Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 471 Encounter in Zhongzhou!

Chapter 471 Encounter in Zhongzhou! (Second more)
Seeing Qin Yu's attitude, Sun Guxing didn't say much.

Judging from Qin Yu's consistent behavior, even if the palace ordered him to ground his feet, Qin Yu would never pay attention to it.

Another month passed.

It was confirmed that the turbulent situation in Lingzhou and the Tianhuang Palace had enough strength to deal with it, so Shi Tiangang sent people to Dongzhou.

Not many people were dispatched this time, only more than 30 people.

But apart from Qin Yu, they are all in the Emperor Senior Realm.

The two leading the team were brothers Sun Guxing and Sun Jiuxiao.

The two of them don't usually show up in the palace, and even if they don't show up for a long time, they won't be noticed.

The other emperors are also commanded by Sun Jiuxiao, and their loyalty is comparable to that of Shenwei.

Half a month later, Sun Guxing Qin Yu and his party, who disguised themselves and left Lingzhou without a sound, finally arrived at the boundary of Dongzhou.

Dongzhou, Yunxing Emperor's Domain.

The Yunxing Empire is one of the eighteen emperor domains in Dongzhou, located in the south of Lingzhou in the Northern Territory.

This Imperial Territory can also be said to be the entrance and exit of the Eastern Territory.

Whether it is leaving Dongzhou or coming to Dongzhou, it will be from here.

Of course, it is not impossible to leave other areas of Dongzhou.

However, due to the special geographical environment, the other three sides of Dongzhou are chaotic void.

The degree of danger can be regarded as a forbidden area, even ordinary emperors may be in danger.

Therefore, the Yunxing Emperor's Domain has become the busiest Emperor's Domain in Dongzhou.

"We will cultivate here for a day, and we will go to Xianhuangjian immediately tomorrow!"

After arriving at the Yunxing Emperor's Domain, someone came to meet them immediately, and it was someone sent by Sun Jiuxiao in advance.

After staying in a certain ancient city in the Yunxing Empire.

"Huh? This breath..."

Qin Yu, who was buying spiritual materials to assist the Dragon Clan in the city, suddenly changed his expression slightly, looking at several warriors who walked by.

"Ghost Emperor Holy Island!"

A cold light flashed in Dragon Soul's eyes.

The warriors in the Holy Land of the Ghost Emperor all have their own special fluctuations in the cultivation techniques.

That kind of fluctuation is more conspicuous than the logo on them in many cases.

Therefore, warriors from Ghost Emperor's Holy Island rarely dare to provoke them even if they don't wear the costumes of Ghost Emperor's Holy Island.

Of course, those people just now were not wearing the costumes of Ghost Emperor Shengdao, nor did they emit aura fluctuations.

It was only because Qin Yu and Long Hun were too familiar with Ghost Emperor Shengdao that they noticed it immediately.

"It's such a hurry, is there something important?"

After thinking for a while, Qin Yu followed without a trace.

After following for a certain distance, Qin Yu's face changed into a middle-aged man with an unattractive appearance.

Those people from Ghost Emperor Holy Island passed through most of the ancient city and entered an ancient palace somewhere.

Qin Yu quietly used his escape technique and followed.

"She can really hide. With so many of us, we have been chasing her for so long, but we haven't caught her yet."

After sneaking into the ground and performing the secret operation, Qin Yu heard a somewhat familiar voice.

"It's him!"

After contemplating for a moment, Qin Yu remembered.

That voice was surprisingly the man in green from Ghost Emperor Shengdao who attacked him outside the Shenyue Emperor's Mausoleum, Zhou Yantian.

This is really a narrow road to Yuanjia, and I didn't expect to meet here.

Judging from his aura, Zhou Yantian's cultivation should still be at the sixth rank of Martial Emperor.

"A report from a secret agent, she should have come to this city!"

"It took me so long to find out that she is in Dongzhou, this time I can't let her run away again!"

"Indeed, she knows the most about the Tianyue Palace lineage. If she escapes again this time, she might go to Lingzhou."

