Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 616 Repeating Chapter Ancient Emperor!

Chapter 616 Return to the Ancient Emperor!

"Dragon Soul!"

Qin Yu let out a low cry, and immediately cast the Dragon Swallowing Seal, frantically refining the dragon blood energy in his body, while devouring the dragon blood energy in his body at a very high speed.

When the dragon chant sounded, upon hearing the dragon soul summoned by Qin Yu, it directly manifested itself, and it was also frantically devouring the majestic and vast pure dragon energy.

Time, as Qin Yu crazily devoured the dragon's energy, several months passed quickly.

Of course, with the control of twenty times the time of the Dragon Soul, Qin Yu has been in the Dragon God's ancient seal for several months, and the outside world has only passed a few days.

However, in just a few days, the ancestral world of the ancient demons, the Boundless Demon Realm, has set off a boundless storm.

Countless powerful ancient demons gathered here, frantically looking for Qin Yu who had sneaked in.

It's a pity that, with the space-time realm intact, the ancient demons could not find any trace of Qin Yu even if they moved to the ancient emperor's realm.

hold head high!
At the time of the ancient seal of the dragon god, a full seven months later, a dragon chant resounding throughout the ancient seal of the dragon god appeared, shaking the heavens and the earth.

I saw a golden dragon shadow as large as ten thousand feet, rushing out of the majestic dragon aura like a cloud and mist.

Under the golden dragon shadow, a figure rose into the sky.

This person was none other than Qin Yu who was sitting cross-legged.

It's just that the current Qin Yu, compared to seven months ago, has undergone earth-shaking changes.

It can be clearly seen that around Qin Yu's body, there is a surge of the power of Taoism that seems to be substantial.

"Ancient Emperor Realm!"

The dragon soul, which was also crazily absorbing the chaotic dragon energy, had ecstasy in its eyes.

After these seven months of devouring the dragon energy, Qin Yu's cultivation has actually reached the peak of the seventh-rank Emperor Zun, directly stepping into the realm of the ancient emperor.

Between them, several realms have been crossed.

If he practiced hard normally, even with Qin Yu's talent, it would be difficult for him to formally return to the realm of the ancient emperor without decades.


Almost at the moment when Qin Yu's cultivation level returned to the ancient emperor's realm, at the border of the demon clan outside the territory, they sat cross-legged together, as if they were recovering from their injuries, their eyes suddenly opened.

"This wave of Taoism..."

This person is none other than the Mad Dragon Emperor, Xing Luo.

"The Taoism of Zhanlong Zhenyuan? Could it be that he is really still alive?"

Xing Luo stood up and looked towards a certain direction of the demons outside the territory, with a strong sense of surprise in his eyes.

When he sneaked into the demons outside the territory before, Xing Luo had sensed the killing intent of the Immortal Execution Formation, but now, it was the true essence and Taoism of the Immemorial Dragon Fighting Art.

The Taoism fluctuations of Zhuxian Formation and Zhanlong Zhenyuan appeared one after another, which made Xingluo suspicious.

Of course, although Qin Yu's death is not a bad thing for Xing Luo, it would be better if only someone got Qin Yu's legacy.

If Qin Yu really came back to life safely, Xing Luo really didn't know much about it.

Thinking of this, Xingluo, who originally planned to return to Tianyu, turned back directly, and fled towards the ancient and far-fluctuated place at high speed.

He wanted to make sure that Qin Yu was really still alive.


In the realm of time and space, in the ancient seal of the Dragon God.

"Finally, back to the Ancient Emperor Realm!"

Standing in the void, Qin Yu sensed the Taoist true essence boiling in his body, and his eyes were filled with ecstasy.

Qin Yu has always been cautious, and now, he can finally let go of his hands and feet.

"The chaotic dragon energy is actually so strong, dragon soul, open the original dragon realm!"

