Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 38 Fame Crisis!

Chapter 38 Fame Crisis!

When the dust dispersed, those onlookers were all dumbfounded.

In the center of the collapsed fighting platform, there was a big pit with a size of ten feet.

In that deep pit, there is still a Destruction Fist power that can be clearly sensed raging.

Suddenly, Chu Han, who was pale and sweating, collapsed on the ground with his legs weak.

In front of him, the elder of the inner courtyard stretched out one hand, and a wall of real essence that was solidified quietly disappeared.

At that moment just now, if it wasn't for the actions of the elders of the inner court, Qin Chu would not even have the slightest bone residue left at this moment.

"Top-level martial arts! This kid is a peerless ghost. In the future, he will definitely step out of the imperial dynasty and become famous all over the world!"

The elder of the inner courtyard had an unconcealable surprise in his eyes.

A third-rank Earth Martial Realm can thoroughly master a top-level Heaven-rank martial skill.

Qin Yu's talent in martial arts made him extremely shocked.

A warrior's talent, in addition to cultivation talent, martial arts talent is also very important.

The former determines the level of cultivation, and the latter determines the strength of combat power.

Looking at Qin Yu's appearance, it was obvious that he had both, which naturally surprised the elders in the inner courtyard.

"He really only has a third-rank Earth Martial Realm..."

"Such power is not weaker than Tianwu Realm!"

"God, what kind of monster is this?"

The sound of Chu Han sitting on the ground brought the stunned onlookers back to their senses, and the loud and heated discussions resounded endlessly.

A super genius with dual martial arts was crushed so thoroughly.

The splendor of this year's freshman conference was no less than that of the previous four-academy conference.

Qin Yu ignored the heated discussions around, put his fists back and straightened his body, and walked away from the square in a calm manner amidst reverent, envious, and jealous eyes.

Qin Yu didn't have the slightest feeling for the rookie king who won this freshman meeting.

Of course, Qin Yu didn't feel it, but Jiang Long and others in Beiyuan were excited.

There is a rookie king in the North Academy this year, and the cultivation resources of the Holy Academy will definitely be focused on.

In less than half a day, the battle of the new king in the Royal Holy Academy spread throughout the entire dynasty.

Qin Yu's name is also the reputation of the dynasty, and countless forces are investigating Qin Yu's origin.

Such an astonishing talent, if he grows up in the future, he will definitely become a famous powerhouse in all countries.


Royal Saint Courtyard, Outer Courtyard, East Courtyard.

"We can't wait like this, we must get rid of Qin Yu as soon as possible."

Along the way, Zhou Tianlang returned to the dormitory with fear, fear, hatred, and murderous intent in his eyes...

After seeing Qin Yu's battle today, the thought of killing Qin Yu in Zhou Tianlang's mind became more and more intense, and he couldn't get rid of it.

Qin Yu's talent was so terrifying, it was so terrifying that he couldn't sleep or eat.


Imperial City, one of the super families, Xue Clan!
"Qin Yu? Could this person be the one mentioned by Tian Wu, Qin Yu from the Qin family in Longling City?"

In Xue's house, a middle-aged man looked at the information in his hand and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Yes, Master Tianwu once ordered him to report immediately when he came to the Royal Holy Court, but Master Tianwu is currently retreating to attack the Martial King Realm..."

A burly man knelt on one knee and replied respectfully.

"Third-rank Earth Martial Realm, but his combat power is comparable to that of Heaven Martial Realm. He can still hold the Prison-Suppressing Divine Spear of the North Courtyard, and he has Ninth-Rank Dual Martial Veins that are close to the spiritual veins. This person... can't stay!"

After the middle-aged man read Qin Yu's detailed information, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

A 16-year-old third-rank Earth Martial Realm is not considered outstanding in the imperial city.

But in his hand was Qin Yu's detailed information.

Knowing that Qin Yu once had his martial veins taken away, his cultivation was exhausted, he fell into a deep sleep for two years, and after waking up, a second martial vein appeared, and within a few short months, he rose strongly and reached the third-rank martial state.

