Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 664 Qin Yu Comes!

Chapter 664 Qin Yu Comes!

"What a terrible power!"

"Worthily, among the elder emperors, there are few opponents in the Jinglei Emperor."

"It seems that even if the Lord of the Holy Dragon Gate shows up, he might not be able to save the Holy Dragon Gate."

Emperor Jinglei made a move, and with just one blow, the protective formation of Shenglongmen was crumbling.

This made countless onlookers in the distance gasp.

The cultivation base of Emperor Jinglei is probably even higher than that of Divine Emperor Tianyuan.


Suddenly, a rush of fighting spirit appeared.

I saw that accompanied by a blinding golden light, a thousand-foot-long bright sword light tore through the void, and slashed fiercely on the barrier of the Holy Dragon Gate Imperial City.


Immediately, there was a crisp cracking sound in the enchantment of the Holy Dragon Gate Imperial City.

This made the faces of the members of the Holy Dragon Gate who were crazily burning the Spirit Crystal Divine Stone to restore the power of the Jiugong Yuanyuan Formation change wildly.

They turned their heads and saw a figure with a fighting spirit appearing on the west side of them.

In front of that person, a crack hundreds of feet wide appeared on the barrier of the Imperial City.

That person was none other than Zhantian God Emperor.

Emperor Jinglei, bombarded with the power of the world-destroying thunderbolt, has already shaken the barrier of the imperial city.

Now God Emperor Zhantian, with his invincible fighting spirit swordsmanship, immediately broke through the barrier.

hold head high!
After the Zhantian God Emperor, a dragon chant and a tiger roar followed, shaking the heavens and the earth.

I saw the Dragon and Tiger Emperor, and behind him appeared an ancient evil dragon and an immemorial shadow of a ferocious tiger.

Following the Dragon and Tiger Emperor's punch, the evil dragons and tigers criss-crossed and blasted out with the divine fist.


Under the successive attacks of the mighty men of the late period of the three ancient emperors,

The enchantment of the imperial city exploded completely, turning into a violent and destructive attack wave that swept across, destroying tens of millions of land boundaries.

So far, Shenglongmen and others have been exposed to the coalition forces of the four major forces without any defense.

This made the countless warriors of Shenglongmen all pale, sweating and terrified.

They had seen the power of the imperial city's enchantment, and they still had some hope in their hearts.

However, after the three ancient emperors shot one after another, the hope in their hearts was completely annihilated.

Moreover, by this time, Qin Yu hadn't even appeared, so they couldn't resist at all.

"Royal power is unparalleled!"

Seeing the shattering of the barrier in the imperial city, the Ancient Emperor Huangji, who had gathered the supreme majesty, did not stop there, and directly launched a destructive attack.

He yelled loudly, and a huge palm condensed with imperial luck descended from the sky,

Under the horrified and desperate eyes of Shenglongmen and others, he suddenly fell down.

Looking at the power contained in that palm, if it is hit, everyone in the Shenglongmen will definitely die.

Even those who stepped into the middle period of the ancient emperor might not be able to survive.

bang bang bang...

But at this juncture of Shenglongmen's life and death, the earth suddenly exploded at this moment.

The eight divine lights soared into the sky and appeared around the Holy Dragon Gate Imperial City.


The eight divine lights are eight ancient altars. After the eight altars appeared, a layer of ancient enchantment appeared.

Following an ear-shattering bombing sound, the giant hand of imperial luck descended from the sky by Ancient Emperor Huangji was blocked by that layer of barrier.

"This is……"

"Master is back?!"

Pan Hong and Tai Shukong, who had extremely dignified expressions, were all ecstatic when they saw that scene.

At this time, Qin Yu was the only one who would help them.

Sure enough, a figure, accompanied by the eight altars, burst out from the ground.

"Has it finally appeared?"

Emperor Dragon and Tiger, Emperor Jinglei and other four people all turned their heads to look over when they saw this, with murderous intent permeated.

After the siege for so long, the real master finally appeared.

"seal up!"

