Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 259: King Wu's Mansion Comes!

Chapter 259: King Wu's Mansion Comes! (first update)
The reason why Qin Yu didn't allow the ghost king's soul to directly fuse with the barbarian bone.

He just wanted to completely refine the inheritance of the Ghost Dao from the lineage of the Heaven-Suppressing Ghost Emperor in the Ghost King.

If it is the Temple of Ten Thousand Ghosts, there is a secret technique to find the Skeleton Ghost King.

Then Qin Yu's identity will definitely be exposed.

Although with Qin Yu's current strength, he is no longer afraid of Baili Xionghuang.

Even as long as he is fully prepared, Qin Yu is completely confident that he can directly fight back to the Baiwu Realm, and he will be ashamed.

However, the Hall of Ten Thousand Ghosts is just a lineage of the Heaven Suppressing Ghost Emperor, a small branch force.

Since the ancient fairy order can make Xingluo come from deliberately breaking the boundary, its preciousness is self-evident.

Once Baili Xionghuang, the news that the ancient fairy order is on him will be sent back to Tianyu.

Then what Qin Yu had to face was not just a Hall of Ten Thousand Ghosts.

Therefore, before obtaining Jin Yan Fen Tianlong, Qin Yu had to act cautiously and not reveal his identity.

As long as Jin Yan and Fen Tianlong are subdued, the Skeleton Ghost King refines the body of the barbarian god emperor.

After Qin Yu, there is no need for him to be as restrained as he is now.


When Qin Yu was hiding in this cave, quietly refining the bones of the barbarian god and the ghost way of the ghost king.

The powerhouses of the seven martial worlds were all messed up because of the appearance of the relics of the barbarian gods.

Countless characters from the Martial Ancestor Realm flocked outside the Manshen Ruins.

Although they are quite curious about the ruins of the gods.

But what really attracted them was the movement made by Xing Luo who broke through the boundary before.

That kind of power to penetrate the world element, even a strong Martial Emperor realm, would be difficult to achieve.

But after arriving outside the ruins of the gods, no one dared to enter, but gathered outside to watch.

"Why haven't you come out yet?"

In the wild land, amidst the dark crowd.

Chen Zilian is under the protection of the powerful in the ancient imperial palace.

She looked at the shattered void in the ruins of the barbarian god, and there was worry in her bright eyes.

It can be said that the ruins of the barbarian gods and the ancient palace suffered heavy losses.

In the Zipao Martial Ancestor Realm, six fell.

In the low-level Martial Ancestor Realm, nearly thirty people died.

As for the thousands of disciples who came this time, let alone.

Only [-] to [-]% of the disciples who entered the ruins of the gods came out alive, and more than a thousand people died.

One must know that among these more than a thousand disciples, they are all selected from a thousand to enter the ancient imperial palace to practice.

Each of them is a talented person who will have the opportunity to hit the Martial Ancestor Realm in the future.

Now, all of them have fallen in the ruins of the barbarian god.

Of course, compared to ordinary disciples, what Chen Zilian was worried about was naturally Qin Yu who saved her life.

But she knew that Qin Yu was involved in the melee area of ​​the Martial Ancestor Realm.

If it doesn't appear now, the situation is probably not optimistic.

"It's been so long, that person has escaped from this ruin, right?"

"No, the induction of the blood god jade has never made a mistake, and he is still in this ruin."

Among the dark warriors, there is also a force waiting for Qin Yu's appearance.

This force is naturally Tianji Wu Palace.

Zhao Junhai's death made Tianji Martial Palace aware, so many top Martial Ancestors were sent here.

As for the Xuanbingwu Palace, because Qin Yu didn't search for Li Tianxuan's soul and refine his soul, he directly beheaded him.

Therefore, the Xuanbingwu Palace is still investigating the cause of Li Tianxuan's death.

Otherwise, Qin Yu would have to face the two top palaces.

Time flies by.

Five days later.

After seeing for five days, the Manshen ruins were all dead silent, without the slightest movement.

Finally, the mighty Martial Ancestor Realm couldn't hold back and quietly sneaked into the ruins of the Man God.

