Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 282 Infected with the blood of the Martial King!

Chapter 282 Infected with the blood of the Martial King! (third change)
"Hehe, this scene is really familiar!"

A soft laugh appeared in the crowd of the Royal Palace's allied forces.

Zhou Pingyang, who carried an ancient sword and had an astonishing sword intent, stepped forward.

Beside Zhou Pingyang, there are Li Huanglong, Zhao Mingtian, Cang Luoshu and other powerful masters of the palace.

"It is indeed very familiar. I remember that last time, you also came here in such an aggressive manner, and then fled in disgrace."

Wei Yuanjiu sneered.

"Wei Yuanjiu, I originally thought that the position of the ancient emperor would fall on your head, but I didn't expect that you were willing to submit to a young brat. No wonder you have been trampled under the feet of the ancient emperor for so many years."

Although Zhao Mingtian said this to Wei Yuanjiu, his gaze was on Qin Yu.

"Why, you seem disappointed that we didn't have the infighting as you hoped?"

The sneer on Wei Yuanjiu's face was even worse.

Last time, the ancient emperor knew that his life span was not long, so he tried to kill the ten kings in one battle, but unfortunately he failed.

So in this battle, he and Wu Huangfeng had to help Qin Yu.

Although Qin Yu received the inheritance of the Three Emperors and has amazing combat power, his body cultivation is still too weak, not as good as the ancient emperor.

If Qin Yu was also besieged by Zhou Pingyang and other top palace masters, it would be extremely dangerous.

"Shen Feng, Tianjiao who possesses the aptitude of divine body, seeing him today, he is really extraordinary!"

Zhou Pingyang had a slight smile on his face, and his eyes were also sizing up Qin Yu.

At such an age, one has the cultivation base of the Martial Ancestor Realm. This level of aptitude has to be shocking.

If Qin Yu is given enough time, he will definitely grow into a terrifying existence in the future.

At the very least, the seven great martial worlds are too small for Qin Yu.

"Since you are all here, I will give you one last chance. Now, you can either surrender to me, or die! Choose yourself."

Qin Yu spoke lightly.

This shocking force of more than 6000 Martial Ancestor Realm troops did not put the slightest pressure on Qin Yu.

When Qin Yu roamed the battlefield outside the territory in his previous life, he had beheaded countless alien races from outside the territory, and he had even seen many battles between the Ten Thousand Emperors.

In his eyes, this person is completely trivial.

"Ignorant child, do you really think that you can order us by sitting on the throne of the ancient emperor?"

With the eerie sound, Li Huanglong's whole body was filled with cold air, freezing the void, making one's heart palpitate.

"Then die."

As soon as the words fell, Qin Yu was blessed by a vast force of heaven and earth in the Sumeru Gate.

Qin Yu's aura immediately rose rapidly.

With the flickering of the divine light, an ancient spear filled with divine patterns appeared in Qin Yu's hand.

The ancient magic weapon, the Sky Splitting Spear!

"The power of heaven and earth? That is..."

"The inheritance of the three emperors, the change of the emperor of the heavens?"

"He actually obtained the Supreme Divine Art of the War Emperor!"

"This kid..."

Zhou Pingyang, Li Huanglong, Zhao Mingtian, and Cang Luoshu all had expressions of shock on their faces.
They are the five top palaces, and they know more about the secrets of the ancient imperial palace than the outside world.

Naturally, it was recognized that what Qin Yu used was the inheritance of the supernatural power of the War Emperor.


Seeing this, Wei Yuanjiu, Wu Huangfeng and others immediately shouted loudly.

Among the more than 3000 people, 2000 each took out a formation flag and shot into the void, while the remaining 1000 stood guard outside.


The array flag was unsealed, and countless array patterns filled the void, turning into a large array that covered the sky.

With the Sumeru Gate as the center, a radius of [-] li is covered and lived.

"What kind of magic circle is this?"

At this moment, the Martial Ancestor Realm of the Wuwangfu's allied forces felt a huge coercion descending.

There was an ominous feeling in their hearts, and they all became vigilant.

"yin and yang?"

