Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 427 Suppressing Divine Power!

Chapter 427 Suppressing Divine Power! (first update)
In ancient times, all spirits believed in gods.

Therefore, faith gathers totems, and totems radiate divine power.

But the ancient gods are not only humans.

In that age of chaos, all kinds of gods emerged in endlessly.

Therefore, in order to compete for faith, the gods fought chaotically, mountains and rivers were broken, and people were devastated.

This also laid the seeds of disaster for the passing of the age of divine power.

After all, people believe in gods because they want good weather and people's livelihood to be safe and peaceful.

When the gods couldn't shelter due to melee, and even affected them.

More and more people are taking the road of self-strengthening.

When this situation becomes the general trend, the passing of the age of divine power will be unstoppable, and the era of true essence will come.

This ancient Tianpeng statue is a totem of a god!
The ancient Tianpeng is a descendant of the fairy beast Kunpeng, and its bloodline is extremely powerful, enough to rival the ancient creatures!

Vaguely, there was a violent cry.

Immediately afterwards, divine power emerged from the Tianpeng statue like a vast ocean.

In the ancient temple, it turned into a lifelike ancient Tianpeng.

Those majestic and indifferent pupils stared closely at Qin Yu.

Like a hunter staring at his prey, it is full of dangerous aggression.

This ancient Tianpeng is not a dead thing, it has intelligence.

"Be careful, the strength is definitely at the emperor level!"

Seeing this, Qin Yu's dragon energy boiled in his body, and the lines on his palms permeated, and his aura became stronger and stronger.

This ancient Tianpeng totem has not been condensed by the power of faith for an unknown number of years.

But until now, there is still a lingering spirituality, and the power of God is strong, which can be seen.

Dragon Soul squeezed his hands, black dragon scales emerged from his body, and the power of time and space emerged around him.


Suddenly, like a tornado hurricane hit.

Qin Yu and Long Hun only felt a blur in front of their eyes.

The ancient Tianpeng had already charged in front of them with vast divine power.

The huge sharp and cold claws swung out, as if two houses were pressing down, as if they wanted to crush the souls of the two.

With a loud bang, Qin Yu and Long Hun were sent flying violently, and their breaths were disturbed.

The strength of this ancient Tianpeng was beyond Qin Yu's expectations, and was comparable to that of a high-level emperor.

However, Qin Yu and Longhun didn't suffer much injuries.

On the contrary, it was the claw of the ancient Tianpeng, which seemed to be bitten by something, and a huge hole appeared.

"This is……"

Qin Yu opened his right hand in surprise.

I saw the imprint of divine power in his palm, and the divine power contained in it had multiplied by more than several times.

"This ancient seal of divine power can swallow the divine power of ancient Tianpeng?"

Dragon Soul also looked at the palm of Qin Yu's right hand.

Just now, a halo of divine power emerged from the ancient seal of divine power in Qin Yu's palm, resisting the huge claw of the ancient Tianpeng.

If it wasn't for the divine power ancient seal to block, Qin Yu and the two would probably not be so safe and sound.

But what Dragon Soul cares about is that the divine power ancient seal not only blocked the ancient Tianpeng's attack.

And at that moment, it directly devoured a large amount of divine power from that giant claw.

The strength of the divine power of the two is not at the same level at all.

Qin Yu was also quite surprised.

I don't know what kind of god this divine power ancient seal is.

Previously, the power of ancient gods and demons could be suppressed, but now even the power of ancient Tianpeng can be suppressed.

Could it be that the gods in ancient times had special strengths and weaknesses?

At this time, the violent ancient Tianpeng swept away the evil spirit, and once again killed Qin Yu.

Qin Yu's reaction was extremely fast this time, and the way of extreme speed flickered, avoiding the ancient Tianpeng.

While dodging, Qin Yu clapped out his palm.

A series of ancient formation patterns spread throughout the ancient temple.

The formation pattern was arranged with the left hand, and Qin Yu's right hand also moved in unison.

