Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 290 Death!

Chapter 290 Death! (first update)
Boom boom boom!
The dozens of ancient armored helmets in the Martial Ancestor Realm in the Hall of Thousand Ghosts immediately erupted with astonishing killing intent, and the power of the law rioted.

But what is surprising is that not only are they equal in cultivation, but they even comprehend the same principles.

The law of ghosts!

Just like that, after mobilizing the power of the law, their aura immediately increased dramatically.

This is the reason why the laws of ghosts and ghosts they have comprehended can enhance each other.

Qin Yu squeezed the seal with both hands, and a strong divine light flickered on his body.

A ten-foot-large ancient seal descended, covering him and the dragon soul for protection.

There was a deafening bombing sound, the Immortal Stone Emperor's Seal shook violently, but it defended against the attack.

"Is this the power of the Three Emperors?"

Baili Xionghuang stared at Qin Yu firmly, his eyes sparkling.

Although Qin Yu's cultivation base is somewhat different from his intelligence.

But the power of the three emperors' supernatural powers is far from being as terrifying as rumored.

Judging from the current situation, it is impossible for the Immortal Stone Emperor Seal to withstand the attacks of dozens of hidden guards for a long time.

It will be a matter of time before Qin Yu falls into crisis.

This made Baili Xionghuang faintly excited.

Since the power of the Three Emperors' magical powers is not as exaggerated as in the rumors.

Then how did Qin Yu kill the thousands of Martial Ancestors in the Ancient Emperor Martial Realm?
Unless, it is Qin Yu who has the kind of secret technique that can greatly improve his cultivation!
In this way, Qin Yu's identity can be confirmed.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether Qin Yu is the person they are looking for.

When he decided to do it, Baili Xionghuang had no intention of letting Qin Yu survive.

I would rather kill this matter than let it go.

Qin Yu disappeared in this forbidden imperial tomb, and the forces behind the ancient imperial palace tried to find out, but there was no way to find out.

Naturally, they would not target them at the Temple of All Ghosts and make matters worse.

"court death!"

A cold light flashed in Qin Yu's eyes.

Regarding the Hall of Thousand Ghosts, Qin Yu originally planned to let them go temporarily.

But now, since they came to the door by themselves, Qin Yu would naturally not be merciful.

These dozens of hidden guards all have the eighth level of Nirvana, and they are definitely the top experts hidden in the Hall of Thousand Ghosts.

When these people are wiped out, the strength of the Hall of Myriad Ghosts will definitely plummet.

"Since the Hall of Ten Thousand Ghosts suspects you, it must also know about the battle of the Royal Palace's coalition forces.

Knowing that you have such combat power, you still dare to make a move. I am afraid that you have some powerful cards in your hand. "

Dragon Soul stared at Baili Xionghuang indifferently, filled with killing intent.

"Heh, today, even if there is Emperor Martial Realm, he will die."

In Qin Yu's right hand, the divine light condenses, and the divine weapon splits the sky spear, and transforms it.

A wave of killing intent shot up into the sky, stirring up the situation.

call out.

Taking a step forward, Qin Yu appeared in front of a hidden guard.

The Sky Splitting Spear came out of the sea like a dragon, tearing apart the gloomy ghost law and sweeping towards it with the power of destruction.

As for the rioting attacks of other hidden guards, with the power of the Immortal Stone Emperor Seal and Dragon God Dominant Body, Qin Yu could directly ignore them.


The hidden guard immediately let out a low shout.

Although Qin Yu's cultivation was far inferior to his, there was a sense of danger in that gun light that made him feel horrified.

Swish swish.

Immediately, nine hidden guards appeared around him.

The breaths of the ten people blend together, and the law fits together, summoning a ten-foot-large ghost soldier skeleton, whose cultivation has reached the pinnacle of Nirvana in the Martial Ancestor Realm.


The spear glow containing the divine light of the seal was blocked by the ghost soldier skeleton.

But with the sound of the explosion, the ghost soldier's skeleton was covered with ghost patterns, and the huge skeleton immediately disintegrated and turned into bones all over the ground.

"The power of the seal?"

Baili Xionghuang and the hidden guards were all shocked.

