Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 443 Demon Race Appears!

Chapter 443 Demon Race Appears! (first update)
"Space? No, this is the power of time and space!?"

The long-faced Emperor Zunjing only felt that the space in front of him was distorted, and Qin Yu's figure immediately overlapped.

Originally, it was inevitable that the Juyue long stick that was thrown down from the sky could not lock Qin Yu at all at this moment.


"Nine Nether Purgatory!"

Qin Yu didn't hesitate at all, at the moment when the Time-Space Killing Formation was cast, the Dragon Clan's supernatural powers were cast.

The time-space killing array also whizzed and spun suddenly, as if turning into a whirlpool of killing intent.

"Saint power of evil spirits!"

The sense of vision was taken away, and the face of the long-faced Emperor Zunjing changed greatly in horror, and an unknown feeling emerged in his heart.

Immediately, he immediately shot with all his strength, his body was filled with evil curses, and the power of evil spirits burned like a flame.

The long stick that manifested the giant mountain immediately turned into countless stick shadows, smashing out like overwhelming the sky.

Each stick contains extremely terrifying power.

In the void, pitch-black stick holes appeared incomparably clearly.

That was caused by the inability of this space to withstand the force of the stick.

The Time-Space Killing Formation and the Nine Nether Purgatory were smashed to the point of collapse by the shadows of sticks all over the sky, with cracks everywhere.

This long-faced Emperor Zunjing was prepared in his heart.

He was not caught off guard like the emaciated Emperor Zunjing, who was beheaded by Qin Yu face to face.

"Tianchen Shenguang!"

The ancient divine power surged, and Qin Yu's aura surged again, a ray of starlight appeared between his brows.

In the void, a faint starlight flashed.

The long-faced Emperor Zunjing who was slammed with a long stick, and the Taoist barrier all over his body were broken by the light of the stars.

A blood hole appeared on his body, and his breath immediately became disordered and weak.

Immediately afterwards, killing intent like a roaring giant river followed Tianchen Shenguang and swarmed in.


The long-faced Emperor Prestige Realm, which had been severely injured by the divine light of the stars, was attacked by the time-space killing formation, and its body was shaken violently, and blood spurted out of its mouth continuously.


The divine light of the seal flickered, and the long-faced Emperor Prestige Realm was directly sealed and lived by Qin Yu before the emperor's soul could leave his body.

So far, the two Emperor Senior Realms of the Evil God Dynasty have been suppressed by Qin Yu.

In the thousand-mile-long black magic formation, there was an earth-shattering bombing sound.

Faintly, a huge dragon shadow rolled and emerged.

In the Black Demon Formation, the Dragon Soul, the Purple Thunder God Xiaolong, and the Skeleton Ghost King joined forces to fight against the fifty Martial Emperors.

Among the three, Dragon Soul and Zilei God Xiaolong both have the strength enough to suppress the top Martial Emperor Realm.

Although the strength of the Skeleton Ghost King is weaker, it has reached the eighth-rank Martial Emperor realm.

Relying on the puppet body of the barbarian emperor, the skeleton ghost king was not defeated.

The three cooperated with the power of the ancient formation to stop the more than 50 Martial Emperor Realms from the Chaoxie God.

Qin Yu's figure flashed, holding a long spear, and immediately rushed into the black magic formation.

With Qin Yu's help, this brutal fight, which was originally somewhat evenly matched, immediately turned into a one-sided killing...

At this time, Sun Shiyu, Shi Jingtian and other younger generations in the Tianhuang Palace had completely stayed away from the war zone.

Sun Shiyu, who was the fastest, had already fled thousands of miles away.

Even so, there is still a long way to go to get out of the Nine Cang Wujie boundary.

A martial world is so big that it is very difficult for the Emperor Wu to escape in a short time.

call out!
At this moment, Sun Shiyu's expression did not change, and a sharp and piercing voice came to her ear curtains.

Sun Shiyu knew that it was the piercing sound that would only appear if the escape speed was too fast, and only the Emperor Prestige Realm could have that speed.

