Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 625 Dongzhou Layout!

Chapter 625 Dongzhou Layout!

Two days later, Tianyu, Dongzhou, Shenglongmen!

"Have you advanced to the Ancient Emperor Realm?"

Following Qin Yu's return, Pan Hong and Tai Shu Kong hurriedly came to pay their respects.

When they saw that Qin Yu's cultivation had returned to the ancient emperor, they were all very pleasantly surprised.

"How has the recent situation in Dongzhou changed?"

Qin Yu nodded and asked.

Seven Star Ancient Emperor is one of the most powerful ancient emperors in Dongzhou.

Now that the Seven Star Ancient Emperor was beheaded by Qin Yu, there will definitely be huge turmoil in Dongzhou.

For Qin Yu, this is a good time to implement the plan.

Originally, Emperor Chiyue was killed a few days ago, and the elites of the ancient emperors under his command also died one after another, which was also an excellent opportunity for annexation.

But according to the news from the Tianhuang Palace, Xingluo appeared in Nanzhou repeatedly for unknown reasons, and it seemed that he was still acting together with the man in gray.

Therefore, Qin Yu went back to Dongzhou directly.

Compared to Xing Luo, Qin Yu cared more about the man in gray.

Anyway, the current situation in Dongzhou should be similar to that in Nanzhou, so we can take the opportunity to act.

As for Nanzhou, after the Ancient Emperor Realm of Dongzhou is destroyed, Qin Yu will take action at that time.

"The situation in Dongzhou? Nothing has changed!"

Pan Hong and Tai Shukong shook their heads in surprise, wondering why Qin Yu would ask such a question.

"No change? The Seven Star Ancient Emperor was destroyed by me, and there is no change in the forces under his command?"

Qin Yu asked a little strangely.

"Seven Star Ancient Emperor, dead?"

Pan Hong and Tai Shukong were shocked when they heard the words.

"You don't know?"

Qin Yu frowned slightly.

Although he was the one who killed the Seven Star Ancient Emperor in the space-time realm.

However, at that time, when those ancient emperors gathered together, and an older ancient emperor died, it is impossible for no one to notice it.

"Some time ago, when the invasion war just ended, there was indeed gossip that the Seven Star Ancient Emperor was severely injured in the invasion war.
However, it was only a serious injury, not a death, so although the forces of the Seven Star Ancient Country are gathered and restrained, no forces dare to invade. "

Pan Hong had already investigated the changes in Dongzhou's power, and said hastily.

"Did you actually hide the news of the death of the Seven Star Ancient Emperor?"

When Qin Yu heard the words, he immediately understood.

This must be the people under the command of the Seven Star Ancient Emperor, who used some means to suppress the news of the Seven Star Ancient Emperor's death.

This is a very wise decision. After all, the Seven Star Ancient Emperor has dominated Nanzhou for thousands of years, and he has offended as many enemies as there are stars in the sky.

It's just that on weekdays, they are afraid of the power of the Seven Star Ancient Emperor, so no one dares to mess around.

However, once the news spreads, the Seven Stars Ancient Country will immediately become the target of public criticism.

It only takes a moment for this giant to collapse, and the end it faces will either run away, be annexed, or be destroyed.

"Release me the news, say that the Seven Stars Ancient Emperor died during the invasion, and the current Seven Stars Ancient Country is just an empty shell."

With a sneer on Qin Yu's face, he handed several treasures of the Seven Star Ancient Emperor to Pan Hong.

As long as these things are scattered, the news is not groundless.


Although Pan Hong and Tai Shukong had never seen the treasures worn by the Seven Star Ancient Emperor, they firmly believed in Qin Yu's words.

Since Qin Yu said that the Seven Star Ancient Emperor was beheaded, he must be dead.

"Also, you gather the combat power of the Holy Dragon Gate, start to pacify the forces of the martial world, and then expand towards the surrounding martial world, and prepare to invade the ancient country of Seven Stars. You must move quickly."