A series of supernatural powers and secret techniques and killer moves emerged one after another to attack the ancient Tianpeng.

Every time he attacks, the imprint of divine power will swallow a large amount of divine power from the ancient Tianpeng.

The divine power of the imprint of divine power is also getting stronger, while the power of the ancient Tianpeng is getting weaker and weaker.

"Rewind time and space!"

Dragon Soul didn't look at it either, and rushed out.

As the cultivation base reached the ninth-rank Martial Emperor realm, the dragon soul's control over time and space became more powerful and terrifying.

In the stone hall, space cracks appeared one after another, helping Qin Yu avoid the attacks of the ancient Tianpeng many times.

Under the combination of the two, it took less than a few tens of breaths.

The divine power of the ancient Tianpeng has been weakened by more than ten percent.

What the mark of divine power devoured was not ordinary divine power, but the original divinity of the ancient Tianpeng.

"Seal the divine light, seal the time and space!"

The battle lasted for less than half an hour.

Qin Yu was attacked several times, and when his injuries were serious, the killing array he set up was finally completed.

Immediately, Qin Yu joined forces with Dragon Soul.

Chains of light chains of mysterious runes emerged from the void in all directions of the stone hall, completely blocking and suppressing the ancient Tianpeng.


Qin Yu slapped the ancient Tianpeng with a palm.

The mark of divine power trembled violently and turned into a vortex of divine power.

The vortex spun wildly, and a terrifying force of devouring erupted.

Amidst a sky-shattering scream, the ancient Tianpeng was completely swallowed up by the vortex of divine power.

Even the divine power in the entire stone palace poured into the divine power imprint.


Cracks appeared on the ancient Tianpeng statue, and then burst open.

Qin Yu's body shook suddenly at the moment when the imprint of divine power devoured the vortex of divine power.

The vastness of the divine power contained in the ancient Tianpeng made Qin Yu feel uncontrollable.


Qin Yu didn't stay any longer, and immediately walked away with Dragon Soul, restraining his breath.

Because of the coercion emitted by the ancient Tianpeng before, Qin Yu faintly felt several auras approaching.

Judging from the strength of those auras, they are definitely in the Emperor Senior Realm!
Qin Yu just had a battle with the ancient Tianpeng, and he was seriously injured.

At this time, he didn't want to fight another battle with Emperor Senior Realm.

What's more, this ancient Tianpeng has not completely surrendered.

After Qin Yu left the half-pillar of incense, a figure flew over through the air.

If Qin Yu was here, he would definitely recognize that this person was Ao Di.

"Did you run away?"

Ao Di glanced at the Stone Palace, flew up into the sky, and carefully performed the secret perception technique.


In the ruins of the gods, in a certain barren mountain, Qin Yu sat cross-legged, with a layer of illusion covering his body.

In Qin Yu's body, strong fluctuations of divine power continued to emanate.

In the imprint of divine power in Qin Yu's palm, a great battle was still taking place.

Although the ancient Tianpeng's divine power was swallowed by the divine power imprint.

But the spirituality of the ancient Tianpeng has not been subdued.

So now Qin Yu is joining forces with Dragon Soul to suppress the spirituality of the ancient Tianpeng.

The divine power of this ancient Tianpeng was even stronger than that of an ordinary emperor.

But the current battle of souls is completely overwhelmed by Qin Yu and Longhun.

After more than two hours of suppression, the spirituality of the ancient Tianpeng was completely surrendered.

"Try the power of the ancient gods!"

Qin Yu's soul returned to his body from the ancient divine power, and his eyes were eager to try.


Qin Yu squeezed the seal with both hands.

The imprint of divine power trembled slightly, and a vast river of divine power erupted.

Behind Qin Yu, it turned into an ancient Tianpeng with a size of one hundred feet.

Eighth Rank Martial Emperor Realm!
Ninth Rank Martial Emperor Realm!
Peak Martial Emperor Realm...

(End of this chapter)

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