As for the Nine Cang Wujie, there is no Emperor Prestige Realm of the Heavenly Emperor Palace.

Thinking of this, Sun Shiyu immediately cast the secret technique.

As the divine light flickered, the Emperor of the Heavens turned and cast a pair of golden wings on his back, his speed was significantly faster by half.


A voice that Sun Shiyu was somewhat familiar with suddenly came from the direction of the escape speed.

Sun Shiyu was slightly stunned, and when she turned her head, she saw a figure in a green shirt appearing.

"Elder Hou!?"

Seeing the man in Tsing Yi, Sun Shiyu couldn't help but slow down.

She recognized that the man in Tsing Yi was the Emperor Senior Realm elder who was a descendant of the warrior.

Sun Shiyu looked ecstatic.

Elder Hou is in the Tianhuang Palace, although he is not a high-ranking emperor elder, he still has the cultivation base of a third-rank emperor.

With his strength, he can definitely deal with the people who worship the evil gods. No matter how bad he is, he can successfully bring Qin Yu out.

"No, this breath..."

But when the man in green was only a few hundred feet away from her, Sun Shiyu's face suddenly turned pale.

She sensed some familiar fluctuations from the man in Tsing Yi.

That was obviously the extraterritorial devilish energy only possessed by the extraterritorial demons that he had encountered in Shengtian Peak back then.

call out!
Without the slightest hesitation, Su Shiyu's pale face exploded with divine light, and immediately turned into a ray of light and fled away.

"Have you found it?"

A sneer appeared on the corner of the man's mouth.

The monstrous demonic energy emerged and turned into a giant hand of demonic energy that covered the sky and the sun, and suddenly suppressed it towards Sun Shiyu.

"Secret Technique: Three Thousand Divine Mantras!"

The area of ​​thousands of miles was covered by the giant hand of demonic energy, and Sun Shiyu had no room to escape.

But Sun Shiyu didn't make the appointment, and an abnormal flush appeared on his originally pale face.

Her whole body was boiling with qi and blood, which was the eruption of the blood of the Three Emperors in her body.

Divine spells that were clearly visible to the naked eye exploded and emerged from her body, like firefly lights, scattered all over the world.

"Immortal Stone Emperor Seal!"

"Change of the Emperor of War!"

Sun Shiyu shifted her hands continuously, and with a low drink, the three thousand divine power gathered and turned into two ancient seals.

A statue flew up into the sky, rushing towards the giant hand with devilish energy that came suddenly.

One shrouded her body, guarding her firmly.


A deafening noise appeared, and the ancient seal flying up into the sky trembled violently.

Cracks spread open, and then exploded, turning into countless divine spells.

Sun Shiyu's body trembled, and blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth.

Although the three thousand mantras were refined by Sun Guxing with the power of Taoism and the divine power of the Three Emperors.

But in front of the real power of Emperor Zun's Taoism, the power is still too different.

Immediately afterwards, the seal of the Immortal Stone Emperor was also shattered, and Sun Shiyu was seriously injured and her breath was weak.

The man in Tsing Yi made a move, and an extraterrestrial demonic energy appeared, sealing Sun Shiyu away.

Although Sun Shiyu has the power to fight the enemy by leapfrogging, but in front of the real Emperor Senior Realm, he still doesn't look good enough.

After banning Sun Shiyu, the man in Tsing Yi flew towards the Nine Cang Wujie in a certain direction.

After a while, he appeared on a lone peak, on that lone peak.

Shi Jingtian and others who scattered and fled before were also arrested.

In addition to the younger generation of Tianhuang Palace, there are more than a dozen powerful warriors.

But the aura on their bodies is obviously all demons from outside the territory.

"grown ups!"

Seeing the man in Tsing Yi approaching, those demons from outside the territory immediately saluted.

"Haven't everyone caught up yet?"

The man in Tsing Yi threw Sun Shiyu over, glanced at Shi Jingtian and the others, and there were still more than ten people who hadn't been caught.

(End of this chapter)

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