Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 496 Kill all of them!

Chapter 496 Kill all of them! (third change)
You know, at the peak of their Tianyuan Shen Dynasty, they were enough to enter Zhongzhou.

And now, if there hadn't been the Tianyuan God Emperor sitting in charge all the time.

They are afraid that they will be expelled from Dongzhou just like offering sacrifices to the evil gods.

It is naturally conceivable how much the Emperor Zun's combat strength was killed and injured.

"Time and Space Ancient Killing Formation!"

"Ancient magical powers!"

Qin Yu ignored the shock of the two top emperors, and used his killer moves one after another.

The ancient divine power violently rioted, and the power of time and space exploded.

With Qin Yu as the center, a radius of hundreds of feet immediately turned into an area of ​​destruction.

Under Qin Yu's killer move, which can be said to be all cards in his hole,

The two top emperors suffered severe injuries, vomiting blood and flying backwards.

"Forbidden Art of Immortal Sacrifice!"

But Qin Yu's attack did not stop because of this, and his whole body was floating with white light.

As the God Killing Sword slashed out, a beam of white light flashed at the sword light.


The flesh and blood exploded, and the two top emperors who were already seriously injured in Tianyuan Shenchao,
The body was directly pierced by the immortal sacrifice technique, and the flesh and bones were destroyed inch by inch.


Although the physical body was destroyed, the two top emperors reacted extremely quickly.

Almost at the moment of being attacked, the secret technique was cast immediately, and the pale and terrified Emperor Soul escaped from the body in an instant.


And while escaping from the body, they worked together to perform secret techniques, tearing a space crack,
It seems to want to break through the void and escape.


It's a pity that their opponent is Qin Yu who once stepped on the peak of the holy rank.

Qin Yu had seen through their plans long ago, and changed his hands.

The Soul Devouring Curse is like a huge tower pressing down, directly suppressing their emperor souls in the void.

With a wave of Qin Yu's left hand, the seal light filled the air.

The emperor souls of the two top emperors were directly detained and sealed.

"The Heavenly Palace..."

Those two top emperors are also well-informed,

When he was banned, he immediately recognized that it was the secret technique of the Emperor's Palace.

But it was too late.

In this void that is double covered by the Nine Nether Purgatory and the Bloodthirsty Killing Prison.

No one would know that they were banned by the Sealing Saint Emperor.

Qin Yu didn't immediately annihilate their emperor souls, but just sealed them.

Thousands of years have passed, and the sea has changed.

The Tianyuan Divine Dynasty is probably not what he knew in the past.

Therefore, he wanted to learn more about the Tianyuan Divine Dynasty.

Revenge against the Twelve Ancient Emperors, it is impossible to kill them all at once, and the right way is to destroy them one by one.

Before taking action, he naturally needs to learn more about the detailed information of the Twelve Ancient Emperors.

When Qin Yu beheaded those two top emperors.

The other emperors of the Tianyuan Divine Dynasty were also continuously killed under the attacks of the Skeleton Ghost King, Dragon Soul, and Five Gods Futian Formation.

The Nine Nether Purgatory and the Bloodthirsty Killing Prison had extremely terrifying suppression on the warriors of the Tianyuan Divine Dynasty.

But it has no effect on the Skeleton Ghost King and Dragon Soul.

Because both of them can directly receive the information passed by Qin Yu.

Under such ebb and flow, the Emperor Zun of the Tianyuan Divine Dynasty naturally found it difficult to resist.

When Qin Yu also joined the battle, Emperor Zun of Tianyuan Divine Dynasty received a devastating blow immediately.

Qin Yu's combat power was even higher than that of the Skull Ghost King.

Not long after, more than a dozen emperors in the Tianyuan Divine Dynasty were beheaded by Qin Yu and the skeleton ghost king.

Qin Yu put away the Sumeru rings of the emperors, and immediately put away the divine formation and left.

The Tianyuan Divine Dynasty is just one of his goals.

Qin Yu didn't intend to let go of the people from Ghost Emperor Shengdao and Dragon Tiger God Sect.

