Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 477: The Soul of the Immortal Phoenix!

Chapter 477: The Soul of the Immortal Phoenix! (Second more)
"Sent more than 50 emperors to the prehistoric ancient land..."

Heavenly Emperor Palace and other Emperor Prestige Realm, eyes flickering.

With so many emperors, could it be such a coincidence that any treasures were born in this prehistoric ancient land?
"Avoid them!"

Sun Guxing made a decisive decision, and led the Tianhuang Palace and others to evacuate and bypass.

Their purpose was to go to Xianhuangjian to find the bone of the Great Desolate Divine Phoenix.

There is no need to get involved with the forces of Dongzhou.

Half a day passed.

After avoiding more than a dozen ferocious and violent prehistoric beasts in a row, Tianhuanggong and others finally came to Xianhuangjian.

In the depths of the prehistoric ancient land, there is an endless prehistoric mountain range.

Xianhuangjian is in the center of the mountain range.


Just outside of Xianhuangjian, Sun Jiuxiao and Sun Guxing's expression moved slightly.

"It seems that it is a bit like the breath of the colorful fairy unicorn!"

Qin Yu's eyes flickered slightly.

In this fairy phoenix stream, wouldn't there be fairy beasts?
Sun Jiuxiao and Sun Guxing looked at each other, obviously the same thought as Qin Yu appeared in their hearts.

Just when Sun Guxing was about to lead people into Xianhuangjian, there were sounds of breaking through the air at extremely high speed.

Intense and terrifying Taoist fluctuations surged, shaking the situation.

In the power of Taoism, there is also a violent and bloodthirsty dragon breath.

"The bloodthirsty killing dragon is coming!"

Dragon Soul's eyes were bright, reminding immediately.

At such a short distance, Qin Yu naturally sensed it in an instant, and turned his head to look at the void on the left.

In the sky, a group of figures appeared.

To be precise, it was a streak of blood flying in front, followed by dozens of ghostly figures.

"Bloodthirsty killing Tianlong, and Ghost Emperor Holy Island?"

Qin Yu fixed his gaze and immediately recognized it.

It was Guidi Shengdao and others who were chasing after the bloodthirsty Tianlong.

"Ghost Emperor Shengdao and others came to Dongzhou for bloodthirsty killing of Tianlong?"

Dragon Soul's expression changed.

Logically speaking, the way of cultivating Ghost Emperor Shengdao should not have anything to do with the Dragon Clan.

"If that's the case, then we have to fight."

Qin Yu's eyes were cold.

Originally, he didn't want to meet the high-level Emperor Zun of Ghost Emperor Holy Island now.
But if Ghost Emperor Shengdao really came here for the bloodthirsty killing of Tianlong, then he had to do it.

No matter what, this bloodthirsty killing dragon cannot fall into the hands of others.

"Those people just now are the ghost emperor Shengdao of Zhongzhou. What they are chasing and killing are the shape-changing dragons?"

As Sun Guxing said, he couldn't help looking at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu's purpose in coming to Xianhuangjian was for the Dragon Clan.

Could it be that the dragon clan he was divining was the transformed dragon clan just now.

If this is the case, then it is bound to confront Ghost Emperor Shengdao.

This made Sun Guxing have several thoughts in his mind.

With the current strength of their Tianhuang Palace and the current turbulent situation in Lingzhou.

In Zhongzhou, Ghost Emperor Sacred Island, which is the most powerful force, is no joke.

"Well, is there anyone else? The top emperor?"

After the bloodthirsty killing of Tianlong, Ghost Emperor Shengdao and others, another figure came from the sky silently and quickly.

That person's speed was faster than Ghost Emperor Shengdao and others.

And if you don't see it with the naked eye, you can't find that person at all.

In other words, that person completely covered up his breath fluctuations.

Beginning with Wu Zong Wu Zun, perception has gradually replaced vision.

Especially in battle, whoever has a more sensitive perception can make predictions in advance, and the winning rate will be greater.

It is conceivable that that person can completely restrain his own breath, and his attainments in the art of concealment.


But Qin Yu and Long Hun were startled when they saw that person.

Unexpectedly, Ao Di, who had not been seen for a long time, appeared here again.

