Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 499 Persuading the Dragon Clan to Surrender!

Chapter 499 Persuading the Dragon Clan to Surrender! (third change)
"Let's put aside the matter of Shen Feng for now, there is news from the Immortal Spirit Grass."

Shi Tiangang changed the subject and talked about something extremely important to the Tianhuang Palace.

"Fairy Spirit Grass?!"

Hearing Shi Tiangang's words, the three of Sun Guxing were all moved and looked ecstatic.

He just got the bone of the fairy phoenix, and now there is news of the fairy grass. This is really God's help.

"According to intelligence, there is news of the appearance of fairy grass in the sanctuary of Zhongzhou,
Although there is no specific confirmation of this news, I have already sent people to Zhongzhou,
Once confirmed, they will immediately leave for Zhongzhou. "

Shi Tiangang was also unconcealably excited.

As long as they get the Immortal Spirit Grass, they can refine the Immortal Emperor Pill.

Of course, under that excitement, Shi Tiangang's gaze was quite dignified.

Zhongzhou is the place that gathers the most powerful people in the Tianyu.

If the news about the Immortal Spirit Grass is true, I am afraid that those who are strong in the Saint-Rank Emperor Prestige will all be dispatched one after another.

This can be said to be a huge pressure on the Emperor Palace.

After all, their Heavenly Emperor Palace does not have a holy emperor sitting in command now.

Once those holy emperors intervene.

If they want to be as strong as the fairy grass, they may have to pay a huge price.

However, no matter how much the price is, the fairy grass is the last magic medicine, and it must be obtained absolutely.

"Unfortunately, Uncle Song's whereabouts have been missing all this time, if there is his old man's help..."

After hearing the words, Sun Yunlang was silent for a while before speaking with some emotion.

Although none of the top forces in Lingzhou now have the powerhouses of the Holy Emperor.

But in the history of these forces, there have always been saints and emperors.

Just like the Tianhuang Palace, 700 years ago, there were not only holy emperors, but even high-level holy emperors.

During that period, it can be said that since the end of the ancient times, the most relaxed days in the history of the Emperor Palace.

The power of their Heavenly Palace even dominates the entire Northern Territory, and the strong are like clouds.

But unfortunately, the high-ranking saint emperor disappeared during an exploration of the ancient ruins, and his whereabouts are still unknown.

The same is true. Other forces in Lingzhou are dissatisfied with the Tianhuang Palace's occupation of the entire northern region, and riots occur frequently.

The Dynasty of Sacrifice to the Evil God also took advantage of the turmoil in the Tianhuang Palace to directly invade the northern region of Lingzhou.

So far, in the Northern Territory, a situation of two tigers entrenched has formed.

"Master Song's natal blood card has never been broken, and he is definitely still alive.

Maybe, these years have been attacking the top emperor. "

Sun Guxing said.

Although he couldn't predict the whereabouts of Uncle Song, he was sure that Uncle Song was still alive.

"hope so."

Shi Tiangang sighed softly.

It is a good thing that Uncle Song can come back.

But now, there has been no news about it, so it must not be counted on.

Everything can only depend on themselves.

Tianhuang Palace, in the Palace of Splendor.

In the ancient secret room, Qin Yu sat cross-legged in the air.

In front of him, there was an ancient tripod with formation patterns, burning with raging golden flames.

In the divine cauldron, a long spear that was as black as light and with mysterious dragon patterns all over its body floated, being continuously burned by the terrifying golden flame.

It was the Nine Nether Dragon Spear that was being tempered by Jin Yan's Burning Heaven Fire.

Along the way, Qin Yu continued to refine the Nine Nether Dragon Spear by virtue of his skill in refining weapons.

After merging the Qingcang Yaohuang and pouring several kinds of original dragon blood,
The rank of the Nine Nether Dragon Spear has already reached the rank of the imperial weapon.

Moreover, the Nine Nether Dragon Spear was forged from keel bones, and was forged by Qin Yu with the dragon clan's secret technique.

It can continuously integrate dragon blood and heaven and earth spirit treasures to improve its rank.

