Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 662: Middle Ancient Emperor!

Chapter 662: Middle Ancient Emperor!

"Your cultivation has reached the peak of the ancient emperor for the first time, and this divine pill is just right for you!"

The Burying Heaven Sword Immortal next to him glanced at the Nine Star Immortal Pill, but he didn't have much interest in it.

The pure ancient immortal inheritance he obtained is also the pure ancient immortal way.

Except for immortal energy, immortal medicine and other items from the immortal family, he despises other divine treasures.

Recklessly refining other forces will do more harm than good.

This is also the reason why the Burial Sword Immortal, even though he knew the dangers of the forbidden area of ​​the demons outside the territory, still took the risk to sneak in.

If he wants to become stronger, he must obtain immortal energy.

Qin Yu didn't immediately refine the divine pill and put it away.

The entrance to this piece of immortal ancient ruins, I don't know when the opportunity will disappear.

Qin Yu didn't want to lose the entrance halfway through the refining of the elixir, as if he was trapped in the map of the nine gods defeating the immortals.

Afterwards, after searching the entire ancient ruins, Qin Yu and Zangtian Sword Immortal left.

After leaving the ruins, Zantian Sword Immortal and Qin Yu made an agreement to explore the Hou Eternal Sword Tomb together, and then left separately.

At this time, as the news spread that the Demon Saint King and his strong men had fallen in the ancient ruins,

There was also a violent turmoil in Xizhou, and countless forces fell into turmoil and chaos.

Qin Yu did not intervene in the turmoil in Xizhou. For him, once the Demon Saint King died, other forces in Xizhou would have nothing to do with him.

He didn't have the leisurely mind to interfere with Xizhou's forces.

However, Qin Yu did not leave Xizhou immediately.

After looking for a hidden and safe place, he set up a barrier and entered the ancient seal of the Dragon God.


The Primordial Dragon Fighting Art was in operation, and Qin Yu swallowed the Nine Star Immortal Pill in one go.

In an instant, the power of stars as vast as the sea filled Qin Yu's body, limbs and bones.

From the pores of Qin Yu's whole body, spots of starlight floated out, surrounding his body, forming an extremely dense nebula.

At this moment, Qin Yu looked as if he was in the endless starry sky.

Not long after, bursts of loud noises like a rushing river came from Qin Yu's body.

The aura exuding from Qin Yu's body is also rising steadily at this moment, as if an ancient god is about to descend into the world, his power is earth-shattering.

Finally, after Qin Yu thoroughly refined the Nine Star Immortal Pill,
Qin Yu's cultivation in the early stage of ancient emperor was a complete breakthrough, advancing to the middle stage of ancient emperor,
The roaring and howling power of Taoism, in the ancient seal of the Dragon God, circulates motionless, boiling and rolling.

Qin Yu opened his eyes, and a dazzling light flashed in them.

Although he only broke through from the early stage of the ancient emperor to the middle stage of the ancient emperor, Qin Yu's strength has undergone a radical change.

The current Qin Yu, if he used the Azure Dragon Battle Sky, he would no longer need to try his best to trap the mighty ones of the later period of the ancient emperor.

After the breakthrough in cultivation, Qin Yu continued to absorb the pure dragon energy in the ancient seal of the Dragon God to consolidate his cultivation.

Only when using the Ancient Dragon Fighting Art to suppress and refine dragon blood to break through his cultivation, Qin Yu didn't need to worry about any sequelae, and he didn't even need to consolidate his foundation.


A few days later, Qin Yu, who was absorbing dragon energy and consolidating his cultivation, suddenly changed his expression.

"This is……"

Qin Yu flipped his right hand, and a token appeared in his hand.

At this time, on the token, one after another of ancient divine patterns filled the air, trembling continuously.

"Shenglongmen, something happened?!"

Qin Yu focused his eyes slightly, and immediately left the ancient seal of the Dragon God, rushed towards the direction of the teleportation array, and disappeared in an instant.

That token was the token he left for Pan Hong and Tai Shukong.

Only when Shenglongmen encountered the most danger, Pan Hong and the others would trigger the token restriction.


