Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 627 The Great Army Arrives!

Chapter 627 The Great Army Arrives!

However, although Qin Yu was aware of it, the outside forces did not know about it.

When the power of offering sacrifices to the spirits of the Seven Star Ancient Country spread out mightily.

All over East Continent, those forces that were ready to move and gathered around the Seven Stars Ancient Kingdom all disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

The death of the Seven Star Ancient Emperor, which had been widely circulated, was no longer discussed.

After sensing the terrible coercion of the late ancient emperor, no one dared to have any dissent against the ancient seven-star country.

It is the same for those ancient emperors and the ancient emperors of the older generation.

No matter how tempting the resources occupied by the Seven Stars Ancient Country were, no force would offend a powerful existence in the later period of the ancient emperor.

Dongzhou, the ancient country of seven stars.

"It seems that the crisis has been temporarily avoided."

On the top of the imperial city, the second elder of the Seven Star Ancient Country, heard the information from all over Dongzhou, with a smile on his face.

Although this summoning of the ancient country sacrifice spirit made them pay a huge price.

However, compared to the crisis of destroying the country, the price seems to be not that great.

"Now, as long as the Great Elder's attack is successful, we can still occupy the East Continent."

The armored man also had a smile on his face.

Ding Ding Deng!
At this time, there was a sound of footsteps, and the woman with a graceful figure appeared.

"Just now, the high priest sent a message. According to the hexagram, there is a bad omen appearing in the south. The target is directed at my ancient country, and the attack is menacing!"

The Miaoman woman said.

"Bad omen? Could it be that there are still forces in the south who are not giving up?"

That armored man's eyes twitched, this is not a good thing.

Their seven-star ancient country is now a paper tiger, once someone invades, they may be poked through.

"To the south of us, there seem to be only a few scattered martial arts circles, and there are no major forces occupying them. How could anyone dare to target us over there?"

The red-haired old man was also extremely surprised.

"The high priest's divination has always been extremely accurate, and there are very few mistakes. We have to guard against it."

The Miaoman woman said.

"Send the shadow guards to see who they are and act in the south."

Immediately, the red-haired old man issued a secret order, and the atmosphere inside the Seven Stars Ancient Country, which was already on high alert, became even more dignified.

Dongzhou, Xuanlong Realm.

"How are you getting ready?"

In the ancient palace, Qin Yu sent Pan Hong and Tai Shukong to ask.

"The assembly has been completed, but the morale is very low."

Pan Hong said.

Now that there is a powerful existence in the late period of the ancient emperor in the ancient country of seven stars, the army of warriors of the holy dragon gate knows that they will invade the ancient country of seven stars, so naturally they don't have much momentum.

"Tomorrow morning, prepare to dispatch. Don't worry, the Seven Stars Ancient Country doesn't have any senior emperors. Even if there are, I can deal with them."

Glancing at Pan Hong and Tai Shukong who seemed to be worried, Qin Yu spoke.


Hearing Qin Yu's words, Pan Hong and Tai Shukong also relaxed a lot.


Suddenly, Qin Yu's expression changed, his figure flashed, and he disappeared into the ancient palace. Seeing this, Pan Hong and Tai Shukong immediately followed him out.

Outside the palace, somewhere in the void, two figures were sealed away by Qin Yu.

In the distant void, there were still three black shadows, which disappeared into the distant sky in the blink of an eye.

Bang bang!

The two banned figures directly blew themselves up without Qin Yu having a chance to interrogate them.

"A dead man?"

Qin Yu released the restraint, looked in the direction where the three figures disappeared, and did not send anyone to chase them.

At this time, there is only one faction that will send people to inquire about the news.

"It seems that tonight is not very peaceful."

Qin Yu smiled. Their expansion must not be hidden from the eyes of the Seven Star Ancient Kingdom.

And the Seven Star Ancient Country, which has just stabilized the situation, will definitely not tolerate someone provoking at this time.

Therefore, the Seven Stars Ancient Country will definitely take some action to make an example of others.

However, Qin Yu didn't care at all.

Whether it was the Seven Stars Ancient Country who came to encircle and suppress them, or they invaded the Ancient Country, the destruction of the Seven Stars Ancient Country was already a foregone conclusion.

Even with the intervention of powerful men from the later period of the ancient emperor, it is impossible to change the result.

Annexing the Seven Star Ancient Country was Qin Yu's core plan.

Because the Seven Stars Ancient Kingdom happened to isolate the Dragon God Sect and the Tianyuan God Dynasty, it was very convenient for Qin Yu to destroy them one by one.

Seven Star Ancient Emperor, Emperor City.

"Second Elder, what happened in the south?"

After arranging the strong men from the ancient country, the armored man and Miaoman woman who came in a hurry all looked at the red-haired old man.

"According to the information inquired by the Phantom Guard, several martial arts circles in the south have been annexed by a force called Shenglongmen."

The red-haired old man seemed extremely relaxed as usual as he spoke.

"How strong is this Holy Dragon Gate?"

The armored man asked.

"The sect master is only a holy emperor. However, when the Xuanlong Realm was annexed, there was an ancient emperor, but there was only one ancient emperor."

This is also the reason why the red-haired old man is so relaxed.

Even if the Seven Star Ancient Country loses the Seven Star Ancient Emperor, the emaciated camel is bigger than a horse.

There are as many as three of them in the middle period of the ancient emperor alone, let alone the early period of the ancient emperor and the emperor of the holy rank.

"With only one ancient emperor in command, how dare you target us?"

The Miaoman woman was quite surprised and extremely puzzled.

Although the Ancient Emperor Realm is in Dongzhou, it is already a famous place.

However, compared to them at the peak of Tianyu, not to mention the difference between ants and elephants, they are absolutely invincible.

"How about the high priest's divination?"

The red-haired old man heard the words, pondered for a moment, and asked.

"It has become a vision of fierce beasts devouring the Lord, and our situation is becoming more and more dangerous!"

The Miaoman woman said.

"The fierce beast eats the Lord? This is trying to replace us! The Holy Dragon Gate..."

The red-haired old man narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes flickering constantly.

"Third Elder, Fourth Elder, you lead half of the ancient country's combat power, and rush to the Xuanlong Realm immediately. I want to prevent the people of the Holy Dragon Gate from seeing the sun tomorrow morning."

After pondering for a long time, the red-haired old man's voice was cold and murderous.

No matter what abnormality there is in the Holy Dragon Gate, as long as it is destroyed, there will naturally be no more crisis.

If it weren't for the fact that the outside world has just stabilized, the red-haired old man would have wanted to go there in person.


The armored man and Miaoman woman were ordered to leave immediately.

Immediately, the army of the Seven Star Ancient Kingdom that had been assembled long ago was teleported and disappeared.

Xuanlong Realm, border.

"Waiting for you for a long time!"

Qin Yu, who was sitting cross-legged in the void, opened his eyes, and a cold look appeared on his face.

Not long after, the void in front of him trembled slightly, and the patterns spread,

Teams of well-trained warriors came out from the inside, lined up neatly, with awe-inspiring momentum, and at a glance, they were all crowded with heads, and I don't know how many people came.

It is the army of the Seven Star Ancient Country.

In front of the army of warriors were the strong man in armor and the Miaoman woman.

The armored man had reached the middle stage of the ancient emperor.

Although the Miaoman girl is only at the early stage of the ancient emperor, her aura is not much weaker than that of the middle stage of the ancient emperor. Obviously, to advance to the middle stage of the ancient emperor, all she needs is a quick kick.

(End of this chapter)

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