Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 418 God and Demon Luck!

Chapter 418 God and Demon Luck! (fourth more)
In the ancient city, a group of people from Tianhuang Palace and other forces in Lingzhou gathered together and left Shengtian Peak together.

The forces of the other seven states did not stay much, and they all left in twos and threes.

Only the big forces in Zhongzhou are still investigating in the Holy Sky Secret Realm.

Less than half a day.

Originally because of the upcoming Kyushu Tianbang, the bustling Shengtian City was quite deserted.

Of course, the big forces in the other eight states have all left on the surface.

But secretly, they still sent spies to stay, wanting to see if the demons from outside the territory would show up.

At this time, in an ancient pavilion thousands of miles away from Shengtian Peak.

There are two figures looking at the situation on Shengtian Peak through a rune light mirror.

Of these two people, one was dressed in black with a strong body, and the other was dressed in white with a handsome face.

It was those two ancient demons.

"I didn't expect such an accident to happen to the plan that was foolproof. This kid from Tianhuang Palace is a bit weird!"

The handsome man in white looked at the frozen face of Qin Yu on the rune light mirror, and murmured softly.

There was great surprise in the voice.

The dozens of Martial Emperor Realms of the Soul Demon Clan couldn't stop Qin Yu alone.

This kind of combat power is really not like what the younger generation can do.

What's more, Qin Yu's body cultivation is only at the third-rank Martial Emperor realm.

"Although I failed to throw the luck of the gods and demons to the emperor in the sky, causing them to be suspicious of each other and fight each other,
But the luck of gods and demons is the bait to attract the attention of Tianyu Emperor,
The real plan, already successful,

As for the fish that slipped through the net, no matter how weird it is, he is also a dying person, so why should he care about it. "

The burly man in black sneered, with a faint magic seal appearing on his face.

"That's true."

The handsome man in white smiled and looked away.

The luck of gods and demons is left by the ancient gods and demons.

Except for the gods in ancient times, who can refine, other living beings will definitely die if they are contaminated.

Their original plan was to use the luck of gods and demons to make the emperor of Tianyu Kyushu mistakenly believe that it was the divine vein of luck of Tianyu.

Competing with each other for internal strife, in order to consume the strength of Tianyu.

Anyway, whoever gets the luck of gods and demons will die.

Unexpectedly, this luck of gods and demons would be snatched away by a mere younger generation at the Martial Emperor Realm.

This was far beyond their expectations.

"Everything is going according to plan, and the next step is to wait for the seeds to germinate."

The man in black had a sneer on his face, and the excitement in his eyes could not be concealed.

After preparing for so long, finally, it is time to officially start planning.

"It is estimated that there will be big actions in Tianyu Kyushu in the future, so let's not get into trouble for the time being."

The handsome man in white was also quite happy, but he was still extremely calm.

"Oh, it's too late to think of action now!"

Amidst the sneer, the two ancient demons disappeared like a breeze without leaving any traces.


Lingzhou, Northern Territory, Tianhuang Palace.

After returning from Zhongzhou Shengtian Peak, the Tianhuang Palace immediately entered a state of high-level preparations.

Many Emperor Zun powerhouses and countless Martial Emperors were dispatched to thoroughly investigate the boundaries of all forces.

This time, it was not done in secret like last time.

Not only the Tianhuang Palace, but all the major forces in Lingzhou are launching a massive action.

The whole Lingzhou shook.

However, the result of a thorough investigation has reassured the forces in Deling State.

Except for the barren area on the edge of the extraterritorial battlefield, there are shadows of extraterritorial demons appearing.

In the boundary of Lingzhou, no large number of extraterritorial demons were found lurking.

At most, it was found that a small group of extraterritorial demons had invaded some remote and broken continents.


Qin Yu ignored the traces of the demons from outside the territory.

After he returned to the Tianhuang Palace, the first thing he did was to retreat and refine the nine-color light group in the Immortal Seal of Creation.


While refining the power of luck in the nine-color light group with the immortal seal of good fortune.

In a daze, Qin Yu heard a roar that shook the sky.

That roar contained supreme majesty, as if it came from ancient times, across time and space.

Before Qin Yu could react, he was in the nine-color light group.

A series of ancient and mysterious air currents appeared, broke free from the Immortal Seal of Good Fortune, and swept across Qin Yu's soul sea.

Qin Yu's body froze, and his soul sea was controlled.

"This is... the aura of ancient gods and demons!?"

In the sea of ​​souls, Qin Yu's heart sank when he saw the auras of gods and demons flying wantonly in the sea of ​​souls like fierce demons.

He finally understood that the nine-color light group was not Tianyu's divine vein of luck at all.

It is an extremely evil thing that contains the power of ancient gods and demons.

"Aura of gods and demons?! This is troublesome!"

The dragon soul turned into a strand of soul body and appeared in Qin Yu's sea of ​​souls with a dignified voice.

The ancient gods and demons were unparalleled, and at their peak, they even killed gods.

Therefore, they call themselves the clan of gods and demons, which means they can slaughter gods and demons.

If it weren't for the fact that the gods and demons were too ambitious, trying to enslave all the gods, triggering the ancient war of gods and demons.

The ancient gods and demons have been passed down to the present, and they definitely have the strength to dominate Kyushu.

"It's not an ordinary trouble."

Qin Yu's voice was also quite dignified.

It is true that the nine-color light group contains the power of luck.

That's not the power of Tianyu's luck and divine veins, but the luck of the ancient gods and demons.

Accompanied by those seals of luck, there are also the auras of these ancient gods and demons.

"Is this a trick set by the demons outside the territory?"

Dragon Soul's tone was very bad.

After exhausting all means, I thought I had captured a treasure.

In the end, what you get is a big trouble.

Qin Yu also didn't know that the nine-color light group was imprisoned in the Holy Heaven Secret Realm by the demons from outside the territory.

Or deliberately brought the Holy Heaven Secret Realm, wanting to put the Heavenly Territory Emperor along with him.

Of course, it doesn't make sense to think so.

Now the hot potato has fallen on Qin Yu.

Just now Qin Yu used all kinds of secret techniques such as Soul Devouring Curse, Sealing Divine Light, Swallowing Dragon Seal, etc. over and over again.

But it is completely unable to annihilate those spirits of gods and demons.

There is a trace of immortal will in these spirits of gods and demons, which cannot be annihilated by external forces.
This should be left by an extremely powerful god and demon in ancient times.

More importantly, Qin Yu clearly sensed it.

Those spirits of gods and demons are constantly absorbing his soul power, obviously becoming stronger and stronger.

"Is it still not working!"

After running the Primordial War Dragon without causing any shock to those gods and demons, Qin Yu frowned deeply.

"It's just a matter of luck."

After thinking for a while, Qin Yu's thought flashed.

In the Immortal Seal of Creation, the star of good luck suddenly split open, and immediately turned into countless light spots of mysterious good luck, which melted into the pores of Qin Yu's whole body.

According to the records of Duotian Good Fortune Art, the luck of the stars is used to consume the luck to change the trajectory of fate.

So Qin Yu wanted to see if this lucky star was as profound and mysterious as it was recorded in the Duotian fortune-telling technique.

If there is such a miraculous effect, maybe it can help Qin Yu get out of this predicament.

As the power of luck entered his body, a familiar trembling sound suddenly came from Qin Yu's body.

"This is……"

After Qin Yu was slightly taken aback, his eyes immediately brightened...

(End of this chapter)

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