It can be said that this is a spiritual treasure with unlimited potential for improvement.

Therefore, Qin Yu planned to make the Nine Nether Dragon Spear into a natal spirit treasure like the ancient seal of the dragon god.

It's not just an ordinary imperial weapon.

Of course, the Nine Nether Dragon Spear is still in the tempering period.

It will take some time before it really takes shape.

Anyway, Qin Yu was not in a hurry now that he had the God Killing Sword in his hand.

After dripping the original blood of the bloodthirsty Tianlong on the Jiuyou Dragon Spear,

Indistinctly, there was an ear-shattering dragon chant.

I saw a light red dragon pattern appearing on the Nine Serenity Dragon Spear covered with dragon patterns.

With a bloodthirsty killing intent, it added a strong sense of monster to the Jiuyou Dragon Spear.

call out!
Seeing the tempering of the Nine Nether Dragon Spear progressing steadily, Qin Yu took it in and flicked his finger.

The Medicine King Divine Cauldron appeared.

Along with the appearance of the Medicine King Divine Cauldron, there are also a large amount of heaven and earth elixir.

Chi Chi!

All kinds of elixir were thrown into the Medicine King Divine Cauldron in an orderly manner, and were quickly refined.

The panacea that Qin Yu is currently refining is to increase the cultivation base of Zilei God Xiaolong and Jinyan Fentianlong.

Compared to any heaven and earth spirit treasures, the fairy phoenix cubs could devour them.

Zi Lei Shen Xiaolong and Jin Yan Fen Tianlong were much more picky about the panacea that enhanced their cultivation.

Apart from Qin Yu's specially refined ancient god pills, he was not interested in other common panacea pills at all.

Because ordinary divine pills are not very useful for improving their cultivation.

Now Qin Yu's cultivation has reached the second-rank Emperor Venerable Realm.

The Skeleton Ghost King has also approached the sixth-rank Emperor Venerable Realm,
And Zilei God Xiaolong is still at the peak of the Martial Emperor Realm.

Not to mention Jin Yan Fen Tianlong, who is only at the fourth-rank Martial Emperor realm.

This level of combat power is no longer helpful to Qin Yu today.

Therefore, the improvement of the dragon clan's cultivation base is also the top priority.

In Qin Yu's plan, the dragon clan of the Eternal Dragon Kingdom will be his powerful fighting force in the future.

As long as enough dragons are surrendered, their cultivation will be improved.

Even if Qin Yu had only one person, without relying on the Heavenly Emperor Palace, he would be able to destroy the Twelve Ancient Emperors and Xing Luo one by one.

After refining thousands of divine pills and almost consuming the elixir of heaven and earth, Qin Yu put away the medicinal cauldron.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Yu appeared in the ancient seal of the Dragon God.

In that ancient seal space, there is a ferocious blood-colored dragon floating thousands of sheets.

It is the bloodthirsty killing Tianlong, Xuanhai!
However, the bloodthirsty killing intent emanating from Xuanhai has not weakened.

But its dragon blood aura is obviously weak to the extreme.

Not only was the original dragon blood arrested, but Ao Ba also controlled the dragon soul. He fought several top emperors successively, and was later suppressed by Ao Di forcefully.

If Xuanhai's dragon body was not strong enough, I'm afraid it would have fallen by now.

As if aware of Qin Yu's arrival, Xuanhai opened slightly like a dragon's eye like a giant lake.

The blood-colored dragon, which looked like blood congealed, stared at Qin Yu coldly.

"How, has he decided to surrender?"

Qin Yu walked up to Dragon Soul and asked.

"The bones are quite hard, and it seems that I don't want to be killed!"

Dragon Soul shook his head.

"Then there's no way."

Qin Yu looked at Xuanhai and thought about it.

As the ancient seal of the dragon god trembled, a supreme dragon's power as vast as the starry sky emanated.

Xuanhai, which didn't fluctuate much at first, suddenly felt shocked in the dragon's eyes when he felt the supreme dragon's might.

The coercion of the immortal dragon made Xuanhai feel palpitations that penetrated into his soul.

(End of this chapter)

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