"This guy, Ao Di, isn't he also here for the bloodthirsty killing of Tianlong?"

Dragon Soul said.

When it came to the Zilei God Xiaolong, Ao Di wanted to subdue the Zilei God Xiaolong and recreate his ancestor's Eternal Dragon Kingdom.

Focusing on the bloodthirsty killing Tianlong now, I am afraid that he also has the idea of ​​wanting to surrender.

"When two tigers fight, one must be injured. At that time, our chance will come."

Qin Yu's eyes sparkled.

In this case, Tianhuang Palace and others are unreliable.

Qin Yu can only rely on his own strength to capture the bloodthirsty killer Tianlong.

If only Ghost Emperor Shengdao is on the side, then the possibility of Qin Yu succeeding is really very small.

But if Ao Di got involved in it, it would be completely different.

There is no doubt that Ao Di's strength has reached the top emperor level.

What happened in Xiefeng City last time, if it wasn't for Qin Yu's plan to detain the original dragon blood of the Eight Desolation Fengyan Dragon.

Ao Di was worried about the safety of the Eight Desolation Feng Yanlong, and the high-ranking emperors in the Tianhuang Palace might not be able to retreat unscathed.

Ao Tiruo and Guidi Shengdao faced each other, in a melee situation.

With the cultivation base of the Skeleton Ghost King and his means, as long as he seizes the opportunity.

It seems that it is not impossible to obtain the original dragon blood of the bloodthirsty killing dragon.

"Two shapeshifting dragons?"

Seeing Ao Di who also rushed into Xianhuangjian, Sun Guxing's eyes became more serious.

Ao Di gave him the feeling that he was even more powerful and terrifying than the top Emperor Zun of Ghost Emperor Holy Island.

Its strength is among the top emperors, and I am afraid it is definitely top-notch.

Following the bloodthirsty killing of Tianlong, Ghost Emperor Holy Island Emperor Zun, Ao Di rushed into Xianhuangjian one after another.

In the Immortal Phoenix Stream, the fluctuations of the immortal beasts became more and more intense.

Immediately afterwards, a billowing thick fog came out, covering the entire Xianhuangjian in an instant.

And it spread in all directions, and after a while, this mountain range was completely covered by thick fog.


When Sun Guxing and other people from the Heavenly Palace were still inquiring in surprise, a clear and pleasant sound of a phoenix resounded through the nine heavens.

Vaguely, one could see a huge black shadow about to fly in the fairy phoenix stream covered by thick fog.



The moment the phoenix cry appeared, the entire prehistoric ancient land was shaken, and countless prehistoric alien species roared.

For a moment, the situation in the prehistoric ancient land changed, and the sky trembled.

"The soul of the fairy phoenix?!"

Somewhere in the prehistoric ancient land, in a huge lake.

A giant golden tortoise, its golden eyes suddenly changed when it heard the phoenix cry.

Immediately it turned into a golden light, soaring into the sky, and fled towards the direction of Xianhuangjian at high speed.

"Damn it, someone broke into the shrine!"

At this time, in the prehistoric ancient land, a group of powerful and terrifying prehistoric beasts rioted and rushed towards Xianhuangjian.

"Not good, there are a large number of prehistoric alien species rushing!"

"Come in!"

Sun Guxing and Sun Jiuxiao immediately noticed the riots of those prehistoric alien species in the prehistoric ancient land.

As soon as their expressions changed, they immediately led Qin Yu and others into the Immortal Phoenix Stream and disappeared into the thick fog.

Although they didn't know what happened, but since they had already arrived at Xianhuangjian, they naturally couldn't just retreat.

What's more, if you quit at this time, you will definitely run into those alien species who rushed to the wild.


In Xianhuangjian, after Qin Yu waited for the heat to rush into the thick fog, he felt an extremely terrifying hurricane whistling and sweeping from all directions.

Bang bang bang!
Sun Guxing, Sun Jiuxia and others looked serious, and immediately shot with all their strength, and the power of Taoism was violent.

However, the hurricane that hit was extremely terrifying, like a prehistoric beast hitting it.

In an instant, the entire group of people in the Tianhuang Palace were blown to pieces and scattered in all directions...

(End of this chapter)

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