Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 668 The Ghost Emperor's Movement!

Chapter 668 The Ghost Emperor's Movement!

Holy Dragon Gate!
This battle won the name of the Sacred Dragon Gate, once again swept across the Kyushu of the Tianyu, and even the demons and other forces outside the territory were like thunder!
Ever since it was rumored that the Seven Stars Ancient Emperor was dead and the Seven Stars Ancient Country was destroyed, countless gazes from the Kyushu in the Heavenly Domain all focused on Shenglongmen.

After all, the fall of a powerful person in the late period of the ancient emperor is already considered a major event for Tian Yu Kyushu.

It wasn't until later that a powerful person in the Tianyu deduced that the Seven Star Ancient Emperor died on the battlefield of the invasion of demons from outside the territory, which calmed down many forces.

However, after that, the Tianyuan Divine Emperor led the Tianyuan Divine Dynasty to attack the Holy Dragon Gate, and the Tianyuan Divine Emperor was killed.

This once again allowed Shenglongmen to come into the sight of Tianyu Kyushu, and countless forces were secretly inquiring.

However, whether it is the Seven Stars Ancient Country or the Tianyuan Divine Dynasty, they are far inferior to this time.

Emperor Jinglei, Emperor Zhantian, Ancient Emperor Huangji, Emperor Dragon and Tiger, the four ancient emperors joined forces, and there are countless strong men under their command.

Originally, countless forces in Dongzhou thought that Shenglongmen would definitely be destroyed.

But the result was unexpected. The forces of the four ancient emperors joined forces were completely annihilated.

The result of this battle directly caused the entire Dongzhou forces to fall into dead silence.

Whether it was those who secretly coveted the Holy Dragon Gate before, or those who wanted to take advantage of this battle to get a share of the pie, they all disappeared without a trace.

As if the death of the four ancient emperors had never happened, no one dared to occupy even the territory of the four Jinglei emperors.

In this battle, Qin Yu made Shenglongmen's deterrent power in Dongzhou reach its limit.

It is those forces with great powers in the later period of the ancient emperors who took the initiative to show their favor to Shenglongmen.

After all, in the history of Tianyu, such a feat of destroying four senior emperors in World War I has almost never happened before.

At this time, naturally there will be no unscrupulous forces going to provoke Shenglongmen.

After killing the four ancient emperors, Dongzhou no longer meant much to Qin Yu.

Therefore, Qin Yu did not let Shenglongmen go to occupy the territory of the four ancient emperors.

For Shenglongmen, the land resources of the Seven Stars Ancient Kingdom and Tianyuan Shen Dynasty are more than enough for development.

After the war ended, Qin Yu threw the flesh and blood of all the fighters from the four major forces to the skeleton ghost king, so that the skeleton ghost king could improve his cultivation to the maximum.

After that, Qin Yu made preparations for going to the Eternal Sword Tomb.

As for Pan Hong and Tai Shukong, they were sent to Nanzhou by Qin Yu.

Among the twelve ancient emperors, besides the three emperors of Zhongzhou, there are only two emperors of Nanzhou and one emperor of Beizhou.

Zhongzhou Zhentian Ghost Emperor, Luanbei Great Emperor, and Sixiang Taoist Emperor, Qin Yu has no plans to deal with them yet.

After this trip to Ten Thousand Ghosts Sword Tomb is over, Qin Yu will take the opportunity to destroy the Heavenly Emperor Dayi of Beizhou, and then start to deal with God Emperor Xuanyu and Emperor Dayan of Nanzhou.

In the end, it was the Three Emperors of Zhongzhou and Xingluo.

When Qin Yu was preparing to enter the Eternal Sword Tomb, Zhongzhou already had power and was eyeing Qin Yu and Shenglongmen.

Zhongzhou, Ghost Emperor Holy Island!
"Ghost Emperor!"

A ray of ghost energy entered the skull palace and turned into a man covered in black.

"How is it? Have you found out where Long Hao is?"

I don't know what kind of secret technique was used to restore a lot of breath, the Heaven Suppressing Ghost Emperor opened his eyes, the vast power was overwhelming, and the void trembled.

"The imprint of the ghost curse on Long Hao's body has completely disappeared, and the subordinates have not found out his whereabouts. However, after investigating Long Hao's matter, the subordinates found something else."

The man in black replied respectfully.


