Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 295 Emperor Wu Appears!

Chapter 295 Emperor Wu Appears! (Second more)

The cultivation base of the Dragon Soul has thus reached the point of Nirvana in the Martial Ancestor Realm.

Qin Yu also made rapid progress, reaching the seventh level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, breaking through the fourth level in a row.

After all, this is a half-step emperor, the innate spiritual story left behind, and the aura contained in it is naturally extremely amazing.

"time to go!"

The dragon soul dissipated the power of time and space, and the two stood up and left the ancient tomb.

This trip to the Shenyue Emperor's Mausoleum can be said to be a huge harvest.

Not only did he get the Emperor Soul, but his cultivation base also improved by leaps and bounds.

After leaving the ancient tomb, Qin Yu found Wei Yuanjiu and others who were trapped in a certain place in the imperial mausoleum.

Seeing that Qin Yu was about to leave, Wei Yuanjiu and the others did not dare to stay alone.

The danger of this imperial mausoleum was far beyond their expectations.

Without Qin Yu, they really didn't dare to wander around inside.

Almost at the moment when Qin Yu and the others appeared on the blue sea.

A vast and incomparable coercion was suppressed without warning, like a huge mountain pressing down on the top.

"The Way of Heaven and Earth? Emperor Wu!?"

At this moment, Qin Yu pinched the seal with his right hand and immediately cast the Immortal Stone Emperor Seal.

On the left-hand spiritual formation plate, there are defensive formations appearing one after another, turning into dozens of protective shields, firmly guarding the whole body.

The dragon soul also immediately cast its space-time supernatural power, affecting this void.


The actions of Qin Yu and Long Hun could not be described as unpleasant.

But the power of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth that came from the bombardment was even faster, and it bombarded Qin Yu and the others almost instantly.

A violent echo appeared, and the Seal of the Immortal Stone Emperor trembled violently, faintly becoming unstable.

Qin Yu and Dragon Soul were directly thrown into the bottom of the deep sea from midair.


Wei Yuanjiu and the others suffered devastating and severe injuries directly, their breath was weak, and they vomited blood and flew heavily.

A figure made a move, it was Wanguidian, the white-haired old man.

The white-haired old man simply stood there, exuding a vast imperial prestige, which made people feel as if he could dominate the entire world, unrivaled.

The white-haired old man pointed.

A unparalleled sword light turned into countless small sword lights, piercing through the bodies of Wei Yuanjiu and the others, but those sword lights did not cause any harm to Wei Yuanjiu and the others.

This is a method of searching for souls!
The white-haired old man was probing the soul memories of Gu Huangdian and others.

Not only the ancient emperor's palace, but all the forces that came out of the emperor's mausoleum have been searched by him.

He was looking for the person who made Baili Xionghuang use the Dao Lingjian.

But all the time, no clues were found.


Frowning slightly, the white-haired old man looked at Qin Yu who had crashed into the bottom of the deep sea.

In the memories of Wei Yuanjiu and others, he did not see Baili Xionghuang's and others.

But in the same way, he didn't see Qin Yu's memory either.

According to Baili Xionghuang's plan, the most suspicious person is naturally Qin Yu who became the ancient emperor.

The surface of the sea exploded, and a figure broke through the sea, standing in the void, looking at the white-haired old man indifferently.

It was Qin Yu who was blasted into the bottom of the sea.

Qin Yu didn't take the opportunity to escape. Although he comprehended the law of extreme speed, his speed was definitely not as fast as Emperor Wu's.

Another point is that this white-haired old man is only at the third-rank Martial Emperor realm.

With Qin Yu's current methods, he really wasn't afraid.

call out!
As soon as his footsteps were stepped, the white-haired old man crossed the void, approached Qin Yu extremely quickly, and pointed out.

This time, the sky with a radius of thousands of miles was filled with the power of the sword of destruction.

This white-haired old man entered the Tao with a sword, so the power of the great way of heaven and earth directly turned into the power of the sword, and his power was shocking.