This time, the emperors of their three sects were all in this Dao Dharma space, with heavy damage and greatly reduced combat effectiveness.

This is an excellent opportunity for Qin Yu.

For example, the two top emperors of the Tianyuan Divine Dynasty, if they are in their peak state.

Even if Qin Yu used all means to kill them, it was unlikely that he would kill them.

Even if the top emperor is trapped, it is not so easy to be beheaded.

While flying away, the skeleton ghost king devoured the Qi and blood of Tianyuan Shenchao and other emperors, and his aura became more and more tyrannical.

The blood of more than a dozen emperors is a great tonic for the skeleton ghost king.

Qin Yu hunted and killed the three emperors, in addition to the old enmity, it also helped the Skeleton Ghost King strengthen his cultivation base.

"Who are they?"

When the Five Gods Futian Formation dissipated, and the Nine Nether Purgatory and Bloodthirsty Killing Prison disappeared,

Those prehistoric beasts only reacted, but they couldn't catch up at all.

Only two people actually wiped out more than a dozen emperors of the Tianyuan Divine Dynasty, and even two top emperors.

This kind of combat power is simply terrifying,

I am afraid that only the powerful emperor of the holy rank can achieve such a level.

Even if they go together, I'm afraid they are just going to die.

"Tianyuan Shenchao..."

After Qin Yu and Honghuang aliens dispersed, Ao Di quietly appeared.

He did not leave this secret world, but used secret techniques to follow Qin Yu from afar.

I want to see what Qin Yu's purpose is.

The result was somewhat beyond his expectation, Qin Yu would take the initiative to kill the people of Tianyuan Shenchao.

Judging from that appearance, it seems that he has some great grievances with Tianyuan Shenchao.

After pondering for a while, Ao Di looked in the direction where Qin Yu disappeared, and followed him again.

Although this Taoist space can strongly suppress perception.

But Ao Di has secret skills, and can perceive the dragon blood fluctuations and dragon supernatural powers on Qin Yu's body.

As long as Qin Yu uses it, he can catch it.

call out!
At this time, Qin Yu, who broke through the void extremely quickly, had locked onto the Emperor Senior Realm of the Dragon and Tiger Sect.

Relying on luck and stars, the coercion that suppresses perception in this Taoist world was weakened to the extreme by Qin Yu.

As for the consumed luck and stars, after killing those emperors, they will be re-condensed.

The luck of more than a dozen emperors is no joke.

Not long after, Qin Yu caught up with Longhu Shenmen and the others.

The speed of Longhu Shenmen and others who have been bitten by wild beasts is far inferior to Qin Yu who is flying away at extreme speed.

After a little preparation, Qin Yu shot again.

There are still more than 20 emperors in the Dragon and Tiger Sect, and there are as many as three top emperors.

Like Tianyuan Shenchao and others, they were all seriously injured.

Just like dealing with Tianyuan Shenchao and others, Qin Yu repeated his old tricks.

Relying on the Five Gods Futian Formation and supernatural powers, he slaughtered Longhu Shenmen and others wantonly.

However, compared to the smooth progress of Tianyuan Shenchao and others, there were some accidents when dealing with Longhu Shenmen and others.

A top Emperor Venerable, after being pierced by the Immortal Sacrifice Technique and knowing that he could not survive, he blew himself up directly.

Even if Qin Yu noticed the seal in time, he didn't stop it.

The self-destruction of a top Emperor Senior Realm, that level of power can be said to destroy the world.

The high-ranking emperors and ordinary emperors of the Dragon and Tiger Sect were all affected and killed.

Even though Qin Yu had the Dragon God Dominant Body of the Emperor Venerable Realm, he still suffered serious injuries.

The Skeleton Ghost King almost fell apart, and even the Five Gods Futian Formation was shattered.

However, the other two top emperors of the Dragon and Tiger God Sect were already prepared.

They took the opportunity to break out of the formation and escape without looking back.

Although the plan to wipe out the dragon and tiger gods was shattered,
But a top emperor and several high-level emperors can be regarded as a lot of losses for the dragon and tiger gods.

Therefore, Qin Yu did not go after him either.

(End of this chapter)

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