Here in Dongzhou, Qin Yu had three ancient enemies in his previous life, namely the Seven Star Ancient Emperor, the Dragon and Tiger Emperor, and the Tianyuan Divine Emperor.

Now that the Seven Star Ancient Emperor was destroyed, the only ones Qin Yu had to deal with were Emperor Dragon and Tiger and Divine Emperor Tianyuan.

And the Seven Star Ancient Kingdom of the Seven Star Ancient Emperor is adjacent to the Dragon and Tiger God Gate and the Tianyuan God Dynasty.

After the Sacred Dragon Sect annexed the forces of the Seven Stars Ancient Kingdom, Qin Yu could take the opportunity to attack the Dragon and Tiger Sect and the Tianyuan Sacred Dynasty in a legitimate manner.


When Pan Hong and Tai Shukong heard the words, they immediately went to prepare, looking a little excited.

When Qin Yu was at his peak, he surpassed the peak of Tianyu, and what an honor it was for them to follow behind Qin Yu.

But with Qin Yu's death, their status plummeted, and they were even attacked and killed repeatedly.

Now, King Qin Yu returns, and they will once again reign over the Heavenly Territory.

Pan Hong, who had been prepared all along, led the Shenglongmen to fight against the Tianwu world immediately.

The southern area of ​​Tianwu Realm had already completely fallen into the hands of Shenglongmen.

After this period of deployment, and Tai Shukong's promotion to the Holy Rank Emperor Venerable, the Holy Dragon Sect will soon completely dominate the Tianwu world.

The reason for this speed is that Tianwu Realm is located on the border of Dongzhou.

Another point is that Shenglongmen has already prepared comprehensively, and the action is naturally very smooth.

Immediately afterwards, the footsteps of Shenglongmen did not stop, taking the power of the ancient seven-star country as a line, and directly expanded all the way.

When the Sacred Dragon Gate expanded, the news of the death of the Seven Star Ancient Emperor also spread like flying throughout the entire East Continent.

All of a sudden, the forces of Dongzhou 72 Great Martial Arts World were undercurrents surging.

If such news appeared at an ordinary time, naturally not many people would believe it.

However, since the invasion of the foreign demons, the Seven Star Ancient Emperor has disappeared, which is known to countless warriors in the sky.

Later, it was reported from the Seven Stars Ancient Country that the Seven Stars Ancient Emperor was seriously injured, which calmed down the matter.

But now, not only the news came, but also the treasure of the Seven Star Ancient Emperor appeared, this situation is completely different.

Ordinary forces do not know the treasures of the Seven Star Ancient Emperors, but those ancient emperors and even the elders of the ancient emperor realm do know.

Now that the treasures carried by the Seven Star Ancient Emperors are all scattered out, the life and death of the Seven Star Ancient Emperors may really be hard to say.

Of course, those ancient emperors are at least old monsters who have lived for hundreds of thousands of years. It is natural to know that at this time, someone spreading such news is aimed at the ancient country of Seven Stars.

Therefore, many ancient emperor realms were pushed along the way.

Tianyu has always been respected by the strong, without the Seven Stars Ancient Emperor sitting in charge, it would be impossible for the Seven Stars Ancient Country to occupy such resources.

Dongzhou, Seven Star Ancient Kingdom, Imperial City!

"Damn it, how did the news get out?"

A red-haired old man, upon hearing the news that came one after another, paleness appeared on his wrinkled face.

They originally thought that they had completely covered up the news, but they didn't expect that it would spread out at such a critical moment.

"Second Elder, now is not the time to think about how the news leaked out. The most important thing right now is to protect the ancient country from being destroyed before the First Elder leaves the customs!"

A strong man in armor spoke with a solemn expression.

When the news came out, they checked carefully, and found that the treasures that the Seven Star Ancient Emperor was wearing were all real.

It also means that no matter what they do, the news may not be concealed.

(End of this chapter)

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