Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 634 Chaos killing array!

Chapter 634 Chaos killing array!
In the blink of an eye, the Tianyuan Divine Dynasty's murderous army of strong men appeared outside the imperial city.

The leader was a golden chariot, pulled by nine prehistoric beasts, bathed in golden thunder, mighty and majestic.

On the chariot was the mighty Tianyuan Divine Emperor who was wearing a yellow robe and wearing an imperial sword on his waist.

"The Divine Emperor Tianyuan..."

Seeing Tianyuan Shendi himself, one of the overlords of the ancient emperors of Dongzhou, the people of Shenglongmen, who were already trembling with fear, felt chills all over their bodies and palpitations.

They have also personally seen the powerhouses in the middle period of the ancient emperors of the seven-star ancient country.

But in the face of Tianyuan Divine Emperor and other monstrous coercion, the strong man in the middle of the ancient emperor seems to have become a completely worthless existence.

The two are not at the same level at all, and there is a gap between heaven and earth.

Da da da!
When the warriors of the Holy Dragon Gate were in a trance, there was a burst of unhurried footsteps.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a figure wearing a green shirt slowly appearing from the imperial city. It was Qin Yu with a calm expression.

Seeing Qin Yu's appearance, many people in Shenglongmen's expressions were lifted.

After all, Shenglongmen has risen all the way from the border martial world, and now it has replaced the ancient Seven Stars and become the top power in Dongzhou. It can be said that it is Qin Yu's own strength.

Now, the people of Shenglongmen naturally pin their hopes on Qin Yu.


Pan Hong and Tai Shukong immediately went up to meet him.

Qin Yu looked at the majestic Tianyuan God Emperor on the pedal chariot, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he stepped up in the air, separated by countless barriers, and faced the Tianyuan God Emperor far away.

"You, the Lord of the Holy Dragon Gate?"

The Divine Emperor Tianyuan looked at Qin Yu coldly and indifferently, and did not disdain Qin Yu because he only had the cultivation level of the ancient emperor at the early stage, but he did not fluctuate in the slightest.

Those cold and indifferent eyes didn't look like they were looking at living things at all.

"It seems that your eyes are not blind!"

Qin Yu smiled lightly.

Hearing Qin Yu's arrogant words, all the powerhouses of the Tianyuan Divine Dynasty were furious and murderous, wishing to smash Qin Yu's corpse into thousands of pieces.

"Do you know what the consequences will be if you kill me, the ancient emperor of God Dynasty?"

Divine Emperor Tianyuan's eyes also sank, and his eyes were also a little bit cold.

"The consequence is that I will send you all to hell to accompany your subordinates."

God Emperor Tianyuan opened his mouth to threaten, but he didn't want to, but Qin Yu was even more arrogant than him.

"Okay, very good. After so many years, you are the first person who dares to speak like this to this deity. Don't worry, this deity will not let you die so easily."

Tianyuan Shenchao's expression became completely gloomy, full of murderous intent.

Seeing this, the warriors of the Tianyuan Divine Dynasty were all filled with murderous intent, the sky above the imperial city was changing, and the sky was trembling.

At this moment, Qin Yu's expression suddenly moved slightly, and he turned his head for a glance, only to see a blue light, after a flash in the void, it pierced through the barriers and disappeared.

The next moment, a person with a blue light appeared beside the Divine Emperor Tianyuan.

"The Way of Space?"

Qin Yu stared at the blue light that appeared, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Only those who understand the way of space can enter and exit freely under this restrictive barrier.

"God Lord, all the treasures in the Seven Star Tower were completely looted, and nothing was left behind."

Qing Guang sent a sound transmission to Emperor Tianyuan.

"Has the thing fallen into the hands of Shenglongmen?"

Hearing the words, Divine Emperor Tianyuan's eyes fell on Qin Yu again.

At this time, the hidden powerhouse of the Holy Dragon Gate has not yet shown up. It seems that there is some secret plan.


God Emperor Tianyuan ordered in a cold voice.

