Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 659 The same person! 1 more

Chapter 659 Exactly the same person! 3 more

"Xing Luo, do you want to enter the Immortal Treasure again?"

Qin Yu was startled.

"That's right, you five masters and apprentices are the only ones in the history of Tianyu who entered the Immortal Treasure alive, got a chance in it, and came out alive.

Although I don't know how you survived back then, you must have relied on the strength of your master, right? "

The Burying Heaven Sword Immortal nodded and said.

Xianzang has existed since the earliest history that Tianyu can trace back, until now.

Tianyu Kyushu has experienced countless catastrophes and great changes, but the fairy storehouse still exists, and no one knows its secret, and no one can destroy it.

In the history of Tianyu, only the records of various ancient books, in the known history, there are countless strong people who entered Tianyu to explore, just like crucian carp crossing the river.

There are even strong men from the foreign lands who sneak in, wanting to find out the mystery of the Immortal Treasure.

However, no one who has triggered the prohibition of the Immortal Treasure, no matter whether it is a warrior in the sky or a strong man in the outer domain, can survive.

This precedent was broken by Immortal Xuantian and Qin Yu's four disciples.

"Xing Luo, do you want to use Master's bloodline supernatural power?"

Hearing the words of the Burial Sword Immortal, Qin Yu immediately understood.

Qin Yu didn't know the origin of his master.

But one thing, Qin Yu can be sure, his master, like his second senior sister Ning Qianmo, is not of the human race, or in other words, the blood in his body is not of the human race.

Because, his master Xuantian Immortal Venerable has bloodline supernatural powers and can foresee the future.

Of course, although this ability has many limitations, it is definitely an extremely heaven-defying supernatural power.

At the beginning, the five masters and apprentices entered the Immortal Treasure, the reason why they were able to break through the outer layer of the Immortal Treasure and come out safe and sound,
It is because Master Qin Yu used his bloodline supernatural powers to foresee that someone in the future would break the prohibition of the divine treasure, thereby copying the secret technique and entering the immortal treasure.

But even so, Master Qin Yu did not break the core restriction of Xiancang, so he could only leave Xianzang with Qin Yu and other four disciples.

Qin Yu didn't know the reason before, but after getting the secret of the ancient fairy order from the blood demon, he understood.

Without collecting all eight pieces of ancient immortal decrees, Master Qin Yu would not be able to break through the restriction even if he saw the way to break it.

"Although Xing Luo has offered many benefits, your master still rejected Xing Luo's request and did not want to step into the Immortal Treasure again. Therefore, Xing Luo led people to attack us.
We were already exhausted from being chased by the Sea God Palace, and it was difficult for us to deal with the attacks of Xing Luo and others.

In that battle, I was beaten to the point where my soul was separated from my body. Fortunately, at the critical moment, your master used the seal of reincarnation to disperse my soul.

Otherwise, if my soul falls into the hands of Xing Luo and others, I'm afraid I won't even have a chance of reincarnation.

As for your master, I was chased and killed by Xing Luo several times after I returned from reincarnation. From Xing Luo's mouth, I learned that your master escaped with a secret technique.
However, Xing Luo said, although your master escaped with his life, life would be worse than death. "

The Burial Heaven Sword Immortal spoke again.

"Voice Japanese style?"

After hearing this, Qin Yu's eyes were full of murderous intent. This news made Qin Yu even more angry than Xing Luo's plan to ambush him.

At the beginning, he and Xing Luo were both drug slaves. Although they were lucky enough to get rid of their status as drug slaves, if they hadn't joined Master's sect, how could they have achieved what they are today.

In the end, Xingluo, in order to enter the Immortal Treasure, did not hesitate to do the thing of deceiving his master and destroying his ancestors, it is simply intolerable.

"Qin Yu, although your current strength is comparable to that of the late ancient emperor, it is better not to go to Xingluo until your cultivation has completely recovered to the peak.
I always feel that the current Xingluo is extremely strange and dangerous. I am afraid that his cultivation is not just as simple as that of the late ancient emperor. "

Seeing the murderous Qin Yu, the Zantian Sword Immortal pondered for a while and said.

