Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 40 So What About the Martial Emperor!

Chapter 40 So What About the Martial Emperor!
"how is this possible?"

The three Martial Kings who were watching the show with their arms crossed, their eyes suddenly bulging, and they were full of horror.

Two Martial King Realm, smashed into pieces by a fifth-rank Martial Realm?
Even if such a shocking thing happened right in front of their eyes, they would still feel unbelievable!
Qin Yu's figure swept away, and after taking away the Sumeru Ring from those two, he rushed towards the three Martial Kings like lightning!

Warriors who reach the Martial King Realm can fly in the air, which is Qin Yu's biggest shortcoming at present.

Therefore, he had to kill the three Martial Kings before they could react.

"not good!"

Sensing the terrifying killing intent on Qin Yu's body, the three Martial King Realm shuddered all over, subconsciously turning their true energy into wings, ready to fly into the air.


But Qin Yu's speed increased several times at this moment, turning into a faint shadow, rushing in front of them like lightning.

Among the three Martial King Realms, except for the seventh-rank Martial King Realm, the other two Martial King Realm were killed by Qin Yu in an instant.

"Dragon Soul!"

Looking at the seventh-rank Martial King Realm who flew into the sky at a very high speed, Qin Yu's mind moved, and his body jumped up.

The Dragon Soul understood, and the huge Blood Flame Lin Beast rushed over immediately, jumped up, and slammed into Qin Yu who jumped into the air.

Qin Yu, who had stopped his upward rush, stomped on the Blood Flame Hunting Beast with his toes. With the help of the huge impact and rebound force, he quickly chased towards the seventh-rank Heavenly Martial Realm who was sweating coldly.

When the distance was more than 20 meters, Qin Yu volleyed with his left hand.

In the spirit array, two heaven-killing killing intents superimposed, like a destructive hurricane, straddling the distance between the two, with the momentum of destroying heaven and earth, and ruthlessly bombarded the seventh-rank Tianwu realm.

Not surprisingly, the seventh-rank Tianwu realm also burst open.

With a flash of true energy, Qin Yu swept away his Sumeru ring, turned over in the air, was helped by the blood flame beast in mid-air, and landed safely.


Qin Yu exhaled slightly.

It's a good thing those Martial King Realms were intimidated by his means, otherwise the three Martial King Realms would fly in the air and attack him, and he would have no choice but to run away.

"No, run away!"

"He is definitely not at the Earth Martial Realm..."

Seeing that Qin Yu had landed safely, those twenty Heavenly Martial Realm were already terrified and fled for their lives.

In their hearts, Qin Yu was already able to stand shoulder to shoulder with such strong men as Emperor Wu!

Glancing at the students from the North Campus who were lying in a pool of blood, Qin Yu's eyes flashed coldly, and he cast Ghost Shadow and Demon Trace.

Puff puff!
Those at the Heaven Martial Realm didn't escape very far before they were all beheaded by Qin Yu with the killing intent.

But at this moment, a huge sense of danger suddenly appeared in Qin Yu's heart.

Without even thinking for a moment, Qin Yu immediately cast Hundred Shadows Demon Trace and moved away sideways.


The moment Qin Yu moved sideways, the ground he was standing on suddenly cracked, and two stone pillars about ten meters high rushed out of the ground.

The Dragon Soul's reaction was a step slower, the Blood Flame Lin Beast's head was pierced, and its vitality was exhausted.

"It's the Martial Emperor Realm!"

The dragon soul immediately returned to the ancient seal of the dragon god and sounded a reminder.

"Aside from the Zhou family, is there any force that sent people to hunt and kill me?"

A light flashed in Qin Yu's eyes.

Obviously, the Martial Emperor who made the sneak attack was not a Zhou family warrior.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible not to rescue those three Martial Kings before.

In any power in the Zhenwu Dynasty, the Wu King Realm is definitely a combat power that cannot be ignored.

"The Xue clan?"

A thought flashed in Qin Yu's mind.

In the imperial city, apart from Zhou Tianlang, the only person who had grudges with Qin Yu was Xue Tianwu back then.

Before that, Qin Yu was still surprised that with Xue Tianwu's flamboyant and arrogant personality at the beginning, after he came to the Royal Holy Academy, there was no movement at all.