With the first temptation, more people will naturally follow in.

When the news came out that there was no more danger in the ruins of the barbarian god.

Countless warriors gathered outside the ruins of the gods immediately swarmed in.



In the mountain cave mansion.

Qin Yu, who was meditating and practicing while integrating the ghost king's soul into the area, his expression moved slightly.

He sensed that dozens of powerful auras were approaching him extremely fast. .

The cultivation bases are all in the high-level Martial Ancestor Realm, and there are even more than ten of the top Martial Ancestor Realm in the eighth or ninth level.

This group of forces is not small, and the ordinary top forces cannot be brought out at all.

In the Ancient Emperor Martial World, except for the Ancient Emperor Hall.

I am afraid that only the five top Martial Palaces can dispatch such a powerful force.

Is it the Tianji Wu Palace?

Or the Xuanbingwu Palace?
Qin Yu could clearly sense that the other party was coming after him, but he didn't know the origin of the other party.

"Dragon Soul, I'll go out and have a look, you are in charge here."

Qin Yu stood up.

At this moment, he couldn't let external forces interfere with the ghost king's fusion of the emperor's body.

"rest assured."

The dragon soul emerged from the ancient seal of the Dragon God, turned into a size of half a foot, and soared beside the cauldron.

The ghost king has independent intelligence, although he signed the contract, it was mainly Qin Yu.

But that only refers to the situation where the cultivation bases of both parties are equal.

When the ghost king fully integrates into the emperor's body, the ghost king is very likely to want to turn against the guest.

That's why Qin Yu let Dragon Soul watch here.

With the current strength of Dragon Soul, even if the ghost king has a different heart, he can still suppress it.

"Huh? Formation?"

At this time, the Martial Ancestor Realm of the Tianji Martial Prince's Mansion stopped after arriving at the mountain peak surrounded by clouds and mist.

They could vaguely feel that, with that mountain peak as the center, the land with a radius of thousands of miles was filled with murderous intent.

Such dangerous fluctuations, even those who are in the Martial Ancestor Realm, are a little palpitating.

Here, a powerful killing array is arranged.

"Tianji Martial Palace."

As the clouds parted, Qin Yu emerged from the clouds and looked at the Martial Ancestor Realm of the Tianji Wu Palace.

The situation was exactly as Qin Yu perceived.

Three are at the ninth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, twelve are at the eighth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, and the rest are all at the seventh level of the Martial Ancestor Realm.

"it's him!"

The leader of the ninth-level Martial Ancestor Realm elder saw Qin Yu, and his eyes flashed sharply.

When Qin Yu appeared, the Blood God Jade fused with Zhao Junhai's natal essence and blood on his body trembled slightly.

Although Qin Yu looked a little different from the figure in the Blood God Jade.

But the perception of the blood god jade is absolutely infallible.

"Break the formation!"

There was no nonsense, the old man was full of killing intent, and immediately ordered to attack.

Immediately, the law of heaven and earth rioted, and a world-shattering war broke out.

However, all the law attacks disappeared without a trace after blasting into the cloud.

Qin Yu's figure also disappeared into the clouds.

"What kind of formation is this?"

The people in Tianjiwu Palace were all shocked.

With their martial strength at the Martial Ancestor Realm, they couldn't break through a single formation.

If this gets out, I don't know how many people will be shocked.

At this time, those Martial Ancestors who broke into the ruins of the barbarian gods were shocked by the sudden battle and flew away one after another.

"That is, Tianji Wu Palace!?"

"They're attacking? What happened?"

"Could it be related to the disappearance of the prince with the high-level sacred body in Tianjiwu Palace?"

"Zhao Junhai, did you leave the ruins?"

More and more warriors gathered and discussed.


Chen Zilian, who also heard the sound, also discovered the formation when she saw the mountain peak surrounded by clouds and mist.

This made her startled, and thought of Qin Yu.

When Qin Yu rescued her back then, he also used formations to kill Li Tianxuan and the others with ease.

Could it be that the person inside is Qin Yu?
(End of this chapter)

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