The Heaven-Suppressing Ghost Emperor spoke majestically.

"Ghost Emperor, can you hear that in Zhongzhou recently, the Holy Dragon Gate is in full swing?"

asked the man in black.

"Of course I heard that the four ancient emperors of the older generation were destroyed in World War I. I don't know what is hidden behind the holy dragon gate."

Zhentian Ghost Emperor nodded slightly, his eyes flickered with surprise.

Even with Ghost Emperor Shengdao's deeper heritage now, it is impossible to kill four senior emperors in one battle.

The elders of the ancient emperor realm, who is not a treacherous and cunning generation, has life-saving means on their bodies.

Suppressing Heaven Ghost Emperor alone is confident in suppressing and killing the ancient emperors of the same rank, but it will not be an easy task to wipe out all four.

"My subordinates have found out that the former head of the Holy Dragon Sect is Senior Brother Long Hao, the former great disciple of the Dragon God Emperor, Pan Hong!"

The man in black spoke surprisingly.

"A disciple of Dragon God Emperor?"

Zhentian Ghost Emperor was really shocked.

"Although Pan Hong changed his face and even changed his surname, this subordinate can be sure of this. The person who follows Pan Hong is the second disciple of Dragon God Emperor Zun, Grand Uncle Kong."

The man in black replied.

"Could it be that the current Lord of the Sacred Dragon Sect is... Dragon God Emperor? No, it's impossible!"

In the eyes of Ghost Emperor Zhentian, there was a flicker of strong suspicion.

Qin Yu, Dragon God Emperor Zun, was completely lost thousands of years ago, and there is absolutely no possibility of surviving.

However, killing four ancient emperors in the first battle, such a heaven-defying method...

In Zhentian Guidi's mind, the figure of Dragon God Emperor is lingering!

"The Lord of the Holy Dragon Sect has a mysterious origin, and he appeared so suddenly that there was no trace of him before.

However, Pan Hong and Tai Shukong are not top-notch in the Holy Dragon Gate, but they are the people in power in the Holy Dragon Gate, and even the middle-stage ancient emperors have to obey them.

I think that even if that person is not the former Dragon God Emperor, he must have a very close relationship with Dragon God Emperor, otherwise, he would never take care of Pan Hong and the others like this.
More importantly, the deaths of the three Dongzhou emperors who had ambushed the Dragon God Emperor back then were all directly or indirectly related to him. "

The man in black replied.

"Could it really be him? If that's the case, doesn't it mean that the monstrous killing array that was expended at the beginning failed to kill him?"

The Heaven-Suppressing Ghost Emperor muttered to himself with an uncertain expression.

"Where is the mad dragon emperor?"

After contemplating for a long time, Ghost Emperor Zhentian asked.

Looking at the entire Tianyu Kyushu, the only person who cares more about Qin Yu's survival than him is Xingluo.

Moreover, if he wanted to deal with Qin Yu, he had to rely on Xing Luo's power.

"The subordinates have already sent someone to notify the Kuanglong Emperor before, but the Kuanglong Dizun is the same as in the past, and there is no trace at all. Although the secret letter was passed by secret technique, there is no reply, and it is impossible to contact him. , I don’t know where to go!”

The man in black, who also participated in the battle for the burial ground of immortals and gods, is the confidant of Ghost Emperor Shengdao.

Naturally, he knew that the Heaven-Suppressing Ghost Emperor would go to inform Xingluo, so he had already made arrangements.

"What the hell is that guy doing?"

Zhentian Guidi's eyes sank, and at such a critical time, he disappeared again?

"Immediately send a letter to Emperor Luanbei and Emperor Sixiang Dao. Also, send someone to stare at the Holy Dragon Gate. I want to know all the whereabouts of the Lord of the Holy Dragon Gate!"

Since Xing Luo couldn't find it, Tian Zhen Guidi had no choice but to find other people first.

Regardless of whether the Lord of the Holy Dragon Sect is the Dragon God Emperor Zun or not, the Heaven Suppressing Ghost Emperor must act first.

If it is really Dragon God Emperor Zun, the current cultivation base must not have recovered to the peak, and this is a good opportunity to make a move.


Under the arrangement of Ghost Emperor Zhentian, the hidden powerhouses on Ghost Emperor's Holy Island were dispatched one after another and disappeared...

(End of this chapter)

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