Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 263 Conflict revealed!

Chapter 263 Conflict revealed! (first update)
"Mystic Ice Martial King and Tianji Martial King?"

Qin Yu did not expect that at the critical moment when he was about to enter the ancient emperor's secret realm.

The two top palaces actually came to the ancient imperial palace to deal with him.

No wonder there are several elders in purple robes in the punishment hall.

"Come with us!"

Without further nonsense, those elders in purple robes brought Qin Yu to the punishment hall.

Outside the punishment hall, many elders and disciples had already gathered, obviously they had received the news and came to watch.

In the spacious penalty hall, a row of purple-robed Martial Ancestors stands on each side.

On the main seat, there is a serious white-haired old man.

This person is the head of the punishment hall, Yi Xiaobo.

Slightly below the main seat, there are two figures sitting.

One is wearing a golden robe, with a majestic face, it is Tianji Wuwang, Zhao Mingtian!
The second person, dressed in white, was filled with cold air, freezing the void, Xuanbing Wu King, Li Huanglong!
Following Qin Yu's arrival, the eyes of everyone in the punishment hall fell on Qin Yu.

Facing those majestic gazes, Qin Yu showed no sign of change, and calmly walked to the center of the penalty hall.

"Shen Feng, you should know the matter. Tianji Wu Wang and Xuan Bing Wu Wang accused you of killing fellow disciples Zhao Junhai and Li Tianxuan. Do you have anything to say?"

Yi Xiaobo spoke with a majestic voice, with the air of a superior who holds the power of life and death.

"This is purely unnecessary."

Qin Yu spoke lightly.

Although with his current strength, he is not afraid of Zhao Mingtian and Li Huanglong.

But he wouldn't be so stupid as to admit it directly.

"Is it necessary?"

A voice with a strong killing intent appeared.

Zhao Mingtian's eyes were gloomy like a poisonous snake, as if he wanted to devour Qin Yu.

Zhao Mingtian had seen that figure from the Blood God Jade.

The instant he saw Qin Yu, he was almost certain.

Qin Yu was the one who killed Zhao Junhai.

"Whether it is unfounded or not, you will know once you test it."

Li Huanglong also opened his mouth in a gloomy manner, and the air was slightly colder.

After saying that, Li Huanglong flipped his right hand, and a strange stone appeared in his hand.

On the strange stone, there are countless dao patterns surrounding it, like layers of clouds and mist, quite mysterious.

"Sky Soul Stone!"

Yi Xiaobo's expression moved slightly.

It seems that Li Huanglong and Zhao Mingtian came prepared and did not want him to intervene in the punishment hall.

The Heavenly Soul Stone is a strange stone that is born with soul power.

Rumor has it that the Heavenly Soul Stone has been refined by secret techniques, and as long as you touch it, you can see the memory in your soul.

Li Huanglong obviously wanted to use the Heavenly Soul Stone to probe Qin Yu's memory.

"Put your hands up."

With a flick of Li Huanglong's finger, the Heavenly Soul Stone floated in front of Qin Yu, and ordered indifferently.

Qin Yu smiled lightly upon hearing this.

Probing with the Sky Soul Stone will indeed not hurt the soul like searching for the soul.

But doing so is tantamount to completely exposing all the secrets of oneself.

Qin Yu would not agree to such a thing.

"Didn't you hear my words? Put your hands up!"

Seeing that Qin Yu remained motionless, Li Huanglong's body became cold.

In an instant, with him at the center, the entire penalty hall was filled with cold air.

Even those who were in the purple-robed Martial Ancestor Realm felt chills all over their bodies, and immediately resisted with the laws of heaven and earth.

"If you want to order me, you are not qualified!"

Qin Yu stood there indifferently.

Qin Yu seemed to be unaware of the bone-chilling chill that filled the void, and his expression remained normal.

With the strength of the Qi and blood of the dragon god's domineering body, he can completely ignore the cold air of this level.

"Hey, this kid!"

Seeing that scene, a strange color flashed in Zhao Mingtian's eyes.

