Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 409 Confusion, Probe!

Chapter 409 Confusion, Probe! (third change)
As the surviving Tianjiao went out, what happened in the ancient ruins also spread rapidly.

Knowing that countless arrogances have died, those powerful forces in Lingzhou are all heartbroken.

However, they didn't know the details of what happened.

But the battle between Ye Shaoning and Xingluo was witnessed by the surviving Tianjiao.

After hearing the news, everyone in Tianling Shenchao was deeply heartbroken.

Xing Luo, actually came for Ye Shaoning?
Ye Shaoning still has a way to survive if the peak powerhouse who is number one in the Emperor Senior Realm is eyeing him?
The faces of Tianhuanggong and others were also extremely anxious.

Qin Yu has no news yet.

This space crack completely isolates perception.

The uneasiness in their hearts became more and more intense.

If it weren't for the power of the ancient immortals surrounding the crack in the space, they might have broken in a long time ago.


After more than a month.

A terrifying imperial prestige emanated from Qin Yu, who was frantically absorbing the aura of heaven and earth.

The fairy aura gathering from all around exploded due to the oppression.

Third Grade Martial Emperor Realm!
After crazily devouring the fairy energy for more than two months, Qin Yu's cultivation finally broke through.

The dragon soul next to him was still concentrating on drawing away the innate chaotic energy.

But even so, the immortal aura contained in that postmortem vein is still incomparably majestic.

It took Qin Yu and Dragon Soul two months to absorb one-third of it.

call out!
At this moment, Qin Yu and Longhun's expressions moved slightly, and they opened their eyes, looking in the direction of the shrine.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of immortal light rose into the sky and disappeared in the area of ​​destruction.

Qin Yu and Longhun could see clearly that the celestial light was exactly the stone statue.

"It seems that we have to leave here."

Dragon Soul looked at Qin Yu.

Since the stone statue flew away, the Heaven Burying Sword Immortal should have escaped.

If you find that the treasure in the stone box has disappeared, maybe you will come to this ancient ruins again.

"It's better to leave!"

Although his cultivation base has broken through and his strength has skyrocketed, after seeing the battle between Burying Heaven Sword Immortal and Xing Luo.

Qin Yu didn't have absolute confidence either. If he could deal with the Burying Heaven Sword Immortal, it would be safer to return to the Heavenly Emperor's Palace.

Immediately, Qin Yu stood up, and his hands quickly changed into seals.

The divine light and spirit pattern that sealed the world immediately shrank and turned into a size of hundreds of feet, completely sealing the Houtian Immortal Meridian,

With a thought in his mind, Qin Yu put the forbidden Houtian Immortal Vein into the Dragon God's ancient seal, and immediately flew away.


In Tianlin City, because of the appearance of Xingluo and the ancient ruins, more and more powerful people gathered.

Even the forces from the other eight states have many big forces coming across continents.

"It's been more than two months..."

Among the people in the Tianhuang Palace, Shi Tiangang, Sun Shiyu and others had an expression of worry that was hard to conceal.

I haven't come out for so long, Qin Yu, I'm afraid it's really bad luck...


But suddenly, Shi Tiangang's expression changed suddenly, and he immediately focused on the space crack.

"Could it be?"

Seeing the uncontrollable joy on Shi Tiangang's face, Sun Shiyu and the others all brightened.

The next moment, a figure flashed out from the space crack.

"Finally out!"

Seeing Qin Yu's safe return, Tianhuanggong and others heaved a sigh of relief.

"Third-rank Martial Emperor Realm?!"

"Ye Shaoning's life and death are unknown, but Shen Feng actually got a chance."

"My son, you have extraordinary luck!"

Qin Yu's return alive is a great joy for the Heavenly Emperor Palace.

But for Lingzhou, other forces that have killed and injured countless Tianjiao, it is not a happy event.

When they saw that Qin Yu hadn't come out for so long, they thought that something happened like Ye Shaoning.

"He is the Heavenly Emperor Palace, that newcomer evildoer!"

"With such a cultivation base, is it really capable of overwhelming Wu Wudi of Wan Wuzong?"

