Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 425 The Birth of Divine Power Shocks the Heavenly Territory!

Chapter 425 The Birth of Divine Power Shocks the Heavenly Territory! (third change)
The dragon veins in Qin Yu's body also changed from 55 to 75, an increase of twenty.

Now Qin Yu's aptitude has officially reached the Emperor Body, which is still 75 times faster than the Emperor Body.

Looking at Tianyu, there are very few geniuses who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

It can be seen how strong the dragon blood of the semi-divine rank is, and how strong it is!
If he got the original dragon blood of Ao Di, Qin Yu might be able to break into the emperor realm!
"In the future, you don't have to rely too much on the Emperor's Palace!"

Taking Qin Yu's current cultivation base at the seventh-rank Martial Emperor realm.

Plus the Nine Secrets of Fighting Dragons, Dragon Clan Magical Powers and other means.

Even in the face of Emperor Senior Realm, Qin Yu is not without the power to fight.

Even if he couldn't beat him, with Qin Yu's means, he was quite confident in escaping.

For Qin Yu, the shackles of low cultivation became smaller and smaller.

Restoring cultivation and beheading the enemy is just around the corner.

"hold head high!"

The dragon chant sounded, and the dragon soul was also refining dragon energy.

There was a clicking sound coming from his body, as if the bones were decomposing, and the black dragon pattern on the dragon scales changed faintly.

The dragon's body also became hundreds of feet larger, and the dragon's might became more and more terrifying.

Ninth Rank Martial Emperor Realm!
Dragon Soul's cultivation base is even stronger than Qin Yu's.

After all, dragon soul cultivation does not need to consolidate the foundation like Qin Yu did, it only needs to concentrate on improving cultivation.

The last time Zi Lei Shen Xiao Long was refined, the Dragon Soul reached the second-rank Martial Emperor Realm.

It is also expected that it will break the seventh level in a row.

"I don't know what's going on with the Heavenly Emperor's Palace and the Evil God Dynasty?"

Calculating the time, more than two months have passed since the retreat.

In order to sacrifice the grievances between the evil gods and the Emperor's Palace, there may have been a fight.

This is a good opportunity for Qin Yu.

Now he wants to destroy the entire Sacrificial Evil God Dynasty, but of course he can't do it.

But it is still possible to pay a price to sacrifice to the evil god.

Thinking so, Qin Yu went out from the ancient seal of the Dragon God.

Of course, before going out, Qin Yu used secret techniques to cover up his cultivation, and remained at the third-rank Martial Emperor realm.

The Martial Emperor Realm is not comparable to the Martial Ancestor Realm, one retreat breaks through four layers.

No matter where this situation is placed, it is not as simple as being suspicious.

Outside the Emperor's Palace.

"Sure enough, a war has begun."

After leaving the palace, Qin Yu immediately noticed the unusual atmosphere in the Tianhuang Palace.

Soon, Qin Yu knew the current battle situation in the Northern Territory.

Although now, the battle between the Heavenly Palace and the Evil God Dynasty has spread to the Emperor Senior Realm.

But now the two major forces have not yet engaged in a decisive battle.

Therefore, the battle at the Emperor Martial Realm level is still the most important battlefield.

The two forces also have a tacit understanding, basically they will not intervene in the battle between Emperor Zun Realm and Martial Emperor Realm.

Therefore, the younger generation in the Heavenly Emperor's Palace and Sacrifice to the Evil God Dynasty and the Emperor Wu would occasionally go to fight.

But when Qin Yu went to the temple to look for Shi Tiangang, he learned that Shi Tiangang had left the Tianhuang Palace.

When it will return, no one knows.

As a last resort, Qin Yu had no choice but to go to find Sun Yunlang.

Sun Yunlang naturally would not agree to Qin Yu's request.

Now, it is the period of turmoil between the two major forces.

Therefore, Sun Yunlang went out directly as the palace lord, and it was difficult to make a decision, so he sent Qin Yu away.

In order to prevent Qin Yu from running out privately, he also sent two emperors to follow Qin Yu at all times.

Qin Yu didn't say much, and returned to the living palace.

