Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 452: A Sudden Change Comes!

Chapter 452: A Sudden Change Comes! (fourth more)
Qin Yu is a spy, Sun Yunlang and others naturally do not believe it.

Few of the emperor-level elders in the temple believed it.

It's just that other Emperor Senior Realm elders may have other thoughts in their hearts.

Qing Jinzhong and the others just used their words of punishment to shake the other elders.

The purpose is not only to deal with Qin Yu, but also to divide the three queens.

So at this moment, it is the best way for Sun Yunlang to analyze the stakes.

Those who were originally talking about the Emperor Senior Stage were slightly taken aback, and they all nodded slightly.

"This matter may not be good for the demons outside the territory, but it is not necessarily good for offering sacrifices to the evil gods.

From beginning to end, offering sacrifices to the evil gods did not lose anything.
On the contrary, if Qin Yu gained our key trust because of this matter,
That is tantamount to planting a deep seed between us. "

Naturally, Qing Jinzhong couldn't shake the seemingly good situation, and said again.

"Don't you think this statement is too far-fetched?"

Sun Yunlang sneered, it seemed that Qing Jinzhong was going to tear his skin apart.

"Far-fetched? A third-rank Martial Emperor, escaped from two Emperor Senior realms one after another,

Elder Sun, don't you think this statement is more far-fetched? "

The blue and gold bell didn't retreat at all.

"Arguing like this will not only lead to nothing, but will also hurt the harmony between each other.

According to the old man, it is better to look at Shen Feng's memory with the art of watching the soul,
It will be clear at a glance what is going on at that time. "

A vicissitudes of life voice appeared, and the person who spoke was the descendant of the Chi Lei warrior with white beard and hair, Chi Shi Ri.

"Old Shi is right!"

"Indeed, such a dispute is really not an option."

"Great move!"

Gu Wuxing, Qi Shuanghai, and Mu Qingyun, the three top generals, Emperor Zun, looked at each other and agreed.

In fact, compared to Qin Yu's talent, what they care more about is the importance that Shi Tiangang and others place on Qin Yu.

Because it reminded them of the prophecy left by the ancestors of the Three Emperors in the past.

In the era of the fortune teller of the Three Empresses, the relationship between the Three Empresses and the descendants of the generals had not yet become rigid.

So at that time, many future generations of warriors knew the story.

Although countless years have passed, there are still a few words handed down.

As long as Qin Yu had nothing to do with that prophecy, no matter how outstanding his talent was, he would not be a big threat to them.

As long as the blood of the Three Emperors is not ignited, sooner or later, it will be their turn to make decisions in the Imperial Palace.

Qin Yu smiled lightly. Hearing this, he naturally understood why the descendants of the general made things difficult for him.

Their calculations were quite good, and they took advantage of this opportunity to attack him.

It's just a pity that it is absolutely impossible for Shi Tiangang and the other three empresses to expose the matter of the Immortal Emperor Pill.

"This is not right!"

Sure enough, when Shi Tiangang heard about it, he shook his head and refused.

The mind-confusing technique last time was within their control range, Qin Yu would only say what he needed to ask.

But with the secret art of watching the soul, it can see all Qin Yu's memories.

Naturally, Shi Tiangang and others would not agree.

"Palace Master, what's wrong?"

Akashi Ri raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Shen Feng risked his life to save Shi Yu and others,
It is a great achievement for the future strong in our palace to prevent faults.
Now, because of unwarranted suspicion, he has to forcibly watch Shen Feng's soul memory,

The spread of such practices will definitely chill the hearts of the warriors in the palace, so it is not appropriate! "

Shi Tiangang said righteously.

"Then if Shen Feng really offered sacrifices to the evil gods..."

Qing Jinzhong also wanted to seize this point to make a fuss.

"I guarantee for Shen Feng, if he is really a person who worships the evil gods, I will take full responsibility!"

Shi Tiangang waved his hand and said majesticly.

As soon as these words came out, those descendants of the warriors were not good at saying anything.

Originally, their reasons were a little untenable, so naturally it was not easy to entangle them.

"Shen Feng, you have worked hard this time, go back and rest first."

Shi Tiangang looked at Qin Yu with a slightly strange look in his eyes.

This time, he was quite suspicious in his heart.

Qin Yu nodded slightly, bid farewell and left.

"Shi Tiangang and the others seem to be suspicious."

After leaving the temple, the voice of the dragon soul came from the ancient seal of the dragon soul.

If things go on like this, the Heavenly Palace may no longer be a place to stay for a long time!

"It doesn't matter. Before refining the Immortal Emperor Pill, unless they know my true identity, they won't do anything unusual."

Qin Yu wasn't too worried about the Three Empresses.

On the contrary, the descendants of the generals, judging from today's events, I'm afraid they can't hold back anymore.

"Are you going to talk about the ancient divine power?"

Dragon Soul continued.

"Let's talk about it later."

What happened this time has already made the three empresses suspicious.

If you talk about the ancient divine power, it will be even more unclear.

in the temple.

"What do you think about the appearance of the Evil God Dynasty and the foreign demons in the Nine Cang Martial World this time?"

After Qin Yu left, Shi Tiangang's expression became solemn.

"What do you think? Palace Master, what do you mean that the Jixie Dynasty may have teamed up with the demons from outside the territory?"

An elder of the Emperor Senior Realm, after being slightly stunned, came back to his senses, and his face changed slightly.

The expressions of the other emperor elders couldn't help changing when they heard the words.

"It's not impossible."

Shi Tiangang said seriously.

"If it's true, it might be an excellent opportunity for us,
As long as this matter is found out, the sacrifice to the evil god will definitely become the target of public criticism. "

An emperor elder has bright eyes.

Whether it is Lingzhou or Tianyu, the demons outside the territory are sworn enemies.

Once any force colludes with the demons outside the territory, it will definitely be expelled from the entire Tianyu.

"Elder Hou has been lurking in the palace for more than ten years, and we have not discovered that he is a demon from outside the territory.
This shows that the extraterritorial demons should have a way to cover up the fluctuations of the extraterritorial demonic energy,
It is not easy to find the whereabouts of the demons outside the territory. "

Sun Yunlang spoke.

Not only that, the last time Tian Yu Kyushu dispatched almost all of them, but none of the extraterritorial demons were found.

"What's more, once you sacrifice to the evil gods and really join forces with the demons outside the territory,
With the style of worshiping the evil gods, I am afraid that they will not wait for us to investigate, but will attack us. "

This is what Shi Tiangang is worried about.

Not to mention the overall power of the demons outside the territory, even the royal and royal families can stand shoulder to shoulder with them.

Demon races from outside the territory are helping each other to sacrifice to the evil god dynasty, and their Heavenly Palace may be hard to resist.

call out!
While everyone was discussing, a ray of light descended from the sky on the top of the temple, it was a jade talisman.

After Shi Tiangang took the jade talisman and took a look, his expression froze on his face.

"Palace Master?"

This scene was quite strange not only for the three empresses, but also for the descendants of the generals.

Shi Tiangang has been in charge of the Tianhuang Palace for countless years, and his cultivation is top-notch in all the Kyushu.

They didn't know what kind of information could make Shi Tiangang lose his composure like this.


Shi Tiangang came back to his senses and directly crushed the jade talisman.

A hurried and urgent words sounded in the temple immediately.

"The younger generation of worshiping the evil gods, a total of 56 people, all died in the water, spirit and martial world..."

(End of this chapter)

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