"Countless forces in Lingzhou have seen it with their own eyes, how could it be fake!"

"This year in Lingzhou, there is a peerless evildoer!"

"With such qualifications, he might be able to compare with those five Taoists in Zhongzhou."

"It's hard to say in the future, but at the very least, this year's Kyushu Tianjiao, no one can be the opponent of the five Taoists."

In addition to the big forces in Lingzhou, spies from other eight states also looked at Qin Yu curiously and talked a lot.

"Go, go back to the palace!"

Shi Tiangang, who was relieved, immediately took Qin Yu, Sun Shiyu and others back without hesitation.

"Palace Master, how did you rank in this Lingzhou Battle Ranking?"

On the way back, Qin Yu curiously asked about the Lingzhou battle list.

With such a big event, this time the battle list must not be going on.

However, the top twelve in the battle list is related to the quota for participating in Tianyu Kyushu, so there must be a result.

"As for the specific ranking of the battle list, it is estimated that specific discussions will be required, but you don't have to worry, no matter whether Ye Shaoning comes back or not, you will be number one."

Shi Tiangang said with a smile on his face.

After all, Qin Yu defeated Wan Tianya, the strongest of the elder Tianjiao, the number one is definitely worthy of the name.

This time, although only two people from the Tianhuang Palace entered the Lingzhou battle list.

But one is the first in the battle list, and the other is also in the top [-] of the battle list.

This time, their Tianhuang Palace will still overwhelm Wan Wuzong.


Three days later, the Emperor's Palace.

Qin Yu, who was absorbing the immortal energy of chaos in the ancient seal of the Dragon God, his expression moved slightly, and he came out of the space of the ancient seal.

After the restriction outside the living palace was lifted, a sound transmission talisman appeared in front of Qin Yu.

"Come to the temple!"

In the sound transmission talisman, Shi Tiangang's voice appeared.

"Has the ranking of the battle list been decided?"

Qin Yu murmured, left the palace, and came to the holy hall of the Heavenly Emperor's Palace.

But the moment he stepped into the temple, Qin Yu's body stiffened slightly, and his eyes became dazed and lifeless.

"Qin Yu, come here!"

At this time, Shi Tiangang's peaceful voice sounded, and Qin stepped over.

In the temple, besides the emperors of the three empresses including Shi Tiangang and Sun Jiuxiao, there are also seven elders of the descendants of the warriors.

"Qin Yu, where did you get the secret technique you performed on the Lingzhou battle list?"

Shi Tiangang asked.

"Three emperors obtained from the Taoist space."

Qin Yu replied with a dull voice.

"What kind of secret technique is that? What are the conditions for cultivation?"

Shi Tiangang and others, as well as the descendants of the general, all had slightly changed expressions.

"Three Emperors and Nine Spirits, only by learning the three emperors' supernatural powers at the same time, can it be passed down in the Taoism space. It cannot be passed on orally. It will consume a lot of energy and blood, and in severe cases, it will even damage the foundation!"

Qin Yu replied blankly.

"Three emperors supernatural power?"

Hearing Qin Yu's words, the disappointment of the descendants of the warrior was revealed on the surface.

It seems that they can't practice this secret technique.

"Damage to the foundation?"

Shi Tiangang and the other three queens frowned.

They looked at each other, and it seemed that Qin Yu had to be restrained to perform in the future.

After inquiring about the secret method of augmentation and the secret operation of the dragon clan, Shi Tiangang glanced at the descendants of the warrior.

Those emperors stood up and disappeared in an instant, only Shi Tiangang stayed there.

Shi Tiangang moved his fingers slightly, and Qin Yu regained consciousness immediately.

"This is the ranking of this battle list, and the pride of Kyushu participating in the list."

Shi Tiangang handed the two pieces of information to Qin Yu.

"Thank you, Palace Master."

After Qin Yu received the information, Shi Tiangang didn't say anything more, and let Qin Yu leave.

"It's actually a mind-confusing technique! Fortunately, the emperor's soul has already recovered, otherwise it is really possible to be tricked."

Qin Yu left the palace with a smile on his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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