Unexpectedly, it wasn't that Xue Tianwu was silent, but was holding back his killing move in secret, and as soon as he made a move, he directly dispatched the Martial Emperor Realm.

While Qin Yu was thinking, a figure appeared in mid-air, about twenty feet away from Qin Yu, looking down at Qin Yu coldly.

"Now that Zhu Tian's murderous intent is exposed, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to kill this person."

Dragon Soul looked at the Martial Emperor who appeared, and said, "Unless you can get close!"

"Looking at his appearance, he won't give me a chance to get close, so I can only run away."

Qin Yu glanced at the Martial Emperor Realm who kept a distance of twenty feet from him, knowing that the opponent must have carefully observed his previous battle, so he immediately dodged away.

"To be forced to flee in embarrassment by the mere Martial Emperor Realm..."

The dragon soul is full of murderous intentions, like a tiger falling into Pingyang and being bullied by dogs, or a dragon swimming in shallow water being played by shrimps.

Qin Yu never felt this way.

He is the Dragon God Emperor Zun of Tianyu's generation, the existence of the world famous.

It's a pity that no matter how strong he was in his previous life, he is only a small fifth-rank martial artist now.

Boom boom boom!
Seeing this, the Martial Emperor flew in the air, chasing after him.

One after another, the power of earthy yellow true essence, which contained terrifying power, fell like a violent storm.

With Qin Yu as the center, within a radius of ten feet, they are all indiscriminately attacking places.

Qin Yu relied on the earth-level spiritual weapon, the prison-suppressing gun, and the fire-thunder dragon body, to avoid those true essence attacks time and again.

If it is really difficult to avoid, it is also shattered with the killing intent.

With the power of killing intent, even if the Wuhuang Realm is hit head-on, nine out of [-] will definitely die, let alone an attack that only breaks through the Wuhuang Realm.

However, the ten heaven-killing killing intents stored in the spirit array had all been exhausted when they dealt with King Wu of the Zhou family and the Heavenly Martial Realm before.

Qin Yu could only rely on the strength of his physical body to withstand the destructive sequelae caused by the outbreak of killing intent in Jade Immortals.

Under the continuous use, even if it was the first heavy fire and thunder body, the hands were obviously cracked with bloodstains, and the blood was dripping.

But it was precisely because of this that Qin Yu successfully avoided the fatal injury, sensed the surrounding terrain all the way, and rushed towards the depths of the mountains.

Only with the help of complex terrain can it be possible to get rid of that Martial Emperor.

But that Martial Emperor obviously also sensed Qin Yu's intentions.

One after another of tyrannical true essence attacks locked onto Qin Yu with incomparable precision, making it impossible for him to get rid of it.

After the warriors stepped into the Martial Emperor Realm, they had initially awakened the power of their souls.

It is not so easy for Qin Yu to get rid of it.

"Such terrifying killing intent can explode continuously, what kind of treasure is there in this child!"

At this time, the eyes of the Emperor Wu who was chasing Qin Yu to death were full of greed.

From Qin Yu's previous battle with those five Martial Kings to the time he was chasing and killing him, there have been nearly forty times of terrifying killing intent erupted.

The power is enough to make him feel the killing intent of death threat, and Qin Yu seems to be inexhaustible, which makes him feel strong greed.

As long as he got that treasure, he might become one of the few strong men in the Zhenwu Dynasty.


At this time, Qin Yu, who was dodging and fleeing in a panic, his eyes lit up, and his direction suddenly changed.

Soon, Qin Yu came to a pitch-black cave.

Turning his head, he glanced coldly at the Martial Emperor who was chasing him, Qin Yu's figure flashed, and he broke into it directly.

This made the Martial Emperor who came after him frown.

After Qin Yu entered, the fluctuating breath on his body disappeared immediately, making him unable to sense it, which was far beyond his expectation.

"Are you going to kill him?"

Looking at Qin Yu who cast the Shadow Containing Qi Technique, hiding behind a sharp | stone black shadow, as if fused with the sharp | stone, Dragon Soul saw Qin Yu's plan.

"Of course!"

Qin Yu's chest vibrated slightly, and he was breathing internally, his eyes were simple and unwavering, and his whole body did not have the slightest fluctuation of anger, as if he were a stone.

So what about Emperor Wu, if he dared to chase him down, he was getting impatient!
(End of this chapter)

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