Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 33 Sky Master!

Chapter 33 Sky Master! (seeking collection and recommendation)

Wu Xing opened his mouth, not knowing how to speak.

The current him is not as arrogant as before.

In front of Qin Yu who could forcibly raise the rank of the spiritual weapon, he lost all his temper.

"Miss Yunxi, it's not that our Wanqi Pavilion wants to go back on its word, but that this Chaos Essence Stone is what Master Tianqiong needs. If it is taken away..."

The deacon's face turned bitter.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't let Wu Xinghu come here.

It's good now, don't leave the chaotic essence stone, Master Tianqiong can't explain it.

Taking down the Chaos Taijing Stone, the reputation and credibility of their Wanqi Pavilion will be greatly reduced in the imperial city.

"Nonsense, I came here last month, and this Chaos Grand Essence Stone is clearly still for sale!"

Yunxi didn't believe it.

"This matter is absolutely true. The reason why Master Tianqiong came back early is because of the Chaos Essence Stone."

"It is said that this time, Master Tianqiong is going to use the Chaos Essence Stone to refine a high-level earth-level spiritual weapon, and even specially asked for hundreds of precious spiritual materials from the royal family."

The deacon said quickly.

When Yun Xi heard this, she frowned slightly and looked at Qin Yu.

If this Chaos Grand Master really wanted it, Qin Yu would not be able to take it away.

It is definitely not a wise move to offend Master Tianqiong for the same mineral material.

"What about people, if you don't make good weapons, where are you going?"

Just when Qin Yu was about to speak, an old and majestic voice came.

"It's Master Tianqiong!"

"What's going on today, Master Tianqiong will come here in person!"

The apprentices of the refining master woke up one after another and left the refining room together.

The next moment, a tall figure entered the refining room.

It was an old man with gray hair and a dignified face, not angry and majestic.

This old man is none other than the Zhenwu Dynasty, the well-known Qi King, Master Tianqiong.


Wu Xing and Deacon Duan, whose faces were a little pale, hurriedly greeted them respectfully.

"Master Sky!"

Yunxi also stepped forward and saluted.

"It's you little girl, what's the matter, this Star Spear, isn't it bad?"

Seeing Yunxi, Master Tianqiong showed a smile on his face.

Yun Xi smiled and nodded, not knowing how to answer.

However, Master Tianqiong didn't see Yunxi's strange look, and turned to look at Deacon Duan: "I went to the treasury just now, and it said that you took out the Chaos Essence Stone?"

"Yes, it is."

Deacon Duan's face turned pale.

"The Chaos Essence Stone is an extremely rare spiritual material for refining equipment. Why are you taking it out? Where is the Chaos Essence Stone?"

Master Tianqiong scolded displeasedly.

"This one is in the hands of that young master!"

Deacon Duan pointed to Qin Yu.

"You sold it?"

Master Tianqiong's face darkened, and the air in the entire refining room was condensed.

"No, I was bet by Wu Shao...lost!"

Deacon Duan was so frightened that his body trembled violently and his face turned pale.

"You lost the bet?"

Master Tianqiong glanced at Qin Yu, who had the normal expression in his eyes, and then turned his head to look at Wu Xing, who had kept his head down. His expression suddenly calmed down.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

But Wu Xing and Deacon Duan felt chills in their hearts after hearing Tian Qiong's calm tone.

They knew that Master Tianqiong was really angry.

Immediately, Wu Xing didn't dare to hesitate at all, it was a matter immediately, and he said it all over again.

"The grade of the Star Spear has been raised to the third grade of the Xuan rank? How is this possible?"

Master Tianqiong, who had a terrifying imposing manner, was stunned.

He personally forged the Sky Star Gun, and he clearly knew the grade of the Sky Star Gun.

After the words came out, Master Tianqiong realized that the Sky Star Gun was in front of him.

"Girl, show me the gun."

He directly took the star gun in Yunxi's hand.

"Sure enough, it's the third rank of Xuan rank, and the newly engraved formation completely avoided my three major formations, without causing any damage... Hey, is this an inscription technique that completely sees through me?"

After carefully looking at it, Master Tianqiong took a sharp breath.

He was known as the king of weapons in the Zhenwu Dynasty, and his attainments in refining weapons were naturally far superior to others. He knew how many advanced methods were needed to engrave this pattern.

"Is this formation really engraved by you?"

Master Tianqiong raised his head and looked Qin Yu up and down, the shock in his eyes was hard to hide.

It's amazing that a 16-year-old boy has such inscription skills.

"of course."

Qin Yu nodded slightly.

"how did you do it?"

Master Tianqiong couldn't help asking.

"First use true energy to sense the lines of the three formations' spirit patterns, and just avoid them when engraving new formations."

Qin Yu said lightly.

But Master Tianqiong's face became more and more shocked.

You must know that the most important reason why the spiritual weapon can allow the increase of true energy to cover the entire spiritual weapon is that the inscribed patterns cover the entire spiritual weapon.

If you don't leave enough space for the spirit pattern in advance, it is impossible to engrave a new formation pattern.

But now, someone re-engraved another formation among the three formations he had engraved, and it was still a mysterious formation.

This kind of method, even if he personally inscribed the Sky Star Spear, he couldn't do it.

"I don't know, my little friend, which master of crafting did you learn from?"

Master Tianqiong's attitude was quite amicable.

At Qin Yu's age, he has such astonishing accomplishments in crafting, and the person who taught him behind him is so powerful, even if you think about it with your ass, you will know.

Hearing Master Tianqiong's words, Yunxi, Wu Xing, and Deacon Duan were all shocked.

Grandmaster? !
Behind Qin Yu, there is actually a master craftsman? !
"Sorry for the inconvenience!"

Qin Yu smiled lightly.

However, his plain appearance further confirmed Master Tianqiong's guess.

He thinks that behind Qin Yu, there must be a master craftsman, or even a superpower.

"Senior, you are a master craftsman, I want to bet on the truth, you should not stop talking about it?"

Seeing this, Qin Yu threw the Chaos Taispar in his hand and said with a light smile.

"I would like to gamble and admit defeat. This is indeed a matter of course. However, the Chaos Essence Stone is related to the ground-level spiritual weapon refined by the old man this time. Can I exchange it for a gambling product?"

Master Tianqiong said domineeringly: "In the Wanqi Pavilion, you can exchange anything you fancy."

Qin Yu shook his head slightly: "I'm only here for the Primal Chaos Essence Stone."

Master Tianqiong frowned. Since he became a master craftsman, no one has ever rejected his conditions.

If Qin Yu's inscription patterns hadn't been so amazing, he wouldn't have talked nonsense with Qin Yu.

"I just heard Deacon Duan say that senior has prepared hundreds of top-level spiritual materials for the earth-level spiritual weapon that is about to be refined?"

Qin Yu glanced at Master Tianqiong, who had an uneasy face, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Sky nodded.

"It seems that senior has never used the Chaos Essence Stone to refine a weapon before, right?"

Hearing this, Qin Yu laughed.

"What do you mean?"

Master Tianqiong raised his eyebrows, Qin Yu's tone seemed to be laughing at his ignorance.

"Senior, do you know how the Primal Chaos Essence Stone was born?"

Qin Yu asked again.

"How was it born?"

Master Tianqiong was startled.

He only knows that the Chaos Essence Stone is a very precious spiritual material.

In the history of the Tianlong Continent, someone once used the Chaos Essence Stone to refine a supreme celestial weapon, and its power was earth-shattering.

As for how the Chaos Grand Essence Stone was born, he really didn't know.

(End of this chapter)

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