Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 406 Deceiving the Master and Exterminating the Ancestor!

Chapter 406 Deceiving the Master and Exterminating the Ancestor! (fourth more)
At this time, the golden immortal energy, after being frightened away by the Immemorial Dragon Fighting Art, entered the body of the Zantian Sword Immortal.

On the body of the Burying Heaven Sword Immortal, there is a vast celestial power appearing.

Faintly, in this fairy palace, there are strands of fairy energy, gathering towards the Zangtian Sword Immortal.

The celestial power on the Burying Heaven Sword Immortal became stronger and more terrifying.

Suddenly, the entire ancient ruins shook violently, and the golden holy lion suddenly raised its head.

"Someone invaded?"

After a fierce and violent look flashed in his eyes, the golden holy lion turned into a golden light and left the shrine.

"It actually chased in!"

The Zangtian Sword Immortal's eyes turned cold, his figure flickered, and he also disappeared from the shrine.

"This breath..."

In the ancient seal of the Dragon God, in the eyes of the Dragon Soul, there is a terrifying killing intent.

"Star Luo!"

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes became cold and deep.

Qin Yu was about to leave the Jingu Palace.

The seal of good fortune in the soul kept trembling violently, and the target seemed to be the stone statue.

Qin Yu's eyebrows moved slightly, and he walked towards the stone statue.

As that trace of golden immortal energy merged into the body of the Burying Heaven Sword Immortal, the immortal power emanating from the stone statue has been weakened countless times.

Qin Yu walked behind the stone statue and found a palm-sized stone box behind the stone statue.

Qin Yu's eyes lit up, although he didn't know who the stone statue was.

But since it cultivated immortal power, even if it is placed in Taikoo, it is definitely a top existence.

The treasures it left behind are absolutely extraordinary.

If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of Xingluo, the Zangtian Sword Immortal would also run out murderously for some reason.

It might not be easy for Qin Yu to obtain this stone box.

As soon as Qin Yu touched the stone box, a layer of golden immortal energy appeared, as if trying to stop Qin Yu.

Qin Yu slightly raised his eyebrows, pondered for a moment, the true essence of the battle dragon emerged, and the ancient battle dragon formula was in operation.

Immediately, the golden fairy energy that appeared on the stone box dissipated immediately.

Qin Yu quickly opened the stone box, and there were two items inside, a dark red lotus seed and half a scroll.

"Kamma Fire God Lotus!?"

When Qin Yu saw the dark red lotus seeds, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Karma Fire God Lotus, the rumored treasure of Buddhism and Taoism, can extract Karma Fire.

The fire of karma can burn people's sins, but if they don't completely burn the sins, they won't be extinguished.

In the world of warriors, who has never committed a murder?
Have you ever had life on your hands?

One can imagine how powerful the Karma Fire is.

But it wasn't the Karma Vulcan God Lotus that reacted violently in the Good Fortune Immortal Seal, but the half scroll.

Qin Yu took out the fragmented scroll and opened it. Countless mysterious Dao patterns were engraved on the ancient scroll.

In those mysterious Dao patterns, there are four ancient characters: Great Destiny!
"This is……"

Qin Yu was shocked.

Finally, I know why the Immortal Seal of Creation has such a strong reaction to this half of the scroll.

According to Qin Yu's integration of Seizing the Heaven Fortune Art.

The great power who created the Duotian Good Fortune Technique was the one who had the honor to observe the Great Destiny Technique and had a feeling for it in his heart.

That's why Duotian Creation Technique was born.

Seizing the sky good fortune technique is called a divine technique.

But the Great Destiny Technique is the strongest immortal technique ranked first among the Three Thousand Ways!
This is the real fairy art!
Even if there is only half a scroll, it is enough to make Qin Yu excited.

Immediately, with a thought in Qin Yu's mind, Karma Fire God Lotus was included in the Dragon God Ancient Seal.

The half scroll of the Great Destiny Art was absorbed by the Good Fortune Immortal Seal.

With the infiltration of the power of luck, in an instant, the countless mysterious dao patterns on the ancient scroll radiated immortal light.