Qin Yu, who appeared, squeezed his hands together, stared coldly, and let out a low drink.

The eight ancient altars all trembled, and layers of barriers appeared in an instant.

The formation of the eight layers of gods and heavens was completed, and the people of the four major forces, such as the dragon and tiger emperors, were completely enveloped and lived.

"This fluctuation?"

"This array can affect the space, I am afraid it is an extremely rare space god array!"

"This guy, is he trying to catch us all?"

Sensing the formation of the eight layers of gods and heavens, trapping all of them,

Emperor Jinglei, Emperor Huangji, and Emperor Zhantian Shen all looked at Qin Yu with flickering eyes.

Qin Yu's actions made them a little confused.

On their side, there were four mighty late-stage ancient emperors. Qin Yu wanted to play one against four, which was purely asking for a dead end.

"This feeling... Impossible! Absolutely impossible! He has completely lost his soul, and it is absolutely impossible to still live in this world!"

But among the four ancient emperors, Emperor Dragon and Tiger, who was trying his best to organize this alliance, shrank his pupils suddenly after seeing Qin Yu, which was unbelievable.

Qin Yu, this is not the first time he saw him, last time when the Tianyuan God Emperor was suppressed and killed, he and Qin Yu looked at each other from afar.

However, Qin Yu now has completely different changes from that time.

Now the aura exuding from Qin Yu's body made Emperor Dragon and Tiger feel acquainted.

That feeling was like facing the former Dragon God Emperor, with a creepy sense of danger.

That's why Emperor Dragon and Tiger was so shocking.

Although he wanted to destroy Qin Yu and Shenglongmen because of suspicion in his heart, but he did it from the bottom of his heart and didn't want the suspicion to come true.

Thinking that Qin Yu was the original Dragon God Emperor, most of the fighting spirit in Dragon Tiger Emperor's heart disappeared immediately.

"It's just right, lest I come to you on purpose again."

After the deployment of the Eightfold God-Heaven Formation was completed, Qin Yu's indifferent gaze swept across the three Jinglei Emperors and landed on Dragon and Tiger Emperor Zun.

Qin Yu didn't have much interest in the other three ancient emperors.

But Emperor Dragon and Tiger must not let it go.

Qin Yu has a very strong obsession with the Twelve Ancient Emperors and Xing Luo, the stronger the obsession, the stronger Qin Yu's motivation to become stronger.

But correspondingly, if the obsession is too strong and cannot be resolved, a demon may be born.

Therefore, compared to the three invading Emperor Jinglei, Emperor Longhu was Qin Yu's primary target to suppress and kill.


Seeing Qin Yu appear, Pan Hong and Tai Shukong immediately flew over.

"This is the way of transformation of the Eightfold God and Heaven Formation and the killing formation contained in it. You each lead the strong men in your sect and kill them all."

With a flick of Qin Yu's fingers, two ancient orders pierced into the eyebrows of Pan Hong and Tai Shukong.

With these two divine decrees, they can come and go freely in the eighth layer of gods and heavens, and will not fall into the trap of the ultimate move laid down by Qin Yu.

In fact, Qin Yu teleported back a long time ago, and the reason why he didn't show up was because he arranged a killing array in the Eightfold God and Heaven Formation.

After this battle is over, Qin Yu will leave Dongzhou.

So this time, the four major incoming forces became the targets of Shenglongmen to kill chickens and monkeys.

Since the annihilation of the Seven Star Ancient Kingdom and the Tianyuan Divine Dynasty cannot be suppressed, then this time, the power of the four ancient emperors will be used for the blood sacrifice.

Let's see which force in Dongzhou dares to covet Shenglongmen again in the future.


Pan Hong and Tai Shukong both fled back with murderous aura, organized the powerhouses of the Holy Dragon Sect, and fled into the formation of the eight layers of gods and heavens.

"Next, it's your turn!"

Qin Yu stepped out in the air, and with a movement of his right hand, a sharp spear filled with chaotic dragon patterns appeared. It was the finally refined Chaos Dragon Spear!

(End of this chapter)

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