Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 450 Five Great Generals!

Chapter 450 Five Generals! (Second more)
"Elder Wu, Elder Zheng, please both of you, continue to go to Jiucang Wujie to investigate."

Before leaving, Shi Tiangang spoke to the two emperors.

The closure of the Jiucang Wujie space must be thoroughly investigated.


Those two Keqing elders were ordered to go to Jiucang Wujie.


Shi Tiangang's eight emperors immediately returned to the Tianhuang Palace with Qin Yu and the unconscious Sun Shiyu and others.

Lingzhou, Northern Territory, Tianhuang Palace.

In the temple, there are dozens of core emperor elders gathered in the Tianhuang Palace.

This time Sun Shiyu, Qin Yu and others had an accident, and the entire Tianhuang Palace was alarmed.

Whether it is the three empresses or the descendants of the generals, they are all dispatched one after another, wanting to know the specific things.

"Palace Master, what happened is like this,

As for me being captured by the demons outside the territory, I have no memory of what happened after that. "

After waking up, Sun Shiyu immediately told the story all over again.

"Magic seed secret technique?"

"Sacrificing the evil gods to send out two emperors?"

"Elder Hou is an undercover agent of the demon clan outside the territory?"

Even with the temperament of Shi Tiangang and others, after listening to Sun Shiyu's words, they all felt palpitations.

Of course, they know the magic secrets of the demons outside the territory.

That's why they feel the deep lingering fear.

If the conspiracy of the demons outside the territory succeeds, Sun Shiyu and others will fall into the hands of the evil god dynasty.

That would be nothing short of a disaster for their Heavenly Palace, and they would fall into absolute passivity in the future.

In addition, the demons outside the territory actually have Emperor Senior Realm lurking in their Tianhuang Palace.

This made Shi Tiangang and the others feel even more chilled.

An extraterritorial demon clan from Emperor Senior Realm lurked in, but they didn't notice it at all.

Doesn't this mean that their Tianhuang Palace has been under the surveillance of the demons outside the territory for these years?
Thinking of this, the gazes of Shi Tiangang and many other emperors all looked in a certain direction.

In that direction, a burly man was sitting there with an extremely ugly face.

The burly man is the descendant of the Nine Monkeys, and the man in Tsing Yi is the emperor of their lineage.

The members of their lineage are still in the Emperor Senior Realm, and they are lurking in disguise from the demons from outside the territory.

I am afraid that this responsibility cannot be shirked.

"Shi Yu, come here!"

An old voice appeared, and it was Sun Guxing who spoke.

Shi Tiangang and others were able to detect the anomaly in Jiucang Wujie so quickly, it was Sun Guxing who predicted it.

Sun Guxing was relieved after carefully investigating Sun Shiyu's soul with secret techniques.

Afterwards, Shi Tiangang questioned Shi Jingtian and others carefully.

Shi Jingtian and the others also told their stories separately, except that they were arrested separately, the matter was consistent with what Sun Shiyu said.

"This crisis can be passed safely, thanks to Shen Feng's efforts to turn the tide, Palace Master, must be rewarded."

After understanding the whole story, a clear laughter appeared.

The person who spoke was a young man with delicate features.

Although this young man doesn't look big, his cultivation has reached the top Emperor Senior Realm.

His name is Mu Qingyun, and he is a descendant of the Lingmu warrior.

Among the descendants of the Twelve Generals, there are five top emperors, and he is one of them!

Hearing Mu Qingyun's words, all the emperors in the hall looked at Qin Yu.

In fact, after Sun Shiyu and the others finished speaking, there were quite a few emperors who looked at Qin Yu strangely.

First, with his own strength, he stopped the two emperors and dozens of Wudi realms of the worshiping evil gods.

Then after Sun Shiyu and others were captured, they were successfully rescued from the hands of the demons outside the territory.

To be honest, even if these things have actually happened.

But the Emperor Senior Realm in the main hall still feels unbelievable.

One must know that Qin Yu's cultivation is only at the third-rank Martial Emperor realm.

Even with the secret technique of the Three Emperors, it can increase combat power.

It is absolutely impossible to save people from the hands of the four emperors.

Qin Yu looked as usual, and glanced at Mu Qingyun lightly.

Mu Qingyun's words seemed to be praising him.

But it attracted everyone's attention to him.

It is conceivable that Qin Yu will face countless questions next.

This is to roast him on the fire!

Shi Jingtian and the others obviously didn't think that far.

Hearing Mu Qingyun's words, they all nodded in agreement.

In the past, Qin Yu was only admired for his strength, but now it can be said to be respected.

After all, it was really thanks to Qin Yu that he was able to escape this time.

Even the descendants of warriors who had disliked Qin Yu before, their attitudes have changed.

Apparently facing the siege of the evil gods, Qin Yu left behind a scene that left a deep impression on them.

Only Sun Shiyu raised her eyebrows slightly, and she faintly noticed the intention in Mu Qingyun's words.

"Shi Yu, you should take Jing Tian and others back to recuperate first."

In the holy hall, Shi Tiangang spoke in the eyes of all the emperors who looked at Qin Yu inexplicably.

Sun Shiyu responded and left with Shi Jingtian and others.

"Shen Feng, you should know why we left you alone?"

After Sun Shiyu and others left, the atmosphere in the temple was silent for a moment, and Shi Tiangang asked Qin Yu.

"The palace lord wants to know how I escaped from the hands of the evil gods,
How did you save Missy and the others from the hands of the demons outside the territory? "

Qin Yu spoke lightly, not at all surprised by this.


Shi Tiangang nodded slightly.

"When the evil gods appeared, I stopped them with the black magic circle and ran away immediately."

Qin Yu said.

"Although the black magic formation is an emperor rank killing formation, if you want to trap two emperor ranks, unless it is set up by an emperor rank formation master who is also an emperor rank."

The fierce-faced Emperor Zun insisted in a cold voice.

He is a descendant of the Green Ghost Warrior, named Qing Jinzhong, and is also one of the five top emperors among the descendants of the Warrior.

"When did I say that the black magic circle I set up trapped everyone in the evil spirit?"

Qin Yu asked indifferently.


The corner of Qing Jinzhong's eyes twitched, and his gaze immediately became very ugly.

The other emperors looked at each other, and they all looked at Qin Yu in surprise.

Facing the top Emperor Senior Realm, Qin Yu actually dared to talk back and ridicule, isn't this a bit too courageous?
Even Sun Shiyu, who is of extraordinary status, would not dare to speak to the top emperor like this.

"go on."

Shi Tiangang didn't seem to see Qing Jinzhong's deflated expression, so he asked Qin Yu to continue talking.

"After I set up an formation to escape, the evil spirit sacrificed to the two emperors and immediately chased after me.
It was also my luck that when I was caught up by them, I suddenly ran into a mysterious emperor,
That emperor seems to have some grievances with the worshiping evil gods, and directly shot at the worshiping evil gods,
While they were fighting, I immediately fled. "

Qin Yu had long thought of his speech.

"A mysterious emperor just appeared?"

The Emperor Senior Realm in the temple communicated with each other through sound transmission, and they were a little noncommittal about Qin Yu's words.

"That emperor, what does it look like?"

At this time, a calm voice appeared, speaking, it was a man in white clothes like snow.

He is the descendant of the madman warrior named Gu Wuxing, and he is also one of the five top emperors!

The other two top emperors are Chi Lei Warlord, Chishi Ri, Skyfire Warlord, and Qi Shuanghai!
At present, the twelve generals of the Tianhuang Palace are headed by the five of them, fighting against Shi Tiangang and others!
(End of this chapter)

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