Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 60 Bai Qingyue Appears!

Chapter 60 Bai Qingyue Appears!
"What do you mean? Could it be that Qin Yu also killed other students?"

"No, if it's a life-and-death battle, this year is the only one."

"Is it outside the academy?"

Hearing Wu Xingchen's words, the onlookers around the stage of life and death all started talking.

"No way?"

Yun Xi, Jiang Long and the others couldn't help but change their expressions.

If the crime of massacring the students in the same academy is confirmed, it is a serious crime and will be executed.

Wu Xingchen looked at Qin Yu with a sneer in his eyes.

But Qin Yu's expression was indifferent, without fluctuation at all, as if the person mentioned was not him.

"More than half a month ago, the Lei family in Huoyun City was destroyed. During the destruction of the Lei family, two inner court students of our Holy Academy, Bai Yang and Xuan Fang, were also killed by that thief."

"And that person is you, Qin Yu, do you still want to argue?"

Wu Xingchen's eyes flickered coldly, with killing intent pervading, Qin Yu's arrogant gesture made him very unhappy.

"Bai Yang and Xuan Fang were killed by Qin Yu?"

"Really? Bai Yang and Xuan Fang's cultivation has reached the second level of the Martial King Realm and the third level of the Martial King Realm. They are not comparable to Xue Tianwu and other newcomers who have just entered the Martial King Realm?"

"One Heaven Martial Realm can kill two Martial King Realm? What kind of monster is this!"

When Wu Xingchen said this, all the students and elders present were stunned.

This news was even more shocking than seeing Qin Yu kill Xue Tianwu.

After all, when two Martial Kings join forces, the combat power is not one plus one, and Qin Yu can kill it?

Then how terrifying is Qin Yu's fighting power?

Is he really only at the Heaven Martial Realm?
"The Lei family in Fire Cloud City? That's not the second prince's..."

Qi Ming seemed to have remembered something, and couldn't help but look back at Qin Yu with shock in his eyes.

The Lei family has married the second prince, how dare Qin Yu destroy the Lei family?

No wonder when the second prince came, he looked aggressive and wanted to put Qin Yu to death.

"This kid must die!"

Xue Mo was also shocked, but after the shock, an extremely strong killing intent emerged in his heart.

Qin Yu's talent is too terrifying, no matter what, he cannot be allowed to grow up.

Otherwise, they, the Xue clan, might be buried in Qin Yu's hands in the future.

"Why should I deny it?"

Qin Yu smiled lightly and directly admitted.

He has already seen that no matter what he says today, Wu Xingchen will attack him.

That being the case, Qin Yu naturally didn't bother to talk nonsense.

"Hmph, killing fellow students, according to the rules of the Holy Academy, they should be beheaded, come here, take them down for me!"

Qin Yu's fearless attitude stimulated Wu Xingchen even more.

After he finished his righteous words, he gave a loud shout, and immediately two armored Martial Emperors stepped forward, locking Qin Yu with terrifying killing intent.

"Wait a minute!"

But at this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone was curious and looked back.

I don't know who would dare to stop the second prince at this time?

As the crowd parted, several figures appeared in everyone's sight.

"is her!"

Qin Yu's eyes flickered when he saw the person who appeared.

The person who stepped forward to stop her was unexpectedly Bai Qingyue who had been poisoned by the poisonous ink dragon back then.

"That's Senior Bai Qingyue, who was ranked sixth in the Tianjiao list last year?"

"What day is it today? Not only did the second prince appear, but senior sister Bai Qingyue, who had disappeared for a year, also appeared in the Holy Court."

"Looking at Bai Qingyue's appearance, could it be that she is going to help Qin Yu?"

Seeing Bai Qingyue approaching with lotus steps, the surrounding students and elders also began to discuss in whispers.

Bai Qingyue is not only extremely talented, but also the princess of Baiwu County King, with outstanding status.

The Baiwu County King of this generation not only inherited the title of County King, but also made great military exploits on the border, and was bestowed the title of Zhenjiang King by His Majesty today. He is one of the best double kings in the Zhenwu Dynasty.

As a matter of course, Bai Qingyue, as the only daughter of the Prince of Baiwu County, has a noble status!