Of course, his plan to leave did not stop there.

For Qin Yu today, it is impossible for two Emperor Senior Realms to hold him back.

But just when Qin Yu set up a teleportation array and was about to teleport away from the Heavenly Emperor Palace.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang in the Northern Territory, shaking the entire Northern Territory, and countless warriors were horrified.

"This fluctuation..."

Qin Yu's movements froze, his figure flashed, and he rushed out of the palace and flew into the air.

At this time, in the Tianhuang Palace, Sun Yunlang and other emperors had already appeared in midair.

They all looked in the direction of the Eastern Territory of Lingzhou.

Although I don't know how much to think about it, but in that direction, there is an extremely terrifying coercion.

Even the Emperor's Palace in the Northern Territory clearly sensed it.

"what happened?"

"Such a big movement, could it be that some kind of magic treasure was born?!"

"It has a terrible coercion, stronger than Emperor Senior Realm..."

Sun Yunlang and others in the Emperor Senior Realm carefully perceived and talked with each other.

"Ancient divine power?"

In the ancient seal of the Dragon God, the Dragon Soul opened his mouth somewhat uncertainly.

The mighty coercion that swept over was exactly the same as the imprint of divine power controlled by Qin Yu.

If it is really ancient divine power, judging from such a big movement.

I'm afraid it isn't, an ancient god was born, right?
"It should be the ancient divine power."

A light flashed in Qin Yu's eyes.

He has refined ancient divine power, and he perceives it more clearly than Dragon Soul, Sun Yunlang and others.

"Go and see?"

Dragon Soul is a little eager to try.

Although Qin Yu's mark of divine power did not increase his combat power, it was because of too little divine power.

If the ancient divine power reaches the level of true essence.

The power that crushes the aura of gods and demons with ancient divine power.

It is naturally conceivable what kind of terrifying improvement the combat power will have.

"Of course I have to go."

Qin Yu didn't know if there was anyone in Tianyu who could master the ancient divine power.

But now, he has completely controlled it, so naturally he cannot let go of such an opportunity.

"Prepare the teleportation array immediately..."

Sun Yunlang and the others also came to their senses, dispatching Emperor Senior Realm one by one, teleporting towards the Eastern Territory.

This time, Sun Yunlang did not refuse Qin Yu's request to go, and took Qin Yu along.

Looking at it like that, nine out of ten are ancient relics or ancient inheritance.

In these two aspects, there are often restrictions on cultivation.

Because most of the powerhouses who left ancient relics hoped to inherit their mantle and find a successor.

Just like this, the vain space of Sha Mohai was not only restricted by cultivation, but also by bone age.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Qin Yu arrived at the place where the wave of divine power appeared with Sun Yunlang and others.

I saw that in the distance, in the middle of the sea that set off huge waves.

A huge pillar of divine pattern light hundreds of miles across soared into the sky and went straight into the sky.

In that beam of divine pattern light, there is a vast and unparalleled ancient divine power emanating, which is earth-shattering.

"Sure enough, it's ancient divine power!"

In the void, Qin Yu saw the beam of light from the divine pattern, and a dazzling light appeared in his eyes.

"This seems... to be ancient divine power?!"

"Ancient divine power? No way? Isn't that only ancient gods can cultivate?"

"I have fought against the descendants of gods in China before, and I can't be wrong, this is ancient divine power!"

"I have seen the divine power cultivated by the descendants of the gods, but the power is far inferior to this beam of divine pattern light!"

"So, this is more orthodox ancient divine power than the divine power of the descendants of the gods?!"

"The remains of ancient gods..."

Before the Tianhuang Palace and others arrived, countless forces had already gathered, and at this time they were all hotly discussed.

If it weren't for that huge pillar of divine pattern light, the coercion emitted would be too terrifying.

The emperor prestige realm gathered here, I am afraid that they have already rushed in.

At this time, not only Lingzhou, but also the Kyushu of Tianyu, except for Shenzhou, the other eight states, each with a huge beam of divine pattern light.

For a moment, the sky was shocked!
(End of this chapter)

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