After Qin Yu calmed down, looking at the chaotic dragon energy still boiling like the sea, he immediately let the dragon soul open the chaotic dragon realm,

Inhale all the dragon aura that pervades the ancient seal of Chaolong God, and let Jinyan Fentianlong, Zilei Shenxiaolong and others absorb the aura of the ancestor dragon.

As for Qin Yu, after reaching the Ancient Emperor Realm, his absorption of the Ancestral Dragon Qi had already reached its limit.

Next, Qin Yu needs to solidify his cultivation base, so that he can refine the dragon's blood to break through again.

Otherwise, even with the Immemorial Dragon Fighting Art, Qin Yu's physical body would not be able to bear such a substantial improvement in cultivation.

After opening the Chaos Dragon Realm, the Dragon Soul brought the Chaos Ancestor Dragon, who was also in the Chaos Dragon Realm, to retreat and practice.

Apart from the chaotic ancestral dragon, these chaotic dragon auras will be an excellent opportunity for dragon clans such as Dragon Soul and Jinyan Fentianlong.

"Chaos killing technique!"

Qin Yu's eyes were slightly closed, and his mind sank.

Soon, the primordial supernatural power of the Primal Chaos Dragon clearly appeared in Qin Yu's mind.

After feeling it for a while, Qin Yu completely controlled this supernatural power.

Chaos killing technique is a supreme killing technique that condenses the power of chaos, and its power is extremely astonishing.

Chaos is the power of the beginning, restraining all ways, enough to cut all powers and ways, it can be said to be extremely overbearing.

Of course, no matter what Taoism it is, how powerful it can be depends on the caster. This can be seen from the fact that the Primal Chaos Dragon was restrained by Qin Yu.

After cultivating into the Ancient Emperor Realm and mastering Chaos Killing, Qin Yu's eyes fell on the giant ancestor golem with three heads and six arms.

Although the primordial golem was lifeless, Qin Yu sensed an extremely tyrannical fluctuation of power from inside.

It was a wave of power that was not weaker than that of the ancient emperor. In other words, this ancestor golem was at the level of an ancient emperor.

With such a powerful combat power, Qin Yu naturally wouldn't let it go.

Even if his cultivation has advanced to the Ancient Emperor Realm, Qin Yu will not rashly declare his identity and directly deal with Xing Luo and the Twelve Ancient Emperors.

You must know that there is also a gap like a natural moat between the ancient emperor realms.

Although Qin Yu is not afraid of those old ancient emperors now, if Xing Luo and others join hands, it will not be a good thing for Qin Yu.

Therefore, to deal with the Twelve Ancient Emperors, you still have to use some strategies. At the very least, you can't let them join hands with each other.

Immediately, in Qin Yu's right hand, the holy seal of the demon clan appeared, and the holy seal was unsealed.

The primordial golem visibly trembled, with ancient and mysterious magic lines appearing on it, and the level of magic power emanating from it faintly felt like it was going to be crushed even in the void world of time and space.

"This level of power is definitely comparable to the existence of the late ancient emperor!"

After completely controlling the ancestor golem, Qin Yu's eyes became even brighter.

The power contained in this ancestor golem was even more than Qin Yu expected.

The Ancient Emperor Realm is divided into early stage, middle stage and late stage!

In the late period of the Ancient Emperor Realm, it was also known as the Old Emperor Ancient Emperor Realm in Tianyu.

As for the peak of the Ancient Emperor Realm, only Qin Yu has touched it before, but he has not really stepped into it yet.

If one had completely stepped into the realm of the ancient emperor's peak, even if Xing Luo and the others joined forces back then, it would have been impossible to win Qin Yu by any means.

You must know that the ancient emperor's peak realm is only a thin line away from the ninth level of martial arts, which is a higher level of martial arts realm.

Now, with this ancestor golem that is comparable to the elders in the ancient emperor's realm, Qin Yu is equivalent to having a helper in the elders' ancient emperor's realm.

This will be of great help to Qin Yu in carrying out his plan.

(End of this chapter)

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