Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 299 Sun Shiyu!

Chapter 299 Sun Shiyu! (third change)


That fingerprint was only about an inch in size, and it was as insignificant as an ant in front of that thousand-foot giant palm.

But when the two touched, the thousand-foot giant palm was actually pierced by the inch Xu palm print.

The frozen world returned to normal, and the pressure on Qin Yu and the Skeleton Ghost King was greatly relieved.

The figure in white who folded his hand was the woman in white who had been watching the battle in secret before.

But what is horrifying is that the divine light fingerprints she just cast...

"Change of the Emperor of War!"

Qin Yu stared.

The divine light fingerprints cast by the white-clothed woman are clearly the Emperor of War.

And judging from the power exerted by the woman in white.

The Heavenly War Emperor Transformation mastered by it contains profound meanings.

It seems that it must be on top of the Heavenly War Emperor Transformation controlled by Qin Yu.

Heaven Palace!
This idea immediately appeared in Qin Yu's mind.

The cultivation base of the Martial Emperor Realm, the deeper level of the three emperors' supernatural powers.

Apart from the Tianhuang Palace, Qin Yu couldn't think of any other possibility.

"Are you from the Emperor's Palace?"

Zhou Yantian frowned slightly, staring intently at the woman in white, he also guessed its origin.

The cultivation base of the white-clothed woman was somewhat stronger than his, and she had already reached the peak of the sixth-rank Martial Emperor Realm.

More importantly, this woman in white doesn't seem to be practicing the technique of staying in capacity.

In other words, this white-clothed woman has cultivated to the level of the sixth-rank Martial Emperor at a young age.

Such talent is really shocking!

"Heavenly Palace, Sun Shiyu!"

The woman in white was surrounded by divine light, with an extraordinary temperament.

"Sure enough!"

A flash of surprise flashed in Qin Yu's eyes, he guessed right.

However, according to what the ancient emperor said, the Tianhuang Palace has never cared much about the life and death of the lineage of the ancient emperor's palace.

How come at this critical moment, the Martial Emperor Realm of the Heavenly Palace actually appeared?

"Sun Shiyu?"

"She is one of the four great ghosts in Lingzhou, Sun Shiyu of the Heavenly Emperor Palace?"

Both Zhou Yantian and the white-haired old man moved slightly, as if they had heard of Sun Shiyu's name.

"You Tianhuang Palace, do you want to be an enemy of my Ghost Emperor Shengdao?"

Zhou Yantian reacted, his eyes were sharp, and his momentum was also rising steadily.

"The Holy Island of the Ghost Emperor is well-known in the Tianyu. The ghost emperor who suppresses the sky is an ancient emperor. How can I, the Heavenly Emperor Palace, want to be an enemy of the Holy Island?"

Facing Zhou Yantian's overpowering aura, Sun Shiyu seemed calm and indifferent.

"In that case, why did you stop me?"

Zhou Yantian said coldly.

"Although my Heavenly Emperor's Palace is not as good as the Ghost Emperor's Sacred Island, the clansmen cannot ignore danger when they encounter danger."

Sun Shiyu said calmly.

"This kid, you killed the man of my holy island, so what do you mean by that, are you trying to protect him?"

In Zhou Yantian's sharp eyes, there was a cold light flickering, and the killing intent loomed.

"If you want to understand it that way, it's okay."

Sun Shiyu naturally knew that it was impossible to let Zhou Yantian stop with a few words.

However, Zhou Shiyu didn't care, and had a grudge with Zhou Yantian.

Although they are all sixth-rank Martial Emperors, their positions in each other's power are completely different.

Even if Zhou Yantian had some status in Ghost Emperor Holy Island, they would not be important figures.

But she is the most outstanding Tianjiao in Tianhuang Palace and one of the four great ghost talents in Lingzhou.

Even those holy sons and princes from ancient holy lands and ancient god dynasties couldn't stand shoulder to shoulder with her.

Therefore, even though the power of the Ghost Emperor Holy Island is stronger than that of the Heavenly Emperor Palace.

But absolutely not, for the sake of the two of them, they will go to war with their Tianhuang Palace.

"Hmph, I'd like to see if the famous ghost in Lingzhou has a false name!"

Zhou Yantian moved his right hand, and a zhangxu saber appeared in his hand.