Li Huanglong's Nine Cold Profound Ice exudes a chill that even the Martial Ancestor Realm can hardly resist.

Qin Yu, who was only in the Martial God Realm, looked like a normal person.

Could it be that there is a treasure on Qin Yu's body?
"court death!"

Li Huanglong's eyes turned cold, and he shot directly.

A ten-foot ice hand condensed in the void and grabbed Qin Yu.

Seeing this, Yi Xiaobo wanted to stop him.

But considering the current situation of the Ancient Emperor's Palace, he still held back.

It is no small matter that the heirs of the two royal palaces died, but they still had the peerless arrogance of the high-level holy body.

One bad move will cause the ancient imperial palace to completely fall into turmoil.

So, let Qin Yu test it.

If it wasn't for Qin Yu, everything would be fine.

But if Qin Yu did it, then naturally it should be dealt with by the two palaces.

Regarding Li Huanglong's attack, Qin Yu had no intention of resisting at all, and stood quietly in place.


But just as the icy hand was about to touch Qin Yu, an unparalleled glow swept past.

The ice hand immediately shattered and turned into ice flakes, and the astonishing coldness in the punishment hall disappeared immediately.

"This power!"

When Li Huanglong and Zhao Mingtian saw the glow, their expressions moved slightly and they looked at each other.

"The ancient emperor!"

Yi Xiaobo stood up abruptly, and looked at the person who appeared out of thin air.

That person is indeed the ancient emperor!
"The ancient emperor, he has actually left the customs!"

In the penalty hall, the elders and disciples immediately erupted when they saw the ancient emperor appearing.

Since it was rumored that the ancient emperor's lifespan was approaching.

In the past few decades, the ancient emperor has never shown himself, nor has he seen anyone.

This caused all kinds of rumors to fly around in the ancient emperor's martial arts world, and various forces were undercurrents.

But I didn't expect that today, the ancient emperor would leave the customs in person!

"The ancient emperor!"

Even Li Huanglong and Zhao Mingtian saluted.

No matter what the state of the ancient emperor is, they still will not disobey the ancient emperor in the open.

"My disciple of the ancient imperial palace, when will it be the turn of outsiders to punish?"

The ancient emperor's eyes were deep and majestic at the moment, and his kind face was also somewhat calm and majestic.

"It was indeed me, Meng Lang, before, and I still hope that the ancient emperor will make amends."

Li Huanglong's face darkened slightly, he didn't expect that the ancient emperor would be so disrespectful to him, scolding him face to face.

"However, this son is related to the cause of my son's death, I hope the ancient emperor will deal with it fairly!"

Li Huanglong raised his head, and his expression returned to normal, but he held on tightly to Qin Yu's matter.

"The ancient emperor, Xuanbingwu King, has already brought the Heavenly Soul Stone, whether my son was killed by this son, it only takes a moment to verify."

Zhao Mingtian also opened his mouth and said in a postscript.

"There is no need to use the Sky Soul Stone to detect it. Your son was not killed by Shen Feng, but died under wild wild beasts."

The ancient emperor glanced at the soul stone of that day, and said directly.

"This matter is what we saw with our own eyes."

Among the disciples of the elders watching outside the hall, Chen Jiuxing and Chen Zilian walked in.

"But the people of my palace sent a letter before they died, and saw my son with their own eyes, and they were killed by this son."

Li Huanglong frowned slightly, but did not stop there.

"Guhuang, just letting this son use the Sky Soul Stone to detect his memory will not cause any damage to him. Do you have to stop it?"

Zhao Mingtian followed closely.

"Are you guys questioning me?"

The ancient emperor's face became more and more majestic.

"I don't dare to question, I just want to find out the cause of my son's death."

Li Huanglong and Zhao Mingtian did not back down.

"What if I disagree?"

The ancient emperor's voice gradually cooled down, and behind him, rays of light quietly appeared.

At this moment, the Punishment Hall was extremely silent, and a needle could be heard.

Everyone stared blankly at Gu Huang, Zhao Mingtian, and Li Huanglong.

Are the ancient imperial palace and the top palace finally going to tear their skins apart?

(End of this chapter)

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