Killing a ghost soldier skeleton at the peak of the Martial Ancestor Realm with one move, the power of the Three Emperors' magical powers was far beyond their expectations.

The contempt that had appeared in my heart immediately dissipated.

hold head high!
At this time, a thunderous dragon chant sounded, and behind the dragon soul, chaotic dragon energy permeated the air.

The next moment, Jinyan Fentianlong, whose body was burning with billowing flames, rushed out from the original dragon realm.

A vast dragon's power swept away, shaking the heavens and the earth.


Seeing the lifelike Jin Yan Fen Tianlong appearing in front of his eyes, Baili Xionghuang was a little dazed.

Even he, this is the first time he has seen creatures like dragons.

However, this made Baili Xionghuang more and more sure of Qin Yu's identity.

He could remember that during the first battle in the Palace of Beasts, Qin Yu's many supernatural powers and secret techniques seemed to have something to do with the Dragon Clan.


In Dragon Soul's hand, an ancient mirror appeared, turned over and landed on top of Jin Yan Fen Tianlong's head, and there was a cold murderous intent on the somewhat immature baby's face.

Jin Yan Fen Tianlong roared, and Jin Yan Fen Tianhuo used his natal supernatural power.

In an instant, the radius of thousands of miles immediately turned into a sea of ​​flames.

The Jinyan Burning Sky Fire, whose power had already been increased, immediately degenerated under the amplification of the Shenyuan Mirror, and everything it passed was burned.

Even those dark guards at the peak of the Martial Ancestor Realm have to go all out to resist.


Seeing the Shenyuan mirror in Longhun's hand, Baili Xionghuang, his eyes froze for a while.

Sacred weapons are generally only possessed by people in the Martial Emperor realm, even if he was born in the lineage of the Suppressing Ghost Emperor, he does not have a divine weapon.

The mere Martial Ancestor Realm of the Dragon Soul can first make the dragons obey their orders, and has a divine weapon in their body. What is the origin?
Under the attacks of Qin Yu, Long Hun, and Jin Yan Fen Tianlong, the dozens of hidden guards were immediately suppressed, and even suffered casualties.

Once Qin Yu's sealing divine light and dragon soul's space-time magical powers are tricked, it is basically life and death.

"Picture of Ten Thousand Ghosts, Purgatory Evil Ghost!"

When the situation of the hidden guards in the Hall of Ten Thousand Ghosts became more and more unfavorable, a monstrous ghostly aura permeated the sky.

It was Baili Xionghuang who made the move and performed the strongest trick, Wan Gui Tu.

But this time, the Wan Gui was condensed and condensed, and turned into a hundred-foot-large hellish ghost with monstrous aura, reaching the limit of the Martial Ancestor Realm.

Obviously, after the Ten Thousand Ghosts Map was shattered by Lin Changqing, Baili Xionghuang deliberately increased the power of this secret technique.

"The Azure Dragon Battles the Sky!"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Qin Yu's mouth.

Now that his face has been torn apart, he doesn't bother to hide his strength anymore.

In the flesh and bones in the body, there are clear blue dragon patterns, which permeate all the limbs and bones of the body.

Ever since Qin Yu entered the Martial Ancestor Realm.

When the Qinglong Zhantian, Swallowing Dragon Seal and other supernatural powers are used, they will no longer be as hot as before, attracting people's attention.

Of course, although the dragon energy has been restrained, its power is more condensed and astonishing.

Qin Yu's cultivation at the third level of the Martial Ancestral Realm reached the limit of the Martial Ancestral Realm in the blink of an eye.


With one stab, the void shattered.

That gigantic devil of hell was also destroyed directly, turning into a majestic and destructive ghost law, sweeping riots between heaven and earth.

"It's really you!"

Seeing this, Baili Xionghuang's face immediately became ferocious and frightening, like an evil ghost.

"It's really hard for you to come all the way to die!"

Qin Yu's figure flickered, and dozens of divine light incarnations were displayed.

This time, under the situation of Qinglong Zhantian, the incarnation of divine light and combat power displayed have all reached the peak of the Martial Ancestor Realm.

Wan Guidian and others were immediately in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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