On the sword, ghost patterns pervade the sky, and ghost spells are connected, exuding an invincible ferocity.


Behind Zhou Yantian, a ghost figure appeared.

Then he held the saber tightly with both hands, slashed in the air, and a jet-black blade glow appeared.

Although the sword glow did not radiate, no matter how amazing its might, the void was torn apart like pieces of cloth.


Sun Shiyu stood indifferently in the void, and the divine light condensed into a golden scissors with divine light.

"Ancient Divine Weapon, Golden Flood Dragon Scissors!"

Qin Yu recognized the origin of the golden scissors evolved from Sun Shiyu.

It was a well-known divine weapon in ancient times.

Sure enough, the golden scissors flew across the void.

Then, it turned into two lifelike golden flood dragons, biting the jet-black saber light with open teeth and claws.

There was a crisp crackling sound, and the jet-black sword glow was directly crushed.

But those two golden flood dragons kept on attacking, crisscrossing and criss-crossing, and they rushed towards Zhou Yantian with overwhelming power.

Zhou Yantian slashed with his saber, and the avenue of heaven and earth rioted, trying to smash the two golden dragons.

Boom boom boom!
The shocking battle reappeared, and the entire Shenyue Martial World was shaking at this moment.
This battle was more than ten times more terrifying than the previous battle between Qin Yu and the white-haired old man.

The vast ocean completely disappeared, and the deep sea turned into a swamp.

The land with a radius of more than [-] li has been turned into a ruined battlefield, and countless lives have been devastated.

The aftermath of the battle of the high-ranking Martial Emperor is so terrifying.

The two sides fought fiercely for hundreds of moves, but Zhou Yantian went all out, and the move was a killer move, which was earth-shattering.

Sun Shiyu has always faced the enemy calmly, and even has a little ease.

With ease, all the attacks were resolved.

Even Qin Yu, who was close at hand, was not affected in the slightest.

Qin Yu, who was watching the battle, shook his head secretly.

Sun Shiyu didn't make a serious move at all, otherwise, Zhou Yantian would have been defeated long ago.

Although the cultivation bases of the two sides are equal, the real combat power is very different.

"That's it."

After continuously defusing the offensive, Sun Shiyu's bright eyes each had a divine seal cohesive.

Immediately, Sun Shiyu's aura immediately changed.

If we say that before, it was calm.

The current momentum is like a raging sea, and it seems to be able to destroy everything.

Zhou Yantian's pupils shrank sharply, and there was no time to react.

He was hit by two ancient seals of divine light, and flew hundreds of miles away, vomiting blood and suffering serious injuries.

"not good!"

When Sun Shiyu raised her right hand high and made a seal with her five fingers.

Zhou Yantian stood on his head covered in cold hairs, and immediately fled away without thinking about it.

The aura exuded by Sun Shiyu made him feel a death-like sense of danger.

Sure enough, in Lingzhou, where the strong gathered, he was one of the four great ghost talents.

Sun Shiyu has the power to fight the enemy beyond the ranks, and he is a talent that cannot be treated with common sense.

Sun Shiyu put down his right hand, the divine light on his body was restrained, and he did not go after him.

After all, Zhou Xuntian is from Ghost Emperor Shengdao, if he is really killed, I am afraid that it will really cause resentment.

"Do you have any grievances with Ghost Emperor Holy Island?"

Sun Shiyu turned around, and after pausing for a while on the Skeleton Ghost King, she looked at Qin Yu.

"There is no grudge."

Qin Yu's disguised identity cannot be removed now.

"Then why did they send two Martial Emperors to look for you?"

Sun Shiyu asked plainly.

"Maybe, I was the one who killed the people from the Hall of Thousand Ghosts in the Emperor's Mausoleum."

Qin Yu said.

"It is impossible for a small branch force, Ghost Emperor Holy Island, to send two Martial Emperor realms."

Sun Shiyu raised her eyebrows slightly, obviously not believing Qin Yu's words.

"There must be a reason for Ghost Emperor Shengdao looking for you. Although I have beaten you away now, I'm afraid you won't be able to stay in the ancient emperor's palace anymore."

But Sun Shiyu didn't ask the question to the end, and looked at Qin Yu and said.

(End of this chapter)

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