"Lingzhou... You should all know about the three wars that took place in Lingzhou some time ago."

"Who would have thought that a small Martial Ancestor Realm could grow to such an extent."

"I heard that kid killed dozens of Emperor Zun powerhouses..."

"So, no matter what, she can't be allowed to go to Lingzhou. The matter of the ancient immortal decree of the Baiwu Realm must be stopped with her and cannot be spread."


"Could it be..."

Listening to the voices of discussion in the house, Qin Yu pondered slightly.

Although it was the first time Qin Yu had heard of the Tianyue Palace lineage.

But think of Baiwujie, Guxianling and Tianhuang Palace.

This caused Qin Yu to have many thoughts in his mind.

"The person they are talking about is not the owner of the Palace of Beasts?"

After listening for a while, Dragon Soul also had such a guess.

The owner of the Palace of Beasts is naturally Xu Xiaoyue.

Since the original battle and the disbandment of the Palace of Beasts, Xu Xiaoyue returned to Tianyu.

Qin Yu also went to Lingzhou with Sun Shiyu after quelling the chaos in the ancient imperial palace, but there was no news of Xu Xiaoyue.

Although I still don't know if the person the Ghost Emperor Shengdao is talking about is Xu Xiaoyue.

But that kid from Tianhuang Palace, he was obviously talking about Qin Yu.

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows slightly.

He remembered that Xu Xiaoyue once said that the forces behind her were not afraid of Ghost Emperor Holy Island.

To be able to gain a foothold in Zhongzhou and not be afraid of Ghost Emperor Holy Island, that should also be the top power in Zhongzhou.

But all along, it seems that there has been no news of the collapse of the top forces in Zhongzhou, or even the news of a major war.

call out!
Suddenly, a fluctuation of a sound transmission symbol appeared, and there was a rather excited voice in the house.

"I found her!"

"The secret sentry has already spotted her!"


Immediately, the people from Ghost Emperor Holy Island who were spies in the house immediately left the house.

Qin Yu restrained his breath and followed him quietly.

Among those people from Ghost Emperor Holy Island, there is indeed Zhou Yantian.

Beside Zhou Yantian, there are seventeen warriors, all of whom are in the Emperor Wu realm.

The one with the highest cultivation has reached the peak of the Martial Emperor Realm, and the others are above the sixth-rank Martial Emperor.

With Qin Yu's cultivation at the eighth rank Martial Emperor Realm, it is naturally easy to follow these people without being discovered.

At this time, outside the ancient city, a slim figure in a blue shirt, with a serious expression, quickly fled into the air.

This person is none other than Xu Xiaoyue.

But compared with the cultivation base of the Hundred Martial Arts World and the Hundred Beast Palace.

Xu Xiaoyue has officially stepped into the Martial Emperor Realm, but it is only a first-rank Martial Emperor Realm.

Xu Xiaoyue's current escape direction is to leave the void area of ​​Dongzhou.

After escaping from Zhongzhou to Dongzhou, he thought that he would not be noticed so soon.

But Xu Xiaoyue still underestimated the influence of Ghost Emperor Shengdao.

The Martial Emperor Realm of Ghost Emperor Holy Island has actually been tracked down to Dongzhou, so she has to escape.


Suddenly, there was a loud bang.

On the ground, a huge earth dragon broke through the ground without warning, opened its mouth ferociously and bit Xu Xiaoyue.

Judging by that ferocious aura, at the very least, he was at the third-rank Martial Emperor Realm.

"Nine-Star Divine Physique!"

Xu Xiaoyue's complexion changed drastically, and she immediately mobilized her spirit body, her hands moved together, beams of starlight condensed into arc-shaped blades and attacked.

But the power of the earth dragon rushing towards the sky far surpassed Xu Xiaoyue's attack, smashing those starlight blades in an instant.

Xu Xiaoyue took advantage of the gap, and immediately dodged across, escaping at an extremely fast speed.

(End of this chapter)

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