Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 438: First Chaos in the Heaven Domain!

Chapter 438: First Chaos in the Heaven Domain! (Second more)

Under the watchful eyes of the warriors of the entire temple, the Emperor Senior Realm sat cross-legged, absorbing the ancient divine power into his body.

But not long after merging the divine power, the Emperor Senior Realm suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood, which surprised everyone else.

But soon, everyone's shock dissipated, surprise surfaced, and subtle discussions resumed.

I saw that after the Emperor Zunjing vomited blood, his expression became more rosy, and his breath became obviously stronger.

When Shi Tiangang and the others saw this, there was a flash of light in their eyes.

They perceive it more clearly.

After the Emperor Prestige Realm merged with the divine power, the old wounds in the body that could not be healed actually recovered as before.

In other words, the damaged foundation of Emperor Senior Stage has been restored, and its potential has greatly increased.

This shocked Shi Tiangang and the others, who did not expect the ancient divine power to be so miraculous.

From this point of view, this ancient divine power is comparable to those rare divine pills.

This discovery made them quite concerned, even excited.

"Ancient divine power, does it still have this effect?" Qin Yu's eyebrows moved slightly.

When Wu Hai subdued the Killing God Sword, Qin Yu drew Zhu Xian's killing intent and was seriously injured.

Why at that time, the divine power on his body didn't heal his hidden wounds?
After more than half an hour, the emperor's body shook, and a terrible coercion emanated.

"Second Grade... Emperor Senior Realm?!"

An extremely shocking murmur appeared, clearly audible in this dead temple.

But it was the Emperor Prestige Realm. In this short half an hour, his cultivation directly broke through the first level.

If the cultivation of Emperor Wudi Realm takes years or ten years as the unit.

That Emperor Prestige Realm can easily last for decades, or even hundreds of years.

Now, in half an hour, just break through the first level?
Such an increase rate is simply terrifying.

You must know that the cultivation of the Emperor Prestige Realm and the comprehension of Taoism are the most important things, and the increase of cultivation base is much easier.

There are countless Emperor Senior Realms in Tianyu, and they have tried their best to advance to the Emperor Senior Realm, but they have stopped at the first rank since then, and they can't improve their cultivation base.

The reason is that comprehension of Taoism is extremely difficult, and it often takes decades, or even hundreds of years, for each level of comprehension to achieve a breakthrough.

In the current situation, could it be that the ancient divine power contained a comprehension of the power of Taoism, a helpful power?
"Will the ancient demons really have nothing to do with the birth of the ancient ruins of the gods?"

Seeing that scene, Dragon Soul was also a little surprised and opened his mouth.

If the scene in front of me is spread outside the territory, the entire demon clan outside the territory may not be able to sleep peacefully.

"It is indeed a bit weird!"

There was also a strange color in Qin Yu's eyes.

Even Emperor Senior Realm has such a terrifying increase.

After the fusion of ancient divine power and true essence, the power is simply beyond imagination.

Three hours later, all the divine power contained in the suppressed ancient gods on the spirit plate was completely withdrawn.

The cultivation base of the Emperor Prestige Realm stopped at the second-rank late stage.

But everyone in the temple can see that if there is enough ancient divine power.

He will definitely continue to become stronger, and maybe even break through to the third-rank Emperor Senior Realm.

This made the eyes of the Emperor Senior Realm in the temple become hot.

Especially Shi Tiangang, he has stayed at the top Emperor Zun and has not made any breakthrough for decades.

If he could refine these ancient divine powers, it might help him break through the top emperors and step into the ranks of the most peak holy emperors.

In this way, the situation of their three queens can be safely overcome without even needing the Immortal Emperor Pellet to rekindle the blood of the three queens.

"This matter is classified as top secret, and no one is allowed to spread it to the outside world."

Thinking of this, Shi Tiangang's majestic gaze swept over everyone in the hall.

Sun Yunlang and other core emperor elders also looked at the others solemnly.

If this news comes out, it may set off a huge storm in Tianyu.

The people in the temple, after being strictly forbidden to speak, left one after another.

They also knew the importance of this matter, everyone looked solemn, except Qin Yu of course.

After seeing the improvement of the Emperor Senior Realm, Qin Yu was filled with joy.

The ancient divine power he plundered was no less than that of the Heavenly Emperor's Palace.

After merging all the ancient divine powers, his cultivation will definitely undergo an earth-shaking transformation.

"Where are the forces that have obtained ancient divine power in the Northern Territory? Have you checked it before?"

In the temple, when there were only the core emperor elders, Shi Tiangang asked in a deep voice.

"Palace Master, what do you mean?"

Emperor Zun, the descendant of the fat warrior, changed his expression and understood the meaning of Shi Tiangang's words.

"The meaning is very simple, we must plunder as much ancient divine power as possible before other people react.

If other top forces also know the use of ancient divine power, it will not be so easy if they want to fight again. "

Shi Tiangang said directly.

The other elders couldn't help but nodded when they heard the words.

The law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest are eternal truths in the world of warriors.

If their Heavenly Palace had not won the first place in this game.

After that, his status in Lingzhou will definitely be overtaken by other forces.

So, this is a battle that must be fought.

If it doesn't become stronger, it will be swallowed by other forces. Sun Yunlang and others are naturally very clear about this truth.

"Immediately go and find out, get the power of the ancient divine power and casual cultivators, be quick, and then dispatch the divine guards!"

Shi Tiangang ordered immediately.


Sun Yunlang and others immediately went to make arrangements.

In the palace, Qin Yu entered the ancient seal of the dragon god and sat cross-legged, with majestic ancient divine power surging from his body.

"What's going on? Zhanlong Zhenyuan is rejecting ancient divine power?"

After trying many times without success, Qin Yu frowned.

When the ancient divine power was fused just now, when those ancient divine power attempted to enter the dantian aorta.

In the true essence of the fighting dragon in the body, there is a faint sound of dragon chant.

Then, the ancient divine power was expelled from the main dragon vein.

This situation was far beyond Qin Yu's expectations.

When he was in the ancient ruins of the gods before, Qin Yu had also used his true energy and divine power together.

At that time, I didn't find any repulsion, so why is it necessary to merge now, but the true essence is so repulsive to the ancient divine power?
"It seems that these ancient divine powers are indeed incompatible with the Dragon Clan."

Dragon Soul spoke.

For those ancient divine powers, Dragon Soul has always had a sense of repulsion.

It's just that it's not as obvious as Zi Lei Shen Xiaolong and Jin Yan Fen Tianlong.

As for Qin Yu, the blood in his body had almost turned into dragon's blood, and the Zhanlong Zhenyuan contained strong dragon energy.

It seems that there is nothing strange about being repelled by those ancient divine powers.

Qin Yu was a little helpless, he couldn't integrate the ancient divine power, so he could only continue to search for the dragon clan.

Just as the Heavenly Emperor Palace was preparing to take action, to find out which forces in the northern region of Lingzhou had obtained ancient divine power.

In Tianyu Dongzhou, there was a news that ten middle forces were wiped out overnight!
(End of this chapter)

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