Zhou Pingyang's eyes were slightly fixed, looking at the giant formation that covered the sky.

The entire formation is divided into one white and one black, forming a state of yin and yang intermingling, exuding a mysterious aura.

Boundless, chaotic, giving people a feeling like the beginning of the world.

All the Martial Ancestors in the Ancient Emperor Palace are bathed in yin and yang light, and their aura has become mysterious, making it impossible to detect the depth.

"Be careful, this is a divine formation that has been lost since ancient times. The yin and yang formation uses the sky as yang and the earth as yin. Concentrating the power of heaven and earth is enough to kill gods and demons!"

"There are such lost god formations, and the heritage of the ancient imperial palace is really amazing!"

A subtle sound transmission appeared in Zhou Pingyang's ear curtains, it was the man in black robe from Nine Ghost Hall.

"The power of heaven and earth?"

Zhou Pingyang's eyes became more serious.

Although the power of heaven and earth is different from the Dao of Heaven and Earth in the Emperor Wu Realm, it far exceeds the power of laws in the Martial Ancestor Realm.

Originally, they had an absolute advantage by virtue of doubling the number.

But now, it might not be that easy to take down the ancient imperial palace.

"It is impossible to attract the power of heaven and earth in the Martial Ancestor Realm. That kid can be said to be the heart of the formation."

The black-robed man transmitted the sound transmission again.

Zhou Pingyang examined it carefully, only to find that the yin and yang formation indeed echoed Qin Yu faintly.

"With the supernatural powers of the Three Emperors, draw the power of heaven and earth from the ancient emperor's palace to bless yourself, and then integrate into the formation of Yin and Yang..."

At this thought, Zhou Pingyang's eyes flashed coldly.

"Don't worry about this big formation, kill this kid first!"

Zhou Pingyang sent a voice transmission to Li Huanglong and other palace masters.

call out!
At this time, Qin Yu stepped forward with a single step, holding a sharp spear, and came out to kill.

"Little bastard, let's see who else can save you today!"

In Zhao Mingtian's eyes, a cold light flickered, and he greeted him head-on.

His body was filled with ancient lines, and a dark aura swept away, like an ancient dark beast from the underworld.

One person and one beast, using terrifying supernatural powers and secret techniques, besieged Qin Yu, wanting to behead Qin Yu and take revenge for him.

A mere first-level Martial Ancestor Realm, even if he gets the inheritance of the Three Emperors, Zhao Mingtian is not afraid at all.

"Soul-Sealing Divine Light!"

The two met in the blink of an eye, Qin Yu moved his left hand, and two divine lights burst out of the air.

"Inheritance of the Emperor?"

Zhao Mingtian was shocked and immediately avoided it.

But at this moment, a miserable howl appeared.

However, the ancient Yinming beast was sealed by the divine light, and then a divine light vortex appeared and swallowed it.

In Qin Yu's pupils, ghost pupils lighted up slightly, and then fell silent.


Because of carelessness, Zhao Mingtian, who suffered a great loss, was furious.

Although the ancient beast of the underworld is a creature of the underworld, it is immortal, but the sealing technique is the only thing it fears.

In the last battle of the ancient emperor, the ancient Yinming beast was severely suppressed.

Zhao Mingtian did not expect that Qin Yu not only inherited the inheritance of the War Emperor, but also received the inheritance of Shenguang.


Suddenly, there was a loud shout.

Zhao Mingtian felt an astonishing sword power, slashing from the sky, and the target was right behind him.

"Avatar of Divine Light..."

Looking at Qin Yu who was not far away, his eyes were cold and indifferent.

At this moment, Zhao Mingtian felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and his whole body was chilling. In his mind, the secret technique that Shenguang had once performed emerged.


As soon as he took action, he felt that the sky was torn apart, and a piercing spear pierced through the center of his brow, crushing his soul in an instant.

A figure appeared behind Zhao Mingtian, it was Qin Yu.


Almost at the same time, the Sword of Destroyer slashed at Qin Yu's body, and there was a deafening bombing sound.

The destructive sword intent raged open, and the void was like the surface of the sea, setting off huge waves...

(End of this chapter)

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