Such a talent is too scary!
If there was no matter about Xue Yutong, a branch of Longling City, the Xue family would definitely try to win over such a genius.

But since Xue Tianwu had formed an enmity with Qin Yu, the Xue Clan couldn't let Qin Yu grow up.


In the Royal Holy Academy, Qin Yu didn't know about the turmoil in the outside world, even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

After finishing the freshmen meeting, Qin Yu went back to the attic where he lived and practiced in seclusion.

The reward for the rookie king was delivered the next day.

A heaven-level kung fu and martial arts, as well as many high-quality panacea.

Qin Yu always looked down on these rewards.

After practicing in seclusion for nearly a month, with the assistance of two dragon veins and elixirs, Qin Yu's cultivation continued to break through, reaching the fifth level of the Earth Martial Realm.

As Zhanlong's zhenqi increased, Qin Yu took this opportunity to condense a third dragon vein.

Now his cultivation speed has more than tripled.

One day, when Qin Yu was practicing, Jiang Long, the North Dean, came to him.

"College mission?"

After listening to Jiang Long's words, Qin Yu frowned slightly.

He doesn't have enough time to practice now, so how can he still have time to go out and perform such tasks.

"This is the regulation of the Holy Court. The flowers in the greenhouse cannot withstand wind and rain."

"So, students from the outer courtyard or the inner courtyard must leave the Holy Academy to perform tasks every once in a while, so as to sharpen their combat power."

Jiang Long said.


Qin Yu wanted to refuse directly, but after thinking about it, he agreed again.

Instead of staying in the Royal Holy Academy and being disturbed from time to time, it is better to simply leave and practice outside.

Anyway, he doesn't need to rely on the cultivation resources of the Royal Holy Academy.

"This is the task of our North Academy this time."

Jiang Long handed the task to Qin Yu.

"Suppress bandits?"

The task of the North Academy this time is to go to the border of the Zhenwu Dynasty and wipe out a group of bandits.

That gang of thieves has been haunting the borderlands, robbing and slaughtering ordinary people.

According to the information, the cultivation base of that group of robbers was only at the Earth Martial Realm.

Therefore, students at the Earth Martial Realm in the outer court are enough to deal with them.

After reading the task, Qin Yu made some preparations and left the Royal Holy Academy with other students from the North Academy.

And after Qin Yu left the Holy Academy, two pieces of news also quickly flowed out of the Royal Holy Academy.

"Hahaha, this news came at the right time."

Zhou Tianlang, who was on a mission outside, looked at the information in his hand, his eyes flickering fiercely.

"This person, we can't let him go back to the Holy Court of the Imperial City alive!"

The Xue family, the middle-aged man, ordered in a dark manner after hearing the news.

Now that the name of the Royal Holy Academy has not focused on protecting Qin Yu, this is an excellent opportunity.

If Qin Yu was allowed to escape this time, the Royal Academy would definitely notice.

If you want to do it again in the future, it will not be so simple.


Da da da!
Seven days later, on the spacious official road, a group of Earth Martial Realm warriors were galloping fast.

This group of people was none other than Qin Yu and other disciples from the North Academy who had come to suppress the bandits.

"According to the Holy Court's information, the front is a place where bandits are haunted. Everyone cheer up."

The leading youth at the ninth level of Earth Martial Realm glanced at the map in his hand and said in a deep voice.

When the students from the North College heard the words, their expressions were all perked up.

"It smells bloody!"

At this time, Qin Yu's nose moved slightly, and he smelled the strong smell of blood coming from the wind ahead.

When they passed through the official road, they came to the place where the smell of blood wafted.

That's a small town!
That was the situation in that small town, but it was terribly miserable.

The house collapsed, and among the ruins, corpses fell in a pool of blood. There were old people and children, and none of them survived. Obviously, there was a massacre!

 New book, please collect and recommend, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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