It seems that all the mysterious Dao patterns contain supreme immortality.

But those celestial patterns, each one, are like stars in the sky, impressive but not touchable, Qin Yu was in a fog and couldn't figure it out.

Of course, now is not the time to delve into this matter, Qin Yu quietly left the shrine.

Boom boom boom!
At this time, in the void thousands of miles away from the shrine, a great battle was taking place.

The two sides in the battle are the Heaven Burying Sword Immortal and the Golden Saint Lion, fighting against the Dragon Emperor Zun Xingluo.

Originally, even if Xing Luo had suppressed his cultivation, with the current strength of the Buried Sword Immortal, it was impossible to stop Xing Luo.

But with the golden holy lion of the ancient holy beast and the increase of the power of the ancient immortal in this ancient ruins, the Burial Heaven Sword Immortal was able to block the violent and incomparable Xing Luo.

"Is this the Primordial Immortal Power!?"

Blast out with both hands, blasting away the Heaven Burial Sword Immortal and the Golden Holy Lion Empress.

Xing Luo looked at Zangtian Sword Immortal's body, the golden fairy energy floating like clouds and mist, and the color of fiery greed emerged in his eyes.

Looking at all the emperors in Tianyu, there is no one who is not interested in real immortal power.

Although there are no reliable ancient records, all emperors in Tianyu know about it.

The road after Emperor Zun is definitely related to immortal power.

Now that there is such an opportunity, Xing Luo will naturally not let it go.

"Boy, do you think you can deal with me by calculating the time of my reincarnation? You are still young."

With the seniority of the Burial Sword Immortal Leng, he is indeed qualified enough to call Xing Luo a junior.

"For the sake of my master, I will call you senior and give you one last chance to hand over the inheritance of Immemorial Immortal Power."

Xing Luo spoke indifferently.

"You bastard who killed masters and ancestors, do you still have the face to talk about your master?"

The voice of the Burial Sword Immortal was piercingly cold.

"It seems that you don't know yet, Master respected him as an old man, and finally escaped with secret techniques."

Xing Luo's eyes didn't fluctuate at all, they were still indifferent.

"Xuantian is still alive?"

The Burial Heaven Sword Immortal's expression moved slightly.

"Live should be alive, but, the state will not be very good, maybe life will be worse than death!"

Xing Luo said indifferently.

"Hehe, that old guy Xuantian, I'm afraid the thing I regret most in my life is accepting you, a white-eyed wolf, as my disciple."

The Burying Heaven Sword Immortal sneered.

"People don't kill the world for themselves. If the master agreed to help me, things wouldn't turn out like this. I just made the most favorable decision."

Xing Luo said.

"What a most favorable decision!"

The eyes of the Burial Sword Immortal became colder and more murderous.

It can be said that Xing Luo caused him to fall into this state.

If it wasn't for the chance that he could be reincarnated back then, he might have completely lost his soul.

"The same thing, I really don't want to say more, hand over the ancient immortal power inheritance."

Xing Luo didn't care about the ridicule of the Burial Sword Immortal.

What he cares about is only the inheritance of the ancient immortal power.

"If you want it, then you have to see if you have the ability to take it away!"

In the hands of the Burying Heaven Sword Immortal, the pitch-black ancient sword uttered a crisp sound.

Strands of golden immortal power merged into the divine sword.

The sky changed color at this moment, and the wind was surging, oppressing thousands of miles.

The golden holy lion let out a low roar, with golden hairs all over his body, standing upright like golden needles.

A series of golden animal patterns permeated the whole body, and the momentum became more and more ferocious.

"Do you really think that with this sliver of immortal power, you can deal with me?"

In Xing Luo's eyes, a cold light flashed, and the roar of the sky-shaking dragon resounded.

A lifelike giant dragon of a thousand feet condensed in the void, it was the ancient mad dragon.

The vast and incomparable Longwei radiates, suppressing the world...

 PS: Sorry, there are only four changes today, and the one that is owed will be made up tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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