence in the Sumeru Realm in the Sumeru Realm.

The comprehension of the way of space is absolutely amazing.

In this ancient emperor's palace, there was probably a top Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse.

The Law of Heaven and Earth in the Martial Ancestor Realm and the Great Way of Heaven and Earth in the Martial Emperor Realm are two different levels of power.

No matter how strong the cultivation base is in the Martial Ancestor Realm, it is impossible to comprehend the Dao of Heaven and Earth.

"There are indeed Jinyan Fentianlong fluctuations!"

In the huge dragon eyes of the dragon soul, which was perceived by secret techniques, joy flickered.

At this time, three astonishingly imposing figures flew out from the ancient light gate and stood in the sky above the square.

Those were three Martial Ancestor Realm wearing blue robes, all of whom were at the fifth level of Martial Ancestor Realm.

After those three Martial Ancestor Realms, more than a dozen Martial Ancestor Realms in white robes appeared.

But the cultivation bases of these ten people are all below the third level of Martial Ancestor Realm.

In the heavily hierarchical ancient imperial palace.

Even reaching the Martial Ancestor Realm, there is a very clear division of status.

This is especially true for disciple-level characters in the Martial God Realm.

"Today is the day for re-election. Those who can pass the two rounds of re-election will officially become the disciples of my ancient imperial palace, and they will be honored."

"I think you all know the rules of the re-election, so I won't talk nonsense. Now, start the first round of re-election, the qualification test..."

Among the three blue-robed martial ancestors, a fat man took a step forward and flicked his finger.

Ten rays of light descended from the sky and scattered neatly in front of the square.

Those ten rays of light are ten stone tablets about ten feet high.

On the stone tablet, surrounded by ancient patterns, the spirit is mighty.

Those ten spirit pattern tablets can deeply test the martial arts qualifications.

And if you want to pass the aptitude test, you must at least have the aptitude of the top innate spiritual veins.

Of course, even if one's aptitude reaches the peak innate spirit veins, it doesn't mean that one can enter the Ancient Emperor's Palace.

Among these tens of thousands of people, 1000 people can become disciples of the ancient imperial palace, which is considered an astonishing proportion.

Soon, under the arrangement of the dozen or so white-robed martial ancestors.

Tens of thousands of geniuses participating in the re-election came forward one by one in an orderly manner to test their aptitude.

These ten spirit pattern tablets can deeply test detailed qualifications such as blood veins, spirit veins, and spirit bodies.

"Congenital spirit veins, seventh-grade low-level, unqualified!"

"Innate spirit vein, sixth-grade high-level, unqualified!"

"Innate Sacred Vein, first-grade intermediate, qualified!"

"Innate sacred vein, fourth-grade high-level, qualified!"

As the spirit pattern monument continued to emit light, the aptitude of each re-elected Tianjiao was tested.

Those in troubled water who were lucky enough to pass the primary election were eliminated by the selection process one after another, and their luck was broken.

Suddenly, a beam of water-blue light that was hundreds of feet high rose into the sky.

A terrible chill filled thousands of miles around, and all living beings felt their skins sting from freezing.

"Innate Holy Physique, the peak of the eighth rank..."

The crowd watched.

I saw the seventh spirit pattern tablet.

A young man wearing an ice blue gown with a handsome face and a smile on the corner of his mouth lightly withdrew his right hand surrounded by cold air.

Although, there is no clear distinction between blood veins and spiritual veins.

But the potential of the spirit body is higher than the power of the blood and the qualification of the spiritual vein.

Unless it is the extremely powerful bloodline power of those extremely ancestors, and the spiritual veins of heaven-defying quality, they can stand shoulder to shoulder with the spirit body.

The young man in the ice blue gown not only possessed a spiritual body, but also an innate holy body that had reached the peak of the eighth rank.

With such aptitude, even if one looks at the seven martial arts worlds, one is afraid that they are peerless arrogance standing at the pinnacle.

"That is the symbol of Xuanbingwu Palace!"

"I recognize him, he is the young son of the Xuanbingwu Palace!"

"No wonder the aptitude is so terrible, it turns out that he is the son of one of the five top palaces!"

On the square, heated discussions and exclamations continued to appear.

But among those watching warriors, the big figures from the Martial Ancestor Realm from all major forces have different expressions.

The five top palaces are the most powerful behemoths in the ancient emperor's martial arts world, except for the ancient emperor's palace.

The current undercurrents and turmoil in the ancient imperial martial world are basically caused by the five top palaces.

At this time, the Xuanbingwu Palace unexpectedly allowed a young prince with such astonishing aptitude to participate in the examination of the disciples of the Ancient Emperor Palace.

This had to make them think deeply, they couldn't figure out the intention of Xuanbingwu Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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