"Is it weird..."

The words of the Burial Sword Immortal reminded Qin Yu of the palpitations he felt from Xing Luo during the battle of the Langan Ice Beast.

Indeed, compared to thousands of years ago, there are indeed many strange things about Xing Luo now.

This is also the reason why Qin Yu didn't attack them and exposed his identity when he was in the cold plain.

"Speaking of which, before your reincarnation, was your physical body not destroyed?"

Suddenly, the Zantian Sword Immortal seemed to think of something, and a very solemn look appeared in his eyes, and he opened his mouth and said.

"Flesh body? Back then, I was ambushed and besieged by Xingluo and the Twelve Ancient Emperors of Tianyu in the burial ground of the immortal gods. In that battle, I was in a dead end, so I blew up my flesh body directly."

Qin Yu spoke.

It was precisely because of this that Qin Yu seized the opportunity to allow the Dragon Soul to escape into the endless void with the ancient seal of the Dragon God, and also took the opportunity to stop Xing Luo.

"Why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

After finishing speaking, Qin Yu felt strange. The Burying Heaven Sword Immortal should have confirmed his identity, so why would he ask this question?
"Because, I saw a person who looked exactly like you in the previous life in the forbidden area of ​​the demon clan outside the territory and the sky demon clan!"

The Burying Heaven Sword Immortal spoke slowly.

"It looks exactly the same as my previous life?"

Qin Yu was taken aback. He also went to the forbidden area of ​​the Heavenly Demon Clan back then, so why didn't he come across it.

Could it be that it was seen in the sea of ​​devil energy transformed by the original devil vein?

"However, although that person's appearance is exactly the same as yours, his soul fluctuation is completely different from yours, and his cultivation base is also amazingly strong. If we hadn't ignored us at the beginning, and we left quickly when we saw the opportunity, I'm afraid it would have happened. Die at his hands."

Thinking of meeting people exactly like Qin Yu in the sea of ​​devilish energy, Zangtian Sword Immortal felt extremely palpitating now.

Stronger than the Gorefiend and the Rakshasa Prince, but they were all directly suppressed by that person's coercion.

"Could it be someone, disguised as me?"

Qin Yu frowned. Even he didn't quite believe this statement.

After all, he has been lost for thousands of years, and now in today's domain, there are very few people who still remember his existence. Who would have nothing to do and deliberately pretend to be him?
"That person shouldn't be pretending to be disguised. I didn't sense the slightest fluctuation in him."

Burying Heaven Sword Immortal shook his head slightly. It was because of this that he wondered if someone had occupied Qin Yu's body.

"That's strange. Back then, I clearly blew up my body, and my body was completely annihilated. Even if those guys used secret techniques, they couldn't condense my body again, right?"

Qin Yu muttered to himself, quite puzzled.

What's more, the Zantian Sword Immortal also said that that person's cultivation base was frighteningly strong, even if he didn't target them, he might die.

That means that that person's cultivation might not be as simple as that of the late ancient emperor.

Could it be that, like the Gorefiend and the Rakshasa prince, he crossed the ninth level of martial arts and entered the heaven?

But why would such an existence pretend to be him?
"what is the problem?"

The more Qin Yu thought about it, the more numb he became, he couldn't figure it out at all.

At this time, Qin Yu's mind suddenly remembered the specific situation of the Battle of the Immortal God's Burial Ground that he had learned from the memories of the Seven Star Ancient Emperor and the Tianyuan Divine Emperor.

In that battle, Qin Yu not only blew himself up, but also completely burned the soul of the ancient emperor, and his soul flew away, and he did not give Xing Luo and others a chance to search for their souls.

Therefore, the original Qin Yu should not have the possibility of his soul entering reincarnation, so why did he wake up his memory after reincarnation for thousands of years?
(End of this chapter)

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