"Princess Qingyue, the poison of your Ten Thousand Poisonous Ink Flood Dragon has really been resolved?!"

When Wu Xingchen saw Bai Qingyue appearing, his eyes lit up and he walked over immediately.

Looking at the entire Zhenwu Dynasty, Bai Qingyue is the top among women, both in terms of status and talent, and she is also Wu Xingchen's favorite concubine.

You know, Bai Qingyue is the jewel in the palm of the Prince of Baiwu County, as long as you get Bai Qingyue, it means you have the support of the Prince of Baiwu County.

"Thanks to Mr. Qin Yu's action, I was lucky enough to get my life back!"

After Bai Qingyue nodded slightly to Wu Xingchen, she walked over to Qin Yu and solemnly saluted to thank her.

"You don't have to be polite, the princess, it's just a little effort."

Qin Yu smiled lightly.

But this scene, in Wu Xingchen's eyes, made his expression a bit ugly.

Qin Yu, is that the mysterious doctor who was rumored to have cured the poison of the Ten Thousand Poisonous Ink Dragon?

How is this possible?
Even the most outstanding alchemy doctor in the royal family is helpless against the poison of Wandu Mojiao.

Can Qin Yu resolve it?
How old is he?

"Your Highness, it is rumored that after the princess went to Longling City, it was reported that the poison of the Ten Thousand Poisonous Ink Jiao has been cured, and Qin Yu also came from Longling City!"

At this moment, beside Wu Xingchen, an old man seemed to think of something, and whispered to Wu Xingchen.

"So, Qin Yu and Princess Qingyue have known each other for a long time?"

Wu Xingchen's eyes sank again, and the killing intent towards Qin Yu in his heart became more and more intense.

Could Qin Yu still want to get his hands on Bai Qingyue?

Thinking of this, the strong killing intent in Wu Xingchen's heart surged uncontrollably.

"Your Highness, I wonder if you have thoroughly investigated the killing of two students in the inner courtyard?"

Bai Qingyue turned around, looking at Wu Xingchen with her clear eyes.

"Princess Qingyue, if I didn't find out about this matter, how could I come here in person?"

"The Lei family was destroyed, Baiyang Xuanfang was killed, countless people in Huoyun City witnessed that it was Qin Yu who did it, and what's more, Qin Yu himself admitted it just now, there is absolutely no mistake."

Facing Bai Qingyue, Wu Xingchen's gloomy murderous intent disappeared, and he smiled gently.

"Under normal circumstances, a person at the Heaven Martial Realm wouldn't provoke two Martial Kings, would he?"

Hearing this, Bai Qingyue turned her head to look at Qin Yu again.

Hearing Bai Qingyue's words, the students who were discussing around couldn't help but nodded.

Indeed, although Qin Yu has the ability to leapfrog the enemy.

But no matter how confident he is in his own strength, he will not take the initiative to provoke the two Martial Kings.

Unless, is it a last resort?

Qin Yu looked at Bai Qingyue with some surprise.

It seems that the status of the Baiwu County Palace in the Zhenwu Dynasty is really not low.

Even Wu Xingchen, who is the prince, seems to want to give Bai Qingyue some face.

Now that Bai Qingyue is in her early years, Qin Yu temporarily put aside her original plan.

After all, Wan Du Mo Jiao has not been obtained yet, so let Wu Xingchen go for now.

"I have a grievance with the Lei family. The two of them teamed up with the Lei family to kill me, so I killed me. It's as simple as that."

Qin Yu said lightly.

"Hmph, now that Bai Yang and the senior members of the Lei family are all dead, why don't you let me tell you?"

Wu Xingchen snorted coldly, and said coldly: "Anyway, it is a fact that Qin Yu brutally killed the students of the same academy. According to the rules of the Holy Academy, it should be..."

"Get out of the way for the old man!"

At this moment, another accident occurred, and a strong voice interrupted Wu Xingchen's words.

When the words came out, a powerful real force appeared, and the onlookers were directly pushed away by a dark force.

Immediately afterwards, a group of people appeared in everyone's sight.

(End of this chapter)

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