Dongzhou, Shenglongmen, Emperor City.

Above the imperial city, a series of figures with powerful auras gathered, all of them looked into the distance with solemn expressions,
In that distance, countless figures blocked the entire imperial city.

The leaders on the imperial city were Pan Hong and Tai Shukong.

Behind the two of them, there are several strong men who followed in the martial world, as well as those martial artists who were banned in the middle and lower levels by the Tianyuan God Dynasty.

Not only Shenglongmen, but also the entire East Continent, no one thought,
After Shenglongmen destroyed the Seven Star Ancient Kingdom and Tianyuan Shen Dynasty successively and rose strongly,

Emperor Dragon and Tiger, Emperor Jinglei, Ancient Emperor Huangji, Emperor Zhantian God, these four powerful ancient emperors of the older generation in Dongzhou will join forces to besiege the Holy Dragon Gate.

This put Shenglongmen into a desperate crisis.

The four powerful ancient emperors joined forces, which has never happened in the entire history of Dongzhou.

This also made the big forces around them look forward to it again.

After all, except for Dragon and Tiger Emperor's Dragon and Tiger God Gate.

The power of the other three ancient emperors has nothing to do with the boundaries of the two ancient kingdoms occupied by Shenglongmen.

When Shenglongmen is destroyed, then they will naturally gain.

"It seems that what happened some time ago was caused by their four major forces in the dark."

Pan Hong's solemn expression revealed a look of annoyance.

Some time ago, there were rumors in various parts of Dongzhou, saying that Shenglongmen was an external force with the ambition to dominate the entire Dongzhou.
There are even many mysterious people who claim to be Shenglonglong, who have launched several tragic events in Dongzhou.

Pan Hong originally thought that someone was messing around outside in their name, so he just sent someone to investigate secretly.

In the end, I didn't expect that this was the four major forces including Dragon and Tiger Emperor, targeting them secretly.

"Eldest brother, the teleportation array left by Master has been unsealed and can be withdrawn at any time."

Tai Shukong quietly walked to Pan Hong's side, and sent a voice transmission to Pan Hong.

"it is good!"

Pan Hong nodded slightly.

For them, assisting Qin Yu to avenge the Twelve Ancient Emperors is the top priority.

As for the survival of Shenglongmen, it is not that important.


But at this moment, Pan Hong and Tai Shukong's expressions changed slightly, and an ancient order appeared in their respective hands.

On the ancient orders, there is always a line of small characters appearing.

"Master is back?!"

Seeing this, the two of Pan Hong's eyes flickered with joy, and the original anxiety and anxiety disappeared immediately.

As long as Qin Yu is around, they have nothing to worry about.

"This deity, Emperor Dragon and Tiger, is here to visit the Lord of the Holy Dragon Gate, please show up and see him!"

Among the terrifying figures, a figure appeared, and it was Emperor Dragon and Tiger who stepped forward in the air.

Emperor Jinglei, Ancient Emperor Huangji, and Emperor Zhantian also stepped forward and stood side by side.

"It's inconvenient for my Holy Master to see guests right now, you four should come back."

Pan Hong's figure flashed, he stood on the top of the imperial city, and said across the imperial city.

"I'm waiting to come from afar. At the very least, I should let you, Holy Master, come out and meet each other."

Since the four Dragon and Tiger Emperors came together, they naturally wouldn't leave easily.

"My Holy Master doesn't have time right now, so why are the four of you so aggressive? When it's convenient for my Holy Master in the future, I will go there in person and visit them one by one!"

A cold light flashed in Pan Hong's eyes, and when he visited in the future, he would kill them one by one.

"It seems that the information is true. The master of the Holy Dragon Gate does not seem to be in the Holy Dragon Gate."

Emperor Dragon and Tiger heard the words and looked at the three of Emperor Jinglei.

"In this case, let's destroy the upper and lower members of the Holy Dragon Gate first, and see which force in Dongzhou dares to become a lackey of outside forces."

Emperor Jinglei, with thunder flashing all over his body, his eyes were extremely indifferent.

(End of this chapter)

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