Immediately, the mighty army of warriors from the Tianyuan Divine Dynasty dispersed immediately, but they did not invade the Holy Dragon Gate Emperor City, but surrounded the entire Emperor City with water.

At the time of the siege, a series of terrifying prohibition barriers were set up, trapping the entire imperial city to death.

After completing the barrier seal, God Emperor Tianyuan stepped out of the Thunder Chariot with the Emperor Sword in his hand, and walked towards the Imperial City step by step.

Stab it!

The barriers imposed by the Holy Dragon Gate were directly cut to pieces under the sword of the Tianyuan God Emperor, and the sword light went forward bravely all the way, opening up an open road.

Qin Yu opened his right hand, and a circle of light appeared, and the Destroyer Sword Light that was slashing towards him through the air, was directly swallowed by the circle of light and disappeared.

"It seems that Divine Emperor Tianyuan wants to destroy the entire Holy Dragon Sect by himself?"

"Now, the hidden powerhouse of the Holy Dragon Gate may have to take action himself."

"Indeed, an old emperor, unless he is of the same level, can't resist at all."

In the distance of the Holy Dragon Gate Emperor City, countless forces who came with the army of the Tianyuan God Dynasty were all talking about it.

A mighty power shakes a great power, and the power of the powerful people in the later period of the ancient emperor is fully revealed at this moment.

"It's a bit of a skill, but unfortunately, the power of Taoism in the later period of the ancient emperor is not something that ants like you can understand."

Seeing Qin Yu's move was to remove his sword light, God Emperor Tianyuan was a little surprised, but that was all.

I saw the Tianyuan Divine Emperor strike again, and the Emperor's sword turned into a thousand-foot dragon.

The divine dragon soared into the sky, and the power of Taoism in this piece of heaven and earth was directly aroused, as if the entire sky was suppressing towards Qin Yu at this moment.

"Not bad, the way of Tianyuan has already resonated with the heaven and the earth. It seems that you have not spent these thousand years in vain, but..."

Qin Yu raised his head, looked at the divine dragon charging towards him fiercely with unparalleled power from heaven and earth, and did not move at all.


In the next moment, the Heaven-shaking Divine Dragon swept over, and the Dao Technique of Destruction exploded, causing the ancient kingdom of Seven Stars to tremble violently at this moment.

However, Qin Yu, who was standing in the void and seemed defenseless, suffered the attack of the Tianyuan God Emperor head-on, and he was unscathed, and even his breath was not disturbed in the slightest.

Whether it was Tianyuan Shenchao, Shenglongmen, or the forces watching the battle from a distance, they were all shocked when they saw that scene.

The destructive attack of the Tianyuan Divine Emperor did not cause any injury to Qin Yu?

"This is……"

Even the Divine Emperor Tianyuan had a look of surprise on his face at this moment.

However, God Emperor Tianyuan's shock was not because Qin Yu was unscathed.

It was because Qin Yu at this time, the aura emanating from his body had reached the late stage of the ancient emperor, and his power was not inferior to him at all.

What's more, Qin Yu was surrounded by strands of chaos.

Every strand of the chaotic air made Tianyuan Shenchao feel a sense of creepiness.

"Even though your cultivation base has increased a lot, you still cannot escape death today."

Qin Yu looked at the Divine Emperor Tianyuan coldly. The one-month deadline given by the Divine Emperor Tianyuan just gave Qin Yu enough time to prepare.

Within this month, Qin Yu integrated the ancestor golem into his body, and he could explode the cultivation base of the late ancient emperor at any time.

At the same time, the Chaos Killing Formation, which was already a complete product, was also sacrificed by Qin Yu.

It can be said that the current Qin Yu is even more terrifying than when he controlled the extraterritorial killing formation to deal with the Seven Star Ancient Emperor during the invasion of the extraterritorial demons. The Tianyuan Shen Dynasty in the later period of the ancient emperor will definitely be buried here.

(End of this chapter)

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