"Immortal Stone Emperor Seal!"

"Change of the Emperor of War!"

Qin Yu's gaze was cold, and he pinched his hands very quickly.

The Immortal Stone Emperor Seal became more and more solid, and even the mysterious ancient patterns on it were clearly visible.

At the same time, Qin Yu was surrounded by a dense and intense divine light.

Thousands of ancient swords evolved around the body, floating in the sky and earth, turning into a sword mound.

It can be clearly seen that in the sword mound, there are countless divine swords and emperor swords that shuttle through the void.

Every ancient sword, even a broken sword, a broken sword, etc., exudes supreme sword power, like an invincible swordsman, invincible in the world.

Chi Chi Chi!
The destructive sword power that swept across the sky collided with the invincible sword mound.

It's like a long monster that has transformed into a monster, and when it meets the monster emperor who has become king through the ages, its power is immediately suppressed to the extreme.

After the Immortal Stone Emperor Seal trembled, it blocked the sweep of the sword power.

This time, Qin Yu didn't even shake his body at all.

"This is... Eternal Sword Tomb?!"

The white-haired old man's gaze suddenly froze, and he stared directly at the spot, extremely unbelievable.

The Eternal Sword Tomb is the Divine State of Tianyu, a forbidden zone.

It was left by a generation of invincible sword immortals a long time ago, and it is one of the few strongest magic weapons that Tianyu knows so far.

All the sword cultivators in Tianyu regard the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sword Tomb as the Holy Land of Sword Dao.

Every sword cultivator would not want to see the Eternal Sword Tomb with his own eyes, and want to see the invincible demeanor left by that eternal sword cultivator.

In the long history of Tianyu, almost all the swordsmen who are famous in Kyushu have enlightened in the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sword Tomb.

As a member of the Ghost Emperor's Holy Island, the white-haired old man had naturally been to the Eternal Sword Tomb.

That's why he was so shocked.

The Eternal Sword Tomb transformed by Qin Yu is actually as powerful as the Eternal Sword Tomb in the forbidden area of ​​Tianyu Shenzhou...

"This kid, is he a direct disciple of the Heavenly Emperor Palace?"

After the white-haired old man came back to his senses, Sen Han's eyes flickered strangely.

Although the power of Ghost Emperor Holy Island has not spread to the boundary of Lingzhou.

But he still knows a lot about the Heavenly Palace, which is enough to be ranked among the top in Tianyu.

Rumor has it that in the Heavenly Emperor's Palace, there is a supreme secret technique that can evolve all magical weapons in the world.

But there are not many people who have actually seen it, only the most core direct descendants of the Tianhuang Palace.

Now, Qin Yu actually transformed into the Eternal Sword Tomb.

Naturally, the white-haired old man guessed that Qin Yu was a direct disciple of the Tianhuang Palace.

"That's... the new emperor of the Ancient Emperor Palace?"

"He actually blocked the attack of the Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse?"

"Sure enough, he deserves to be a ruthless person who suppressed and killed thousands of Martial Ancestors. He is so fierce!"

"Speaking of which, what is the purpose of that Martial Emperor Realm? It seems that all the Martial Ancestor Realm that came out of the Emperor's Mausoleum have been searched by him."

"I can't guess the existence of the Emperor Wu's state of mind, so let's back away a little bit, so as not to suffer from the disaster of the fish pond!"

In the area thousands of miles away from that sea area.

There are countless forces, using their own means, watching the confrontation between Qin Yu and the white-haired old man in the sea area.

Ever since the news of a Martial Emperor Realm expert coming to that sea area, the forces of the seven major martial worlds have all gathered there.

They didn't dare to get too close, and could only watch from a very far distance.

"Boy, did you kill the people in the Palace of Myriad Ghosts?"

After staring at the Eternal Sword Tomb, the white-haired old man's eyes flickered with strong greed.

It doesn't matter whether Qin Yu is a direct disciple of Tianhuang Palace or not, since he met him here.

With